CARS - Customization Parts
- Larger selection of Spoilers/Wings. All wings in the game should be available for any car (except race cars)
Why? Racecars aren't special. Anything you can do to a road car should apply to a racecar.
CARS - Physics - Aerodynamic
- Draft/slipstream efficiency updated to take into account speed, car shape/drag, and horsepower.
- Revamped aerodynamic physics (drag doesn't exist when you increase downforce)
Modeling wakes could get complicated, so I don't know about draft based on car shapes. A generic drag modifier makes sense though. Horsepower has nothing to do with it.
The second point needs to be fleshed out.
I wouldn't really call it necessary, it might just end up being time consuming, especially if there are other things to tweak.
The speed of sound isn't a constant, and you can't get there legitimately anyway. Not much merit to this unless we get the Thrust SSC.
CARS - Testing
- Wind Tunnel - Allows you to view airflow over the body and underbody of the car. Also generates drag coefficient numbers. Able to change tuning settings on car while in wind tunnel such as downforce, ride height, etc. Also able to remove parts like wings and mirrors to test the affects of such modifications.
Too resource intensive for not much benefit. The aero model would need to be made leagues better than it is now for flowviz to be reasonable. Also if we're just getting stock parts and swapping them about there isn't much reason to care about anything other than raw numbers. If we can design parts with significantly vary specs visualization might be useful.
I don't really like the idea of "wind tunnels" in a game like this though. It would become a pointless animation like GT Auto oil change. The game can give us the numbers we need instantly, we just need them to appear on a tuning screen.
CARS - Tuning Adjustments
- Engine performance improvement system to be streamlined and made less needlessly complex. There's no point in having many different parts which all they do is shifting the entire torque curve to the right by 100 rpm and/or increasing values along the entire engine powerband by 4% or so. There's no strategy involved, no drawback, all parts essentially affect the engine in the same unrealistic way. So my idea is: since PD aren't going to simulate the fluid-dynamics behavior of each component to the engine (it would be way too much work) they could simply add a slider or two to shift the powerband in believable manner, which would be alone a great improvement over the current system, where engines don't change in character at all, even after tuning them to the maximum. It's something so simple to achieve that I just made an example in Excel. This example simply interpolates in different steps between a "stock", low rpm engine configuration, and a high tuned, high rpm tuned version. One, instead of buying engine "parts", would buy the "right" to set the sliders to higher values, which would have progressively increasing costs.
I'd rather they focus on making the engine model better. They don't need to simulate fluid dynamics in the engine at all. In fact GT1 and GT2 did alter engine character with tuning.
GAMEPLAY - Online Lobbies
- 2 lobby types (or more): fun and real racing. In real racing there's safety rating and ladders/points. Crash lots = suspension, probably not a permanent ban but up to 3 months is fine. In fun racing only ladders (has to be one otherwise 10 year old kids would join real racing to gain points). Could be one in between with safety rating but no ladders involved, aimed mostly at shuffle races, free roam and so on, which is probably what lots of users want the most. Fun GT without kids, trolls and NFS players.
Just have custom lobbies, PD doesn't need to decide what's fun or real racing. Also, in Forza pre set rooms were one of the things that harmed online in my opinion.