yea sorry i got so angry, JVM u were behind me u saw that, who was it???
As Jukka said, we're a community here and the reason groups like this and events like this are set up are so that we can run fast, close, clean and with people we trust and respect. Our friends 👍 There are taps, there are ALWAYS taps, scrapes, bumps and mistakes. You've just got to remember it's purely unintentional, and the person who's made the mistake probably feels absolutely awful about it. It's really unacceptable to disconnect as the host for those reasons. Please keep in mind some of us only get a small amount of time a day to race, and every race with other GTPers we lose through disconnection is roughly 15 to 20 minutes of our already short leisure time gone.
Back to the racing TizZlaaa, you're outstanding in that California and the grunt that car has is immense. You literally took tenths off at every single corner, and then fly past. There's no keeping you behind at all, excellent driving mate, a real pleasure to race with you closely 👍 Like I said before, I was well-pleased to not be left for dust once you got by
good racing going watching from the back in the TT
Cheers for making space for us man, you really don't have to go so far out of your way to let us through. I noticed you pull off the road entirely at Casio. Hope it didn't spoil your rhythm and sixaxis race practise. You'll be absolutely fine though man, you had a headstart sure, but it took us ages to catch you and we weren't stopping for anything 👍
jeeeez that FAK_EV1L is a freak, so so so fast!! i can keep up when in his slipsteam but i made one mistake and then he was gone and opened up a 8 second lead on me and synwraith
Haha you see what I have been going on about in that "Fastest Racers" thread in the main GT5P forum now? The guy blows you away completely and is free of mistakes. The most amazing thing is, he'll get in a Skyline coupe next race and do the same, then an F430 the same, Cali the same...but as you said, once you've lost his stream he's gone.
Aargh.. I just love the others who are not so quick with the 650 cars.
I saw how much they wrecked your race, it's a shame you stopped. Matt and I waited for you and even came up to your beached F430, revved the engines like mad in an attempt to get you to race again
Another great night folks, thanks again for the races. All we needed was GTP_Hun and Mr_Geez and the late night crew would have been re-united again!
All the best