Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
Man... 'nam really did drag on didn't it.
To be fair they only just identified his remains using DNA. However even if you don't count the Vietnam blunder, if he was at Pearl Harbor then he didn't leave to join any war, he was already there.

The unfortunately named Senator Crapo couldn't delete this tweet quickly enough, so it's not the usual asshole opinions exhibited on this thread. Not sure where else to put this, though.
He could've tried publicly demanding a bigger cut, if he still had a social media platform to use as a bully pulpit. C'est la vie.
Language warning:

Was posted by our favorite red-piller earlier today on What Are You Listening To.

Between this and "Fake Woke," Tom McDonald has become the physical embodiment of the "I hate rap, but I vibe with this" crowd. A buddy of mine recommended him to me, and I don't quite have the heart to tell him that I think he's 🤬 and that his songs are 🤬.

Also, I feel like there's a small degree of irony in calling out "snowflakes" on their behavior by making a song that's just nothing but bitching about said behavior.
A buddy of mine recommended him to me, and I don't quite have the heart to tell him that I think he's 🤬 and that his songs are 🤬.
C'mon. You can do it.

Reminds me of the time when I lost a friend of fifteen years' standing because Ben Shapiro told him the unisex bathrooms controversy was the worst thing to happen to the United States ever and I was apparently "throwing slavery in his face" by daring to suggest that the US had weathered worse storms.

r/insanepeoplefacebook is a rich vein of cursed content.

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The "DemoChiComCrats" one was good for achuckle, but I love the apparent implication here that the FBI was responsible for the Trumpkins going from legitimately exercising their constitutionally protected right to protest to assaulting the Nation's Capitol--and law enforcement professionals tasked with protecting it--during a joint session of Congress carrying out part of the very electoral process against which they were protesting, resulting in lawmakers and the vice president being escorted out of harm's way, and then proceeding to loot and desecrate those hallowed halls.

Ben really nailed one part, though. The MAGA ****s are accurately depicted as ****ing vermin.
Just out of curiosity, I looked up this guy's Twitter Profile. It seems his claim to fame is that he owns a big collection of professional wrestling trading cards. I mean, 🤣 I constantly feel like we're being trolled in some elaborate joke.
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From the makers of, "Stop testing and cases will go down", Lauren Boebert brings you:
I think I know how this works.

Vote Republican. Republicans **** up response so spectacularly that everyone dies. Delta variant ceases to spread.

Did I do it right?

[Was Boebert's tweet deleted or was it the first subtweet?]

Just out of curiosity, I looked up this guy's Twitter Profile. It seems his claim to fame is that he owns a big collection of professional wrestling trading cards. I mean, 🤣 I constantly feel like we're being trolled in some elaborate joke.
The apparent ease with which people beclown themselves, I do wonder who is actually being trolled.
I think I know how this works.

Vote Republican. Republicans **** up response so spectacularly that everyone dies. Delta variant ceases to spread.

Did I do it right?

[Was Boebert's tweet deleted or was it the first subtweet?]

The apparent ease with which people beclown themselves, I do wonder who is actually being trolled.
It was reportedly deleted by a staffer because it got ratio'd into the ground.
From the makers of, "Stop testing and cases will go down", Lauren Boebert brings you:
I see what she's doing, she's saying the Delta Variant will go away because it'll become the Epsilon Variant.

This is the sort of big brain logic you have from a high school dropout.
I see what she's doing, she's saying the Delta Variant will go away because it'll become the Epsilon Variant.

This is the sort of big brain logic you have from a high school dropout.
Skanky doodle, do or die.