CyberPunk 2077

1.6 has increased the rotation to 90°/-90° and enabled Nibbles as a character in photo mode. These alone have made for an excellent update, but the transmog and wardrobe/clothing preview options have made it even better. Expect an influx of photos soon!


I’m basically modding this game until it crashes atm. All I really need is a good survival mode mod now.
Anyone watched Edgerunners? Damn this is one of the best modern Animes I watched. I am not surprised that it skyrocketed games popularity. I hope they will make more seasons of this ;)
Yes, I'm a bit obsessed with it at the minute, I already loved the game but Edgerunners really got me excited for it again. I'm considering building a beastly PC just to be able to run and mod Cyberpunk in high res for photomode.

The music video for Let You Down is worth a watch too as it tells the story of a netrunner called Sasha who worked with Maine and the group:

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So they are working on more cyberpunk past the DLC. I wasn’t sure if they will, but I guess the game sold well enough despite all the mistakes they made. We’ll see if they learned from it in another 5+ years.

So they are working on more cyberpunk past the DLC. I wasn’t sure if they will, but I guess the game sold well enough despite all the mistakes they made. We’ll see if they learned from it in another 5+ years.

To be fair the game is excellent at the moment and for one, my disappointment in the launch state has mostly dissipated now. They have put so much work into it at this point it seems almost silly to then not continue on, given the good will they have right now it's the perfect time to announce this too.

I do hope we're not going to go through the same thing again, I would be surprised if that was the case though, and it's a big well played to CD Projekt for their efforts to turn this around.
In their investor strategy update presentation, they also announced that they will be focusing on adding multiplayer to their future games as well as using their IP in other mediums like film and mobile games



Took a look at their jobs page, it seems like Orion will be developed at a new studio in Boston, seperate from the Molasses Flood studio already located in Boston

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I dunno, based on the fact that they barely could get CP2077 across the finish line, working on this many projects and trying to get multiplayer working, sounds like a disaster in the making again. Unless they will work on everything one at a time. Then it could be 10+years before the next cyberpunk.
I dunno, based on the fact that they barely could get CP2077 across the finish line, working on this many projects and trying to get multiplayer working, sounds like a disaster in the making again. Unless they will work on everything one at a time. Then it could be 10+years before the next cyberpunk.
Based on the twitter thread, it seems like they're still mostly focused on Cyberpunk 2077. There's 350+ people working on the new DLC.

Sirius and Canis Majoris are being developed by studios unrelated to Cyberpunk. Meanwhile, Polaris is in "pre-production", Orion is said "to be developed", and Hadar is in the "conceptual" phase. So it doesn't seem like everything will be made in parallel.

In addition, Orion is being developed separately in Boston, so there's a good enough separation where I don't think they will be too overwhelmed like Cyberpunk
I dunno, based on the fact that they barely could get CP2077 across the finish line, working on this many projects and trying to get multiplayer working, sounds like a disaster in the making again. Unless they will work on everything one at a time. Then it could be 10+years before the next cyberpunk.
I think dropping gen 8 from their supported platforms will help a huge amount here. I hope they take their time with the launch of the next one though, 2077 needed a few more months at least and I'm hoping they've learned from their mistakes, even if just a little.
Patch 1.6.1 went live a few days ago and there are some neat changes included. My favourite is the new neon lit umbrellas, they look great in the rain at night. FSR being added to gen 9 consoles is an interesting addition too, I haven't noticed much of a change myself but then I run in Performance mode anyway.

Full patch notes are here:
This is probably going to end up being exhibit A in my personal case studies of not boarding the hype train & getting wrapped up in the subsequent fallout when it (inevitably) lets you down. The only preview I had of this was an E3 demo (I believe), thought "that looks pretty neat" and didn't think too much more of it until the delayed launch and the fracas surrounding it. Then it was just a case of giving them another year or so to see if it could (or would) be salvaged.

Well, I picked this up during the winter sale last month while keeping expectations to a minimum and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! It's definitely right up there as one of the more "alive" worlds I've experienced, so much so that (minor spoiler) when your car gets wrecked at the start of act 2 I was perfectly happy with just walking about, taking things in. Driving around could be a bit better; having the brake + reverse as one non-configurable option has lead to more than one traffic incident on my part... :guilty:

Performance wise, there's still a niggle here and a bug or 2 there; the most annoying one for me personally is what appears to be a memory leak that kicks in after about 90-odd minutes and a couple zone traverses (e.g. Pacifica -> City Centre -> Watson). I could only speculate as to why, but other than that I've only experienced a couple visual/audio bugs in 90-odd hours that forced me to save->load to clear it.

So yes, if like me you were umm'ing and ahh'ing about picking this up after the uproar that was this game's launch, give it a whirl!

And with that, a few of my own shots (I'm ashamed to admit I only discovered photo mode after 30 hours);




Finally picked up the game at the weekend as it was on sale on the PS Store (plus I had a Stars discount). Had a go at the Plus trial at Christmas so was just waiting for a price drop.

Didn't like the male voice acting so went with a fem V, streetkid as it seemed to fit the game better (not a fan of the whole Mad Max nomad vibe). Was originally going to be a handgun build but I really struggle with the headshots and was a bit weak on health. 2nd attempt is a shotgun wielding run-and-gun tank which seems to suit me better.

Haven't dared try photo mode yet because I know I will never do anything else afterwards.
Bought this just after the PS5 version came out but only now had the time to properly start playing it (too many commitments and distractions elsewhere) Other than the automatic gamesaves overwriting all existing saves other than your current one, I'm really enjoying this. I had three characters and now am keeping it to one having lost the rest, at least until I can remember to clear out the excess saves regularly.


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Messing around with it, getting to find how cool it is with stealth and hacking, like watchdog, in a more dense way i guess.

Infiltrating an enemy club higher level, but fun to see you can still do it when check around all you can do to progress further.

Can be action too i guess, if up your skills like slowmo dodge, etc to give you an advantage.

Playing on hard, from level 3 to level 4 enemies, it's a big difference in hardiness of enemies.

Will be cool to see if they improved many things in the big dlc and update later.

They could optimize it further, in performance mode its far from 60fps, and has stutters.
And not that sharp even, plus posters blurry etc.

And in rt mode, it's unplayable, thats on ps5.
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