"Daily" Race Discussion

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
Me too, that’s some good racing for 2 laps, and race C will be amazing, sardegna a is my all time fave track
Been a minute or two since I ran GTSport...came back for this very reason, love this track!! :cheers:

It was kinda fun, kinda chaotic and just plain terrible at moments. The drive between GT7 and GTSport is different enough to make it more than a pick-up and go affair for me. Took a bit to get my bearings again but have been having a BLAST since blowing the dust off.

One of these days imma keep it on the track for the whole race so I can keep up with a particular driver...sooo damn consistent, that one is. Great from the sportsmanship angle, too.👍

Hope to see y'all out there!
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Here are my best laps so far for the new Race A S2000 at Tokyo Expressway Central Outer Loop.

#1 worldwide clean and dirty lap (there's already wall riding :banghead:) I would say 1:30.25ish is possible clean.
Here are my best laps so far for the new Race A S2000 at Tokyo Expressway Central Outer Loop.

#1 worldwide clean and dirty lap (there's already wall riding :banghead:) I would say 1:30.25ish is possible clean.

Cool, I've never entered in that special night race before. It must be brand new. Their penalty system is whacky sometimes.
Hey, I have been trying to get below 1'34.000 at Tokyo. It's really tricky trying to keep up with the top drivers, because if you hit the wall, that's it, you get an automatic penalty. It's up to 3 seconds depending on how hard you hit it.
Hey, I have been trying to get below 1'34.000 at Tokyo. It's really tricky trying to keep up with the top drivers, because if you hit the wall, that's it, you get an automatic penalty. It's up to 3 seconds depending on how hard you hit it.
More than anything it takes a lot of practice with smooth steering input. I think it was a different driving physics system the last time this combination was active but the top times were done with directional buttons on a controller so if you have time maybe try practicing that. I already have many tens of thousands of miles at this track using stick on controller for steering so I haven't really been able to adapt anything else recently.
Also brake balance at 5 is a bit harder to control at first but faster overall so that is worth doing at least in time trials. Finally, nudging a wall and getting off immediately isn't a penalty so don't be afraid to go a mile or two per hour faster than you feel comfortable with at first because small mistakes barely matter until at least at a 1:32 lap time.
I've been having fun at Dragon Trail this month, trying to select from a variety of cars to try to get the lowest qualifying time and racing with friends/drivers. Nothing can be better than this.
Here's my best in the world clean and dirty laps from the Race A that just ended at Tokyo Expressway Central Outer Loop.

I assume the physics are slower now than in 2021 therefore the top laps from then are impossible now but I don't know for sure. In total I probably have over 20,000 miles at this track so I'm glad that two events here in a row I've managed to finish first in the world, it is sad though that wall riding is so effective now and PD doesn't care enough about GT Sport to fix it.
Wow, been a minute...

Saw the EoL notice on 'Sport and started missin' the joint. The servers for '7 being in the trashcan helps, too. That aside, I happen to pop on over for one of my all time favorite combos...Monza + (anything).😁

Fell right back into the groove and have had some great door-to-door races. Havin' a blast and it's good seeing some familiar names on the tarmac. Thanks for the great racin' and see you out there!

Couple of quick questions for those of you who still Daily Race in GT Sport.

I have an account which does not have the three 'Sport' mode trophies so I am now trying to work on this before the end of life date.

322 Race Participation trophy is easy enough (though many races await as I only have 33 done).
91 Wins - Trophy is easy enough if the race falls your way but suspect this will be the hardest one.

The main one i have a question on is how to ensure I get the Pole Postion to count for match Ayrton Senna record as matchmaking is always putting me with A tier times that are better.

Now I know I'll need to set race times but I am not sure which of the current crop is best/quickest to do this on.

I have a 2:29 time on Race A (NSX), 2:01 on Race B (Veryon Gr 4 Used) and 1:25 on Race C (Beetle Gr 3) of these I get last place on Race A, usually about 7th Race B and Race C can be starting 3rd.

For info I can't do manual trasmission so I have to stick with auto (complicated so I'd rather not bore you all)

Does anyone have any cars that they think I might improve with for the qualifying to ensure when it loads the race I get the pole slot?

Also how often do the races refresh now, I'm guessing these ones will be until end of October or does it change at all now?

Thanks for any answers/help!
Well I knew this day was coming, well I better get to work. I was in the ER all of last Thursday night, Friday and Saturday morning, i'll explain what happened later. I've been racing a lot at Suzuka and Monza too.
Couple of quick questions for those of you who still Daily Race in GT Sport.

I have an account which does not have the three 'Sport' mode trophies so I am now trying to work on this before the end of life date.

322 Race Participation trophy is easy enough (though many races await as I only have 33 done).
91 Wins - Trophy is easy enough if the race falls your way but suspect this will be the hardest one.

