D-Max // Since 2010 // Welcome Eddyac!

  • Thread starter D-Max
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Well I cant see how it's a Chaser.. let alone a TOM's one lol or an S15 xD
Rubbish game anyways :L
I do love the design of the new PS3 but it looks to me as though they've gone all HellaFlush. Form>Function :lol:
There's no way it has fans the same size as the 'Fatty' etc but maybe technology really has advanced to make it more compact and cool? I still believe the original 'Fatty' Ps3 is the best, earlier models are usually better quality as they're not built with cheaper parts etc..


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Dunno lol, possible i can drift or race w/ you guys this weekend?

Haha he means he wants that Slammage! xD (or that sign as a sticker?) :L

I will be around for some Drifting/BTCC Sunday!! Tomorrow I'm off to EuroGamer in London! =)