D-Max // Since 2010 // Welcome Eddyac!

  • Thread starter D-Max
Yeh we can do, It's just mics are sorta the main way we communicate, there kinda essential ;)

They're essential if you want to chit chat, or talk rubbish. I don't need a mic to drift. Maybe you would need one making video's, for split second decisions. Not in practises though.

Edit: I switched my main drift car to the Jag XKR '10. I need some paint tbh. Cerv still has the merc i borrowed him, so can't dupe it atm. Is there anyone friendly enough to send me one?
They're essential if you want to chit chat, or talk rubbish. I don't need a mic to drift. Maybe you would need one making video's, for split second decisions. Not in practises though.

Edit: I switched my main drift car to the Jag XKR '10. I need some paint tbh. Cerv still has the merc i borrowed him, so can't dupe it atm. Is there anyone friendly enough to send me one?
It's a game though, the main point is to have fun and IMHO chatting to mates is half the fun ;)
In my own opinion communication is essential in every occasion where groups of people do activities together. This can be through text or voice.

Since its quit hard to type while drifting (or racing) its very nice to have mics.

Some time ago when FM3 was the game;
I was in a team and we actually tried someone out eventhough he did not have a mic.
Things did not go well. We could tell him what to do but we never found out what his reaction was to stuff. If he liked it; hated it; was talking trash to us. We had no idea.

So yeah, why not share the fun (or hate) your having by talking to eachother.

My personal conclusion; No Mic, No fun.

PS. Hey Rayy see your here too!
In my own opinion communication is essential in every occasion where groups of people do activities together. This can be through text or voice.

Since its quit hard to type while drifting (or racing) its very nice to have mics.

Some time ago when FM3 was the game;
I was in a team and we actually tried someone out eventhough he did not have a mic.
Things did not go well. We could tell him what to do but we never found out what his reaction was to stuff. If he liked it; hated it; was talking trash to us. We had no idea.

So yeah, why not share the fun (or hate) your having by talking to eachother.

My personal conclusion; No Mic, No fun.

PS. Hey Rayy see your here too!

Well, ive had the most fun in mic's muted lobbies. know why? Simple, no ********, useless chatter... and cause of the fact there are less bandwith issues, you can get more people in, and epic tandems cause of no lag. if you want to talk for fun, get a program on the Pc to talk via there... (mabe an idea if a lot of UDT members have a pc, do communications via a chat program on the PC?)
Yes but that still is using the same connection so the bandwidth being used is the same ;)

i dont know really. the mic support in gt5 cant really compete with ventrilo or mumble. they dont require any bandwitdh at all. especially when you can have push to talk so every one dont suffer from spinning wheels activating mic.
Voice chat programs require less bandwith. Skype, im not to fond off. Ventrilo, Team Speak, are good wasy to communicate. If you cant have your pc on when you're drifting, be sure to switch off the lights, and the tv GTWelsh :P and i though i was the girl right here... you guys love talking way to much... i play this game to drift, not to talk lol. Im not saying you can't but... it's not the point of having thsi game... right? :s
Yeah but. Talking means no stopping every 5 seconds to say something :-) I think as we are a team it's nice to have the mics on :) in a random room I don't use it :-)
Yeah but. Talking means no stopping every 5 seconds to say something :-) I think as we are a team it's nice to have the mics on :) in a random room I don't use it :-)

We're a group of reasonably skilled to skilled drifters, i don't think we need words to make things obvious. and as mentioned, videos and such, which need split second decisions, okay. But just practises? Every once in a while it would be cool just to drift with the team, instead of random or friend lobbies...
Wait wait wait wait wait...
Whats going on here?
(Sorry I'm late to this, I haven't been that active in UDT for a while)
Wait wait wait wait wait...
Whats going on here?
(Sorry I'm late to this, I haven't been that active in UDT for a while)

Since my bandwidth is ****, im requesting some practises to be hosted without mics, to get the whole team actually in the room. But 3 of the manageers are against it, meaning i won't get to see a lot of people from the team.
I'm not against it. I'd just rather have mics. I'll gladly use keyboard only sometimes if it means more joining :-)
I'm not against it. I'd just rather have mics. I'll gladly use keyboard only sometimes if it means more joining :-)

it would mean icould for one... and maybe even see Jimmy on track... :P
We need to get like a team Bio thingy going, so people can see who we are...

How about

Favourite Car: (Just the one you drift the most)
Favourite Track: (I didn't have a favourite either, just pick one)
Lead or Follow: (In tandems)
Favourite Drifter:
Form or Function: (HellaFlush or HellaFast :D)
Favourite Smiley: (LOL)

Right heres mine :D

Name: Nathan
PSN: Knight_Spirit
Age: 16
Favourite Car: Lexus ISF
Favourite Track: Suzuka D1
Lead or Follow: Follow :D
Favourite Drifter: Naoki Nakamura
Form or Function: Form
Favourite Smiley: :D

Once you guys start posting yours I'll add em to the first post and the site ;)
bit bored so might as well fill one of those out lol

Name: Nick
PSN: Kickstart-88
Age: 23
Favourite Car: BMW 135i
Favourite Track: either Suzuka East or D1
Lead or Follow: follow
Favourite Drifter: either Max Orido or Katsuhiro Ueo
Form or Function: form
Favourite Smiley: er... :crazy: lol
Name: Chris
PSN: GTWelsh
Age: 19
Favourite Car: Nissan Silvia S15 RM
Favourite Track: Suzuka D1
Lead or Follow: Follow
Favourite Drifter: Yet to choose xD
Form or Function: Form
Favourite Smiley: 🤬
Name: James
PSN: HMSMotorsport
Age: 24
Favourite Car: BMW M3 '07 / 135i
Favourite Track: Suzuka D1
Lead or Chase: Chase
Favourite Drifters: Mike Whiddett, Rhys Millen & Matt Powers
Form or Function: Function
Favourite Smiley: :cool:
Name: Dominique
PSN: Gonales
Age: 19
Favourite Car: Lexus IS F.
Favourite Track: Madrid, or Special Stage Route 5
Lead or Follow: Follow. SOme people call me very stable, but i just can't handle the pressure of every drifter behind me depending on me not spinning out lol :s
Favourite Drifter: Rie Niimi (competitior in the female version of the D1, called the Venus Challenge)
Form or Function: Err... what? :D
Favourite Smiley: ^^
Last edited:
Favourite Car: Dodge Viper
Favourite Track: autumn ring reverse
Lead or Chase: Chase
Favourite Drifter:Samuel Hubinette
Form or Function: Form
Favourite Smiley: -.-'
Name: Dominique
PSN: Gonales
Age: 19
Favourite Car: Still working it out, switched lately. Testing a lot, but the DB9 feels great.
Favourite Track: Madrid, or Special Stage Route 5
Lead or Follow: Follow. SOme people call me very stable, but i just can't handle the pressure of every drifter behind me depending on me not spinning out lol :s
Favourite Drifter: Rie Niimi (competitior in the female version of the D1, called the Venus Challenge)
Form or Function: Err... what? :D
Favourite Smiley: ^^
It means HellaFlush or HellaFast, ermm Show or Go?
A Car that looks nice, or a car thats quick
Name: Alex
PSN: saggyscrot
Age: 17
Favourite Car: Nissan S13 / Nissan 370z
Favourite Track: Autumn ring mini reverse
Lead or Chase: Lead
Favourite Drifters: Dan Chapman, Phil Morrison, Tetsuya Hibino
Form or Function: Form
Favourite Smiley: :sly:
Name:Alex #2
Favourite Car: Corvette Z06
Favourite Track: Grand Valley East Reverse
Lead or Follow: Follow, Nothing better when i can park on you're door :P
Favourite Drifter: Naoki Nakamura. Guy just doesn't care about the condition the car can get into.. Crazy Tande Skills
Form or Function: Form
Favourite Smiley: :P