Custom Helmets in GT5??

  • Thread starter turbomp301
your kiddin' right?
I think it would be a good idea for GT5 to include a customizable helmet feature. A driver's helmet design is usually the only means of self expression he/she has on the track.

I think car livery has to have its limits, but helmet designs should be an area of the game that lets you go nuts with absolute freedom.

Do you think this feature should be included in GT5? If so, should there be limits to it?
I'm all for anything custom, livery, helmets, suits, faces etc etc but I won't be dissappointed if it aint there (except livery - been wanting that for years). For me it'd be a bonus extra that I can spend hours on when im tired of racing.

The question if I think it 'should' be included in GT5, then no, it'd be nice but not nessessary.

I agree, I dont think this is a feature that has to be in GT5, its not a deal breaker. I think though, its a feature that should be there, maybe more so than a custom livery editor.

As a race car driver you take the car given to you. You really don't have much say in the paint and sticker department other than your country flag and your name somewhere on it.

I still want custom paint and livery too, but from a "racing sim" point of view a helmet editor would realistically come first.
Like many, I think it's one of those things that will not be missed if it isn't included, but still think it would be cool to play about with...


i would love to see any custom feature integrated into the game ,i can see myeslf spending hours on helmet design and liverys.

at the bare minimum i would like to see a choice of helmet colour possible.
Cool, but I don't think this will be included, but who knows?
I'd really like that and clothes editor, like Nike Mercurial V's with a BMW Sauber's suit and a SHOEI helmet.:lol::lol:
I wonder whats going to happen with this, I for one am thumbs up if it is included and I am quite confident and we saw in the E3 trailer the driver of the SLR was seen to be wearing sunglasses and no helmet. So character customisation may not be just a speculation after all :)
This is pointless to include in GT5 because u don't see the driver 100% in GT5, let alone, the helmet. To 100% see the driver's helmet in GT game, u have to drive a convertible. Even when u drive convertible, the top doesn't drop on all convertibles. In the end, this feature is more appropriate for bike than car
Pretty unnecessary feature IMO, besides you're not really going to see the helmet during a race. The only exception would be a convertible (or the F1 :D) So I guess the replay will be the only way to see it, unless PD incorporate some kind of pre-race cinematic.
A helmet customizable system will be very cool 👍

but I will be also very happy if we have in GT5 the same system like Tourist Trophy when you can choose your helmet, gloves, suit, boots from different manufacturers. :D
...I will be also very happy if we have in GT5 the same system like Tourist Trophy when you can choose your helmet, gloves, suit, boots from different manufacturers...

And don't forget that on Tourist Trophy you could get some legendary real pilots helmets and leathers like Rossi, Spencer, Schwantz...
I wouldn't be suprised if you can take your PS Home avatar and put him behind the wheel of a car.

I wont be spending a ton of time customizing a helmet myself, but it would be a welcome feature.
At the moment, and for a long time as I havn't been on, my Home avatar is a 4ft tall overweight black man with orange hair, boxer shorts and gardening gloves. I hope I don't have to race as him...

p.s. not racist, just descriptive!
The option I suggested might encourage you to create an avatar more representitive of your actual physical characteristics.
The option I suggested might encourage you to create an avatar more representitive of your actual physical characteristics.

Or create a chick as sexy as possible (typical male scenario) as seen in many games offering similar possibilities.
Custom helmets are great, but like Tourist Trophy I would like to see actual helmets may they be from Arai, Simpson, etc.
GT5 current helmet is from Arai. I'd imagine they'd have more licensed ones in the full game :)
Um... just in case you haven't realized yet, I can tell you Gran Turismo is about racing on four wheels, not two. :rolleyes:

lol. but i dont mind the ability to select from real manufacturers helmets as mentioned by someone in an earlier post, its certainly better than not being able to change the appearance.
It would be cool... but pointless at the same time. I don't know if PD would really pay attention to such a little thing though. :shrug: