D-Max // Since 2010 // Welcome Eddyac!

  • Thread starter D-Max
I have a lounge up right now If you guys are interested in drifting. Please add my GTP_Drop5 account your more then welcome to join in!
Aight people this is a personal post from me towards the rest of the team and team managemet in particular. I would like to recomment a new drifter for our team which Welsh and some other may already be familiar with. His PSN is:RB26AR and the reason that i am recommending this guy to be invited to be a part of the team is because he is one of the sickest smoothest drifter i have seen out there and is in general a really cool chap. Even though he may be a quiet character sometimes his drifting more than makes up for it and he would be the 1st person that i would want as my tandem partner. So, I hope this message is taken into consideration and that amazing talent like his get recgnised and rewarded by being ina undefeated drift team.

Yours sincerely
manciocio, the drifting immmigrant :) (Y)
Hey Guys just gonna ask about the team? Am in or out as i am a U.D.T/D-Trick original and am online most days/nights, just not knowing whats going on i've not been able to keep up?
Aight people this is a personal post from me towards the rest of the team and team managemet in particular. I would like to recomment a new drifter for our team which Welsh and some other may already be familiar with. His PSN is:RB26AR and the reason that i am recommending this guy to be invited to be a part of the team is because he is one of the sickest smoothest drifter i have seen out there and is in general a really cool chap. Even though he may be a quiet character sometimes his drifting more than makes up for it and he would be the 1st person that i would want as my tandem partner. So, I hope this message is taken into consideration and that amazing talent like his get recgnised and rewarded by being ina undefeated drift team.

Yours sincerely
manciocio, the drifting immmigrant :) (Y)

I've drifted with him and he gets my vote. Im sure no-one else will object so he's in.
I don't want to get too crowded with members though... I'll kick those guys i mentioned last week, none of em contacted me.
Send me a friend request adz :D
Sorry guys. I can't come to the battle against Drop5 this saturday. I will be at the biggest LAN Party we have in Portugal. (3 days. Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Wish you all Good Luck. Have Fun and please keep us Undefeated !
I definately need to be in this one atleast. Times etc? Thanks for informing though guys :(
I haven't been "informed" either, found out myself by viewing the Drop5 thread.

That's why the blog post has pretty much no info lol, because I don't know any xD
Hey, D Spec would like another shot at the title.. Lets set it up.. i_is_best (aka bang) and Gonales will be hapy to coordinate it with you.. Cheers
Haha as funny and understandable that is for me and even though it's in our team thread. I'd correct the grammar on that just to be safe ;) .

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