CyberPunk 2077

I continue to be absolutely in love with Cyberpunk.

After finishing Phantom Liberty 2 times I’ve decided to start a fresh new playthrough.

Fem V this time. Right choice. Male V’s VO sucks.

I’m playing it completely differently this time. I’m taking it all in. Playing way more slowly. Never fast traveling. Reading all the logs.

The change to the armor system is huge - being to able to create looks is a big deal. It’s more of a role playing game now and I’m role playing it way more.

2.0 does so much for the world. It used to feel so dead and empty, but not anymore.

Cyberpunk in 2023 is phenomenal imo.

What a comeback.
Finally picked this up now as I heard it was in a good state.

10 hours in so far and I have to say it's a great game, much better than I thought it was gona be, its a huge game with a lot of detail so no wonder why the last gen consoles struggled.

If only they had delayed the release for the current gen consoles only and took their time to polish the game, but hey its great now and I picked it up for cheap second hand so fantastic value for money.
If only they had delayed the release for the current gen consoles only and took their time to polish the game, but hey its great now and I picked it up for cheap second hand so fantastic value for money.
This seems to be par for the course with big titles these days. For better or worse. Get it out on or around the proposed release date, no matter how buggy it is, then improve it over a period of 6 months to a year or so with updates and DLC until it feels like a well rounded and stable game.

It was a title i was really anticipating until the release reviews had it down as a bug-filled mess, which really put me off. I may keep an eye out for it discounted and give it a go now if its as good as it first promised.
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This seems to be par for the course with big titles these days. For better or worse. Get it out on or around the proposed release date, no matter how buggy it is, then improve it over a period of 6 months to a year or so with updates and DLC until it feels like a well rounded and stable game.

It was a title i was really anticipating until the release reviews had it down as a bug-filled mess, which really put me off. I may keep an eye out for it discounted and give it a go now if its as good as it first promised.
This is why I never buy games at launch, wait a few months and you can get them cheaper and in a better state, the only downside is avoiding spoilers.

I would certainly recommend it now, only encountered a few bugs which none were game braking (more funny than anything) and for such a big open world the few bugs I have seen are more than acceptable, way better than anything I have played from Bethesda for example.
I would certainly recommend it now, only encountered a few bugs which none were game braking (more funny than anything) and for such a big open world the few bugs I have seen are more than acceptable, way better than anything I have played from Bethesda for example.
It's quite remarkable how good it is now and the level of detail is overwhelming at times, especially coming back from a break away from it.

I hope it's lost that launch period stench and anyone who was disappointed then or skipped it at the time has the chance to try it.

Anyone still passing on it is missing out big time and I was one of those on PS4 totally crushed by the launch as well, on PS5 now and it's sublime.
Absolutely tremendous game. Has a place among the greats IMO. Certainly one of the best stories ever told in videogames.

Now onto my second run trough Phantom Liberty to get the last 2 trophies there.


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I gave the male VO a try, made it through a few missions but it's just way too edgelord for me. Sadly it means that, without some genderbending in character creation, Panam will never be my girl. Back on Team Judy.

Only just started the Phantom Liberty stuff on my main runthrough. I like the new weapons, the relic perks are a bit useless for me however, don't really suit my playstyle.
After 60 hours I have finally completed all the side quests and gigs apart from the final story mission.

It's very rare I complete everything in a game (I even completed the tarot side card side quest which is the type of quest I never bother doing in other open world games) but this game has such a great back story to everything including each gig that it made me want to see everything it had to offer.

Haven't been hooked by a single player game like this for a long time, once phantom liberty is on sale I look forward to getting stuck into that.

10 out of 10 game for me.
After 60 hours I have finally completed all the side quests and gigs apart from the final story mission.

It's very rare I complete everything in a game (I even completed the tarot side card side quest which is the type of quest I never bother doing in other open world games) but this game has such a great back story to everything including each gig that it made me want to see everything it had to offer.

Haven't been hooked by a single player game like this for a long time, once phantom liberty is on sale I look forward to getting stuck into that.

10 out of 10 game for me.
Can't wait to jump back to this game again. I still need to finish Ghost of Tsushima first.
After playing CoD for years CP movement and gunplay feels soooo dated, not fun at all. Car driving feels even worse than it was.

IMO, open world is what killed CP77. Pseudo open world similar to last two Deus ex would work waaaay better.

DLC is good, like HoS for Witcher 3.
After playing CoD for years CP movement and gunplay feels soooo dated, not fun at all. Car driving feels even worse than it was.

IMO, open world is what killed CP77. Pseudo open world similar to last two Deus ex would work waaaay better.

DLC is good, like HoS for Witcher 3.
I thought the gunplay was great for an RPG, guns felt great in particular, it will never be like COD in a game like this.

Agree about the driving, my only bad point about the game, I drove the same 3/4 cars all the time as a lot of the cars are horrible to drive, bikes also felt strange and unenjoyable to ride.

