- 598
- the_kingb_ & Drift_artist
so the qual starts in 5 hours from the date of this post right ?
US qualifying is in 10 hours, UK in 4 hours (well 20 minutes less now). 👍so the qual starts in 5 hours from the date of this post right ?
so the qual starts in 5 hours from the date of this post right ?
Anyone got a practice lobby open?
Qualifying room 1 open now!
the_kingb_Is voice chat off ?
It should have been off in room settings..Its on but Mics are off.
hpi91I have a ques GAUZ. In the vid you say no e-brake into the first corner, what if thats how some people initiate? You'll deduct that even if it is there style?
I have a ques GAUZ. In the vid you say no e-brake into the first corner, what if thats how some people initiate? You'll deduct that even if it is there style?
Lol so what. The person leading isn't supposed to cater to the follower. But alright
And I agree Mean hah! ;-)
From left: GTDS-Maveric, MLD_DriftMonkey, KYOKI-Jn
The first qualifying room is now over and we had LOADS of participants and high class drifting!
Unfortunately I had connection problems for some minutes what caused trouble but it all went well and we already have over 30 people who joined the qualifying.
Thank you all for your big interest! The US room will open soon and let the last drifters do their runs
Shouts out to KYOKI-Jn who did a super clean run with a sick angle and got 100 points from all 3 judges!
Very nice and well done! Who were the top 3 out of that lobby?