- 10,976
- NSW, Australia
- haswell00
^ledhedDarwins theory in action.
^ledhedDarwins theory in action.
PSOk, unless those kids/that kid were/was between 10-13 maybe, they're still incredibly stupid for doing that.
Peer pressure has only come to surface these past few years, 10 maybe. Before that it was just "Oh, dumb little Johnny got hit by the train. That's a shame.", no trying to blame it on others, no trying to find an excuse for doing a stupid thing.
IMO, peer pressure is a way of excusing yourself from doing something rational. They do something wrong or stupid and all of a sudden it's "I was peer pressured into it I can't help it!!". Personally, I don't see not only how someone can succumb to peer pressure, or how this peer pressure stuff is regarded by others. I mean, is it that hard to say "No, I'd rather not be a 🤬 and kill myself thank you." ??
SwiftI KNEW the boy that was killed recently in my area. He went to my sunday school and was very nice and smart. But the "pressure" of you peers is incredible. Unless you have no friends or people to hang out with, you're either applied the pressure or felt it yourself.
Was it stupid, sure. Stupid and tragic. But dang, look at the whole picture. Why do a lot of people start taking drugs...peer pressure. I'm not trying to get off topic, I'm just making a point.
VipFREAKSeems like bull **** to me... I never had a problem dealing with "peer pressure".
And if your that weak to give in then you're pretty sad, especially if it's some obviously stupid act. Your friends aren't really friends either and they are weak as well.
Use your head and think rationally. For instance smokers, first off... it's not natural to see smoke coming out of a human is it??secondly your coughing for a reason.
SwiftTo say "giving into peer pressure is weak" might be true. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
SwiftYou mean to tell me you've never dared or been dared to do something you knew was a bit dangerous or stupid?
SwiftThen, if you don't do it, the ramifications in school and what not. That's a very real feeling of pressure.
SwiftDoes peer pressure lead us to do stupid things? Sure. Does automatically make us stupid people? Nope.
Nope, because I had and still have things like a brain, common sense, respect for things and others and finally, knew right from wrong.
VipFREAKYeah, are you referring to your popularity crowd or sorority club? Gotta keep that reputation going eh? So you can get a job at Extra or the Insider??
Are you serious? How hard is it to say no? I've been in plenty of situations when I've been 'dared' to do something I know was wrong, but I've never done anything that I knew was wrong because of other people egging me on. Other people won't rule my life, other people won't ruin my life - you know the difference between right and wrong and you have to be able to act on that knowledge.Swiftyou're either lying, forgot or you never associated with children your age growing up.
Children want to be accepted by others, yes. However I dissagree that this can drive children past the realm of common sense. As I said, I've been told to do some stupid and dangerous things, but I never went beyond common sense just to be accepted by others. And guess what, I wasn't hated for it! Those friends were still my friends the next dayNo I'm refering to the fact that children want to be accepted by others and that desire can drive PAST the realm of common sense. Much like love.
SwiftI KNEW the boy that was killed recently in my area. He went to my sunday school and was very nice and smart. But the "pressure" of you peers is incredible. Unless you have no friends or people to hang out with, you're either applied the pressure or felt it yourself.
Was it stupid, sure. Stupid and tragic. But dang, look at the whole picture. Why do a lot of people start taking drugs...peer pressure. I'm not trying to get off topic, I'm just making a point.
We know it's happeningwe're just pissed off by and we all call B.S. on the accounts. Have you ever submitted to peer pressure? Why?The openess of some members here is astonishing. I'm always being called closed minded, but some of us won't open our eyes to a very real situation in the lives of young people.
True, and true.To say "giving into peer pressure is weak" might be true. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Yes, and?You mean to tell me you've never dared or been dared to do something you knew was a bit dangerous or stupid?
"I dare you to jump in front of that train."Then, if you don't do it, the ramifications in school and what not. That's a very real feeling of pressure.
Only an irrational/stupid mind leads [people] to stupid things.Does peer pressure lead us to do stupid things? Sure.
Stupid, weak, dumb, or mentally defective.Does automatically make us stupid people? Nope.
SwiftAnd I'm the one that lives in a fantasy world. Oh well. Later gentlemen.
PSDon't run away. Answer.
SwiftI already have. Multiple times. I'm simple astounded that you guys dismiss peer pressure as stupidity. That's simple ignorant.
VipFREAKI didn't say that... there's a difference between peer pressure and being stupid. I doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what is peer pressure and what is the right or wrong thing to do especially when it involves a train.
Peer pressure is not stupidity, peer pressure happens, giving in to peer pressure when YOU KNOW IT IS THE WRONG THING TO DO is stupidity.SwiftI already have. Multiple times. I'm simple astounded that you guys dismiss peer pressure as stupidity. That's simple ignorant.
BlakePeer pressure is not stupidity, peer pressure happens, giving in to peer pressure when YOU KNOW IT IS THE WRONG THING TO DO is stupidity.
And thinking that just because their is peer pressure that people will give into it is ignorant.
SwiftThat last sentence didn't make any sense to me.
PSHe means "thinking that just because peer pressure is around people are going to submit to it" is ignorant.
SwiftHeh heh, Well duh. See, what you don't know about the kid I'm talking about actually got his foot stuck in the railing. Sure, he shouldn't have been there. Sure, it was very stupid. But that changes things a bit doesn't it? He wasn't dumb enough to "dare" the train. Just dumb enough to be out there in first place.
PSAnd how would that happen? How do you get your foot stuck in those parts where the rails meet? Was he not watching where he was going, or was doing something dumb like balancing on the rail?
How long do you think he was stuck?![]()