Current Events: Girl Who Can Only Read Upside-Down

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Since she first learned to read, Gemma has only been able to read things if they were upside down. Now, she's discovered that if orange-tinted tracing paper is placed over the words, she can read things the right way up - and is now learning to drive thanks to orange-tinted glasses which allow her to read signs without tilting her head...

Interesting news item. Gotta admit the orange tinted glasses would probably look awesome, so I guess that would be a cool fashion item due to her dyslexia.
I could post just so many things right now that may get me banned or i will go away...
How many people can't read upside down? I can.
I could post just so many things right now that may get me banned or i will go away...

It said she was in college, so I think you'd be safe from the cops at any rate.
Interesting. I knew someone at college that could only read text (the right-side up!) under a clear, blue sheet of plastic. Without it, she can hardly read anything. Odd, eh?

As for the reading upside down, I can, but not as quick as the right way up.
Is this a joke? If not, that's pretty messed up(you guys too, danoff&ledhed :P).

P.S. I think I'll have trouble writing upside down, but I can read that way just fine.
So, why does the orange filter work? Answers on a postcard.

My old school mate used to have to wear purple specs in order to read... the brain certainly works in mysterious ways though...

"The root cause of dyslexia is a change or a difference in the way certain nerve cells in the visual system work," he said.

"What the coloured spectacles can do is to redress the balance of input of visual information into the system and thus help dyslexics to read."


👍 Brilliant...

I don't quite understand this though... because if you wear specs that turn everything upside down, after about 36 hours (I think), your brain will have adjusted to compensate and you would see everything as normal again... then, when you take the glasses off, you see everything upside down until (once again) your brain adjusts... clearly there is more to this particular case, though... :odd:
It's just text she can't cope with. Everything else is the right way up...
I don't get how they only just started using tinted paper. My maths teacher has been printing stuff on pink and blue paper for dyslexic pupils for years :confused:

Well atleast it's all solved now, though her mum was abit harsh 'showing off' :lol: