Cruise Ships vs. Ocean Liners

  • Thread starter Condraz23


Today, we shall be comparing the modern cruise ship with the Edwardian ocean liner.

Yes, they ware intended for different markets. With the exception of the Queen Mary, ocean liners were designed to transport people from one country to another. Cruise ships are designed to provide a fun place to go during the holidays. But due to their similarities in construction, design, and evolution, I shall be comparing them together...


Modern cruise ships win on this one. Better lifeboat technologies, crew management, lifeboat drills, extensive planning, and watertight compartments ensure a modern cruise ship does not easily sink. SOLAS regulations have also ensured that modern cruise ships are safer than ever before.

6/10 Ocean liners
9/10 Cruise ships


The old ocean liners definitley win on this catagory. You would be lucky to get hand-crafted ornate mahoghany walls and an ultra-large smoking room on today's cruise ships. Also, modern cruise ships imitate the interior of a shopping mall. With tons of shops, takeaway venues, noisy people, and flurescent lights. Balconies are cheaper though, with the sacrifice in style. Meanwhile, ocean liners are mirrored on the warm, relaxing, and enjoyable lifestyles of yesteryear.

9/10 Ocean liners
7/10 Cruise ships


Once again, the ocean liners remain triumphant. The top-heavy look on today's modern cruise ships lag far behind the sleek, elegant lines of ocean liners. Modern cruise ships look like huge warehouses stacked onto each other, ocean liners look much better.

The interiors of ocean liners combine different styles from different periods, from medieval styles to then-considered modern styles. Passengers can choose which style of cabin they want, with a suitable price according to their option. The public areas fo the ship may be decorated in various styles depending on the ship-builder's preferences.

In short, modern ocean liners have bare walls and ugly exteriors. However, the design of modern ocean liners are also somewhat more practical. These may include easier access routes and shortcuts.

8/10 Ocean liners
5/10 Cruise ships


Hard to decide, a clear indication that they are both meant for diffferent markets. An ocean-liner would have more "luxurious" options, such as a smoking room, bar, cinema, grand dining room, indoor gymnasium, turkish baths, card room, library, and reading room. Cruise ships would have different options, focusing more on "fun" than "luxury". These would include Internet cafes, takeaway shops, a cinema, small cheap restraunts, bars, night clubs, and discos. In other words, cruise ships would appeal to those who like to do things fast and cheap. It all depends on your preferences.

7/10 Ocean liners
7/10 Cruise ships


Again, very similar. Most modern ocean liners have cabins which feature balconies. Many ocean liners do not feature balconies. All ships also offer window-accessible cabins at an extra cost. Modern cruise ships have smaller cabins, similar to the size of a second-class suite on the Titanic. In terms of aesthetic appeal, the cabins imitate that of third-class on the Titanic.

7/10 Ocean liners
8/10 Cruise ships


Depends on the passenger's preferences. Cruise ships offer quick cheap meals to satisfy today's fast-paced lifestyle. Think of McDonalds, ice cream venues, and small cafes. Ocean liners offer extensive courses of rich expensive meals, complete with live music and waiters. These can take up to three hours to finish. The dining rooms are huge grandoise rooms and are suitable for friendly socializing.

The dining rooms of modern cruise ships are small and efficient. Luxury is almost non-existent. There's no live music here, only the latest songs from the ship's stereo or radio are available for listening. That is, if you like that sort of stuff. But keep in mind that you can also get the same thing from a cheap takeaway shop in the middle of the sprawling city.

8/10 Ocean liners
7/10 Cruise ships


As I said a few paragraphs before, it all depends on your preferences. In short, ocean liners offer live music, natural lighting, and a rich formal atmosphere. Modern cruise ships offer cheap takeaway shops, stores, and artifical fluroescent lighting. If you're prefer an affordable, efficient, no-frills lifestyle then a cruise ship is the one for you. If you would rather prefer something more comfortable and relaxing, an ocean liner would be the better bet.

8/10 Ocean liners
7/10 Cruise ships

Other factors

For men, an ocean liner generally requires you to dress in appropriate formal-wear, such as a lounge suit. This may appeal to some people. However, this does not matter inside a cruise ship, as anything goes. Just don't turn up naked.

8/10 Ocean liners
8/10 Cruise ships

And totaled up, the scores are...

61/80 Ocean liners
58/10 Cruise ships

Gosh, that was closer than I expected!
Nice write up 👍

Would be nice to see some pics of ocean liners and also cruise ships to better backup your statements 👍
It's basically a question of would you prefer the relax and orderyness of a ship like the Titanic, or the hustle and bustle of todays crowded cruisers.




The QE2 (Largest Ocean Liner)


Cruise Ships


Nice write up and great pics DQuan! I would go on Cruicse ships over Ocean liners anyday..but thats me:D
The large, second from last pic is really impressive. I'd love to go on one of those.
Wow, they are some biiiiig ships. I would rather travel on the old style ocean liner anyday, give me class and style over glass and isles.
Here's the problem. Ocean Liners are BORING. Cruise Ships are congested and filled with douchebags and, sometimes, arrogant, irritated people.

The last cruise I was on was ruined by what must've been every rich girl in bolivia celebrating the richest one's quince on board. What I hate about boating is that you gamble on your experience. At least if you're traveling somewhere on land, you can take off if you're not enjoying yourself.... but, you're pretty much stuck on a boat.

Nice pictures, although I was actually thinking about these ocean liners...





Thats what I had pictured too, My mind was flashing through every bit of elegance I have seen or read about the Titanic
If I had a whole ship to myself, Cruise Ship or Ocean Liner, I'd go for the modern Cruise Ship, lots of cool things (swimming pools etc)
Nice topic.

I'd never go on an average and cheap "beach-holiday" cruise. Too crowded, too flashy and way too touristy.

If I had the money, I wouldn't mind paying for a more expensive cruise, preferably going to a more out of the way destinations. And if you really want to experience what life at sea is like, then why not join a a commercial vessel like a container ship.
Thanks for the feedback. I've never personally travelled on any ship before so I guess I don't have much to compare anything with. The cruises sound nice, by the way. I'm sure they can be great fun.
The largest ship I've been on was a ferry from Thurso (I think) to Orkney. I don't travel well via sea. If I had to choose ocean liner or cruise ship, I'd go with the liner. I don't need to travel with hundreds of other people's noisy children, thanks. I imagine as long as you're with the right people (and I mean that as in people who you're good friends with, not high society folks) you can make any form of travel fun.
I'd go with an Ocean Liner every time.

Playing Death By Degrees made me scared of cruise ships.
I don't like boats but would choose a cruise ship over an ocean liner, purely because it is far more impressive looking from the outside.