Sounds to me like it's worth a run or two. Thanks!Mustangs great. It likes a person to be kinda gentle though. I think overdriving it is bad.
Nah. You just need to drink more, and not give a damn. 👍After a race or two anymore I need to turn it off with all the dirty cheating going unpenalized.
Idiot of the year maybe...
Another jerk who isn't good enough to drive with TCS off, but does it anyways.
Gotta love it when you're in a top 3 spot (Daily A) and the person in 4th dive-bombs so hard in the braking zone and uses you as a brake 3 races in a row. 2k DR down because of it
That's quite something, how'd he manage to hit EVERYONE.
Also astounds me how the punters are always the first to re-appear and get going after a crash, their recovery is remarkable.
Bored. Made a decal because I liked the sound of it.
Pure Filth - Decals by Kaizen-Teian | Community | Gran Turismo Sport (
In all fairness to the guy, getting out of the sand or starting from a track reset is a pain in the ass (whether you were the punter or punted doesn't matter).Another jerk who isn't good enough to drive with TCS turned off, but does it anyways.
That is a good method, though largely useless in this weeks race A. So satisfying to do it at places like Fuji turn 1 with almost no time loss, even against people who outbrake themselves with good intentions.Out-smart 'em. You know they are going to dive. Monitor your mirror/radar/timeChart. Go wide at the turn and slow up like you are doing an undercut. If they are diving they depend on your car to act as brake. If you remove that brake they will overshoot the corner. Practice your lines on an empty track and then you will be ready to use it in-race. It is so satisfying when it works.
All out revenge - you have seen a few examples of that on this thread. It is not my way - though I have done it. It is not easy and requires skill. For most it is a wake up call and they will correct their behavior around you. Be warned as some are trolls and they feed off the revenge.
Usually when I moan here it’s because I was wronged-attempted all out revenge, and was defeated again.
It IS a skill, and although I’m very very dangerous there are others who are better.
Yeah they have Fuji and Suzuka. I think there might be a couple others too.Wow. I've only been playing the game three months and I already know Autopolis like the back of my hand from dailies. There are other tracks in the game, right?
I have a fabulous recollection of DTS - Larini-2. Bad guy was in front - he wronged someone else. I was in the middle. You were behind me. You came flinging past eliminating the bad guy with no space to slide a dollar bill between our cars. I was untouched. Expert!
That is a hard case at any skill level. There are broadly three ways to deal with this.
- Do what you are doing now and accept the pain and DR loss - not recommended.
- All out revenge - you have seen a few examples of that on this thread. It is not my way - though I have done it. It is not easy and requires skill. For most it is a wake up call and they will correct their behavior around you. Be warned as some are trolls and they feed off the revenge.
- Out-smart 'em. You know they are going to dive. Monitor your mirror/radar/timeChart. Go wide at the turn and slow up like you are doing an undercut. If they are diving they depend on your car to act as brake. If you remove that brake they will overshoot the corner. Practice your lines on an empty track and then you will be ready to use it in-race. It is so satisfying when it works.
They have more opportunities to practice though the purple guy in @baygencos 's was a hopeless premature tire spinner.
OK, for my birthday, I want front mounted paint guns for my VW Scirocco and I am going to blow that template at offending cars. Does it come in "blood red"?
Hot off the press. GT7 will also run on Playstation 4 according to this article.
I have not been following too closely but this feels like a big surprise and I would think a happy one too.
Anyone else using the Viper?
Wow. I've only been playing the game three months and I already know Autopolis like the back of my hand from dailies. There are other tracks in the game, right?
Same club dude, think I got to A for a few days and lost it.
Can someone half decent try the WRX? I reakon you will go ok, it eats less tyre than the FWD cars and I ran 27.9 in qualy so she can hustle. Just get on the gas before the apex, she will swing around. I keep dropping the damn car at brands, cannot get a read.
Hot off the press. GT7 will also run on Playstation 4 according to this article.
I have not been following too closely but this feels like a big surprise and I would think a happy one too.
It's been discussed for the past day and a half in the GT7 area of the forum. I am deeply disappointed by the news and it seems the majority is. Not just here but elsewhere on the internet, as well.
Thanks. I will go read. My thinkin => I get to keep the PS4 I purchased a year ago and don't need to spend another $400 for a PS4.
Just clicked past it for the first time this week! Have been stuck in mid-30k for 6mo or more…Yeah that 40k mark, been to 37k 3 times dammit but never get there!