Crysis 3 FREE FOR 360

You are correct. Graphics have taken a step backward on the 360 for sure since Crysis 2.

Played several games last night and the mp is still really not my thing. Too much like COD which I am not a fan of. My friend and I also got disconnected toward the end of our playtime and that was enough. But it is EA and we all know launch EA mp titles are rough for the first few weeks. The graphics have indeed taken a step backward from Crysis 2. Much more grainy and pixelated compared to the 2nd game. Especially if you play the MGRising demo right after playing the Crysis 3 demo. lol MGR looks amazing graphically and is actually a very fun demo.

I am however still looking forward to the single player campaign of Crysis 3. I will rent it for sure just to check that out especially in 3d. I noticed the 3d option was there just greyed out in the mp demo.