D1GP Competition

The time of the event is awful for europeans...

sorry but im the main guy on the team running it, and im West coast and i get on a bit late. other ppl on our team mite run a comp in the morning time more for euro times, but thats no promise or anything, just mite be something later on.
Qualifying is done, i will be sending out msgs to the 10 people who qualified for our comp. but i will also send out to the 5 who didnt incase there are people who are not online for the comp. so if you qualified, just try to get on at 7:30pm PST and look for a MSG and invite into a chat, it will be in my lounge so a friend request also.
Qualifying is done, i will be sending out msgs to the 10 people who qualified for our comp. but i will also send out to the 5 who didnt incase there are people who are not online for the comp. so if you qualified, just try to get on at 7:30pm PST and look for a MSG and invite into a chat, it will be in my lounge so a friend request also.

Is the whole d1gp gonna be finished that day?
Is the whole d1gp gonna be finished that day?

yes, hopefully lol. wont take a long time as long as people fallow instructions. if its taking a long time, we will cut it into 2 days. but hopefully we wont need to do that.
we started the race to save the replays and record them later. we will edit and add them to our YT channel. but we had some connections issues for the finals, so we will hopefully get the finals done tomorrow afternoon.