Tower ending can't be combined with fear the reaper, such a shame.
It's just not typical in this industry. You either get a decent RPG or a game with decent shooting mechanics. It's not often you get both. Seems like RPG's try aiming for better story driven narrative than just great shooting feel, out of the box. Either way, doesn't seem like a relative game to even compare it to, really.
I completed Phantom Liberty last night after a 2nd full playthrough (my wife wanted to see the game story). What an expansion! I loved the story, the characters, the settings, and the additional mechanics. The game feels a little out of whack with regards to the Tier 4+ and Tier 5 drops now but I can live with that.

My V is primarily based around blades, either Katana or Mantis Blades, but I might switch things up a bit as the leap system isn't working as expected and neither is my Kerenzikov (it just doesn't activate).
There are alot RPGish games like Dying light, Farcry or Dishonored with nice movement.
Yes, I never said there wasn't any. I find Farcry to be very clunky too though.

Its industry flagship, sure I want something comparable in other games.
It is, for action FPS with with absolutely little, to no, RPG elements. Not exactly the same thing here. One is heavily multiplayer focus with the intent of competitive play first and foremost, the other is a story driven single player game. The focus for these two are pretty far from each other. Outside of the fact that both games have weapons that shoot. It's pretty obvious given their direction. Either way, like I said they aren't really comparable games.

I think the best game for me that had great gunplay as an RPG game was Destiny, but that's because it was partly made by Activision. Likely the best we'll get as a mix of both worlds.
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I thought the gunplay was great for an RPG, guns felt great in particular, it will never be like COD in a game like this.

Agree about the driving, my only bad point about the game, I drove the same 3/4 cars all the time as a lot of the cars are horrible to drive, bikes also felt strange and unenjoyable to ride.
I mainly used the Porsche. I did try a few others here and there.

Towards the end I also tried the bikes as I found it easier to get around. I think I had the Apollo and the ARCH. One of them seemed pretty clunky and didn't want to turn.
The focus for these two are pretty far from each other.
Still don't get why ARPG should be cluncky and unresponsive. Good RPG mechanics and movement/gunplay aren't done by same people.
Certainly in terms of gunplay.
Movement is better. Gunplay isn't, but melee combat is better in Dishonored and DL. Farcry is debatable, it wasn't changed much since FC2.
Approaching the point of no return now with my Nomad no-hacks/handgun V. The shooting must be ok, usually my aim is terrible so I stick with melee or smart weapons but this time I'm popping headshots all over the place. Stealth missions were a bit of hassle at first without being able to disable the cameras but I finally figured it out. Using one of Jackie's pistols upgraded to tier 5, even with a silencer it's a 1 hit kill. Have a nice precision rifle as well but haven't found a revolver I like for outside stealth. All the good ones seem to be very late-game. Still working my way around Dogtown so maybe there's one there.

I like most of the 2.0 changes but not the air dash stuff. Made me a bit nauseos to be honest. I respecced the points, dumped reflexes and put everything into cool and tech.
Still don't get why ARPG should be cluncky and unresponsive. Good RPG mechanics and movement/gunplay aren't done by same people.
Yes I'm aware, never insinuated as much. Some devs just spend more time than others in certain departments that they deem reasonable enough. There are games that get it good, and there are games that are just mediocre at best - the former are the odd ones out usually when it comes to deeper RPG games like Cyberpunk.

Movement is better. Gunplay isn't, but melee combat is better in Dishonored and DL. Farcry is debatable, it wasn't changed much since FC2.
I haven't played those two, but I took them more as action RPG's, which could explain a bit, if anything. I feel the deeper games/devs delve into the RPG territory the farther they end up straying from upfront, good, gunplay first and foremost.

Farcry is pretty bad though, a game I wouldn't use to compare to good gunplay but I stopped playing at Far Cry 5.
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They're adding more stuff? I'm never going to finish this game.

A certain NPC has been waiting in a club for ages whilst I clear up the map, get & upgrade (almost) all the Iconic weapons, chrome myself up to the eyeballs, chat with Johnny, etc.
They're adding more stuff? I'm never going to finish this game.

A certain NPC has been waiting in a club for ages whilst I clear up the map, get & upgrade (almost) all the Iconic weapons, chrome myself up to the eyeballs, chat with Johnny, etc.

Wonder what they mean by gameplay elements...

Currently playing through phantom liberty after recently beating the main game for the first time and i can't get enough of this game.
Curious as well, hope it's general additions, interactivity to the whole game.
Also, general ai could use a boost, even sleeping dogs seems more convincing walking around the city.

Edit: there's one thing that gets on my nerves, you always get stuck on some objects, there's aome physics when you shoot something but nothing much reacts and is pushed away when you move, even when power dodging.

And your character should also just walk over small obstacles.
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The one thing I don't like announced in 2.1 update is rival gangs randomly attacking you because you upset them in the past.

I used to hate this in GTA games, sometimes I just want to drive around and take in the scenery, people start shooting at me then I have to shoot back then the police are after me and I have to lose them by driving for away and will never remember how to get back to where I was.

Hope this can be turned off 🤞