Here's my perspective on this.
It's not like the Father was asking for a whole lot. Do a few chores, it's not that difficult. It takes a matter of minutes to accomplish these things. The daughter (IMO) was being rebellious (the Facebook posting) aimed at her Father. I think the Dad had a right to fire back (no pun intended) at his daughter for such an act. I'm not so sure that shooting the laptop was the answer. He could have confiscated it, sold it, whatever.Hell, he just sunk $130.00 into it, then he turns around and shoots it ???
As far as the daughter wanting to be paid / or an allowance for doing chores, she may have something there. I never had a problem throwing $$$ to my kids for doing chores.Mowing the grass, sweeping, straightening up around the house. I mean why not, they live in the household as well. They help to mess it up a bit, they can help straighten it up as well. It's a simple solution, you help out Mom and Dad who are working full time jobs to support you, then you can do a little something as a payback. Reward your kids for helping, it makes life a lot easier. They will remember this.