Battle Lambo - Ferrari wonderful!
Thank you guys, "Golden Times" and "Neck to Neck" are my favourites aswell. Had a lot of work specially with these 2 and they really came out very well.Good work ! "Golden Times" & "Neck to Neck" are especially great ! 👍
I'm glad you like it!"Catching Up" is the best pic from the lambo set in page3! : )
Thanks man, I'm glad you liked itGreat work @cruzthemaster with your Lambo & 'hidden' sets.
My favourite shot is this one from the Lambo set.
Thanks for stopping by my gallery.
Thanks man, really had a lot of work with that set!Of course i missed the new updates again! Anyway, that lambo set is!!! And the last set, especially that last one, is awesome!!!
Thanks man, the Silvia shot was something very quick to edit, just like the RX-7, but they came out pretty well.Shot 3 of the Silvia set is really nice. Like the editing and deep moody feel of it. Great composition too. 👍
Also 3 & 4 of the lambo set are nice too. The others are not bad either but I like those 2 best. 👍 The frist one of that set framed well but it's a bit overexposed.
And the last RX7 shot is pretty sweet. Good framing and display of motion. Toning is quite good too. 👍
Thanks for your feedback, GPR. That faded look was intentional, at least i tried to give it a old shot mood.Not a bad shot there. Good framing. Feels a bit washy or faded to me. I assume this was intentional? Just makes it feel a little flat or 1 demsional to me thats all. Overall quite nice. 👍
Thanks mazda, I'm glad you like my photosVery nice shots, I like that RX-7 drifting particularly, and this Lancia close-up is great as well.
Thank you for your feedback GPR and for your critics. Really helps. The shot 2 was like an experiment with photoshop filters. My main idea was to make it look like it was an oil painting. It wasn't the best of my ideas.1 & 3 are quite nice. Nice composition on shot 1. Maybe could use a bit more brightness and contrast but still great.
Shot 3 is also very nice. Nice light and toning. Decent use of flare. That scratch you mention does look weird. But other than that great. 👍
Shot 2 is ok. Feels a bit too bright and washy to me. And it seems a bit odd with the downward slant being so much, especially considering Goodwood is uphill.