Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex

Happy Excuse Me GIF

So they die definitely if need for medical abortion is refused or they die by hand of stupid people for wanting to live. (Just referring to that specific example).
"Oh man, her chin is just 1cm too wide than it should be. How am I supposed to play with her looking like that?"

Bunch of weirdos on Twitter just 1 step shy of basically admitting they want to play with themselves instead of playing the games.
With a character creator we could all make our own ideal version of how Lara Croft should look.

The artists could still include a default character model if they want to express their artistic vision for the character.


Solar Impulse is a Swiss long-range experimental solar-powered aircraft project, and also the name of the project's two operational aircraft.
It conducted its first test flight in December 2009. In July 2010, it flew an entire diurnal solar cycle, including nearly nine hours of night flying, in a 26-hour flight.

A solar powered plane from 15 years ago & a yacht moments before sinking I guess.
Well, with the semi-tumultuous events of the UK election all over bar the shouting it'll be good to stretch out and look at the international scene again... oh wait

Well, with the semi-tumultuous events of the UK election all over bar the shouting it'll be good to stretch out and look at the international scene again... oh wait

View attachment 1370330
Imagine listening to a known traitor - who deflected to a hostile nation that invaded its neighbor because he was too much of a coward to stand trial back home - when he recommends a "candidate" who has a dead parasite in his brain. I might as well be taking political advice from Alex Jones.

On a side note, it'd be very ironic if Snowden got drafted by Putin and was eventually rendered KIA by an American-made munition.
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