The main one i have a question on is how to ensure I get the Pole Postion to count for match Ayrton Senna record as matchmaking is always putting me with A tier times that are better.

Now I know I'll need to set race times but I am not sure which of the current crop is best/quickest to do this on.

I have a 2:29 time on Race A (NSX), 2:01 on Race B (Veryon Gr 4 Used) and 1:25 on Race C (Beetle Gr 3) of these I get last place on Race A, usually about 7th Race B and Race C can be starting 3rd.

For info I can't do manual trasmission so I have to stick with auto (complicated so I'd rather not bore you all)

Does anyone have any cars that they think I might improve with for the qualifying to ensure when it loads the race I get the pole slot?

Also how often do the races refresh now, I'm guessing these ones will be until end of October or does it change at all now?

Thanks for any answers/help!
Good luck with your pursuit!! My biggest challenge was getting the wins but those came with getting more consistent lap times. If you're struggling with times you're options really come down to:
  • Finding more speed on the track: I know 'get faster' is a tired response, if not an irritating one. That said, your goal is to be the fastest person in the room (pole) so, well, yeah...you gotta go faster
  • Finding that time-of-day where you're most competitive: This sounds ridiculous but it's true. When I was farming for wins I was hitting early morning lobbies with fewer, typically slower drivers. The smaller your cross-section of competitors, the better your chances for both the win and pole
If you're getting stuck in mostly A lobbies you definitely need to trim down your time at Monza. That's pretty much the only one I'm running right now. Easily one of my fastest combos and the racing has been amazing. That said, I'm currently at a 1:55.297 and am not guaranteed pole.

The AT in the Bugatti might be hurting you. What I found when trying to pilot that pig with the AT is that I really, REALLY count on hitting first at the apex of the first chicane entry as a way to move the weight around. With the auto, it still has me in third at the first apex and second at the next. You have to all but stop to get it to hit first. None of this works out for me. Maybe with a great deal of practice I could get into the 55's but not what I'm running now.

When the Bug' isn't the answer, I'll usually try the Mustang or the Viper. Mustang turns on a dime and has great brakes but struggles to put power down out of low-speed turns. Viper is way more planted out of the tight stuff but tends to understeer more. Pick your poison. If you can drive the FF cars, the Megane is the go-to. I cannot drive FF cars...well, I can, I just don't like to.😁

Whatever poison you do choose, make sure it's NOT the Megane TROPHY flavor. One of my most favorite cars of all-time and an absolute track weapon...that they've COMPLETELY neutered in GTSport through the BoP setttings. You will see nothing but taillights down the straight because it has no top-end and Monza is way too fast to make it up in the corners.

Track cycle is monthly now so you got time to find your groove on any of the courses. For me, sticking to B was the way to go. Racing was cleaner (marginally) than A and doesn't carry the time commitment of C.

Also, be sure to mention that you're looking for trophies in the pre-race chat. If you're lucky you'll find someone like me who'll gladly get outta your way, maybe even help. I'm here for the fun now and it's made the racing soooooooooo much more enjoyable. I simply do not care where I finish, I'm just in it for the adrenaline. If I wanna get stressed out about my rating, I can go back to '7.

Also, be sure to mention that you're looking for trophies in the pre-race chat. If you're lucky you'll find someone like me who'll gladly get outta your way, maybe even help. I'm here for the fun now and it's made the racing soooooooooo much more enjoyable. I simply do not care where I finish, I'm just in it for the adrenaline. If I wanna get stressed out about my rating, I can go back to '7.

Thank you for your response, I got a little distracted from this mission with new game stuff as been playing Honkai Starrail since yesterday and also finishing my plays of Resident Evil 4's DLC.

I'll try putting a pre-race message in my profile before I return to this, probably after the weekend as I got a lot of stuff on all at once right now but I think I may gave the Mustang a go from your report as I am quite good with that car on automatic so I'll see if I can improve my laptime a bit and then see how things go.

Will also maybe try some early morning racing and see if that makes a difference too, I am not too fussed if I fail, at least I will be able to say I tried!
Didn't play GTS for a long time, now trying to get trophies before servers shutdown. Are "weekly" races even refreshing now, or those same 3 races will be with us till the end? And if that’s the case, does that mean that qualifying times also do not reset?
Didn't play GTS for a long time, now trying to get trophies before servers shutdown. Are "weekly" races even refreshing now, or those same 3 races will be with us till the end? And if that’s the case, does that mean that qualifying times also do not reset?
Welcome back!

Races have been running on a monthly scheduled, and at last check. That means you have a whole month to hammer on QT's as they do not reset. Problem is, so does everyone else. 🤣

I think we might get one more change to the races before they close the doors for good. Then again, maybe they'll just leave what's there until the end. Not sure...would love for them to end on the 'Ring 24H or something ridiculous like that.😁

Idk, maybe just maybe they will change the races one more time by Christmas and then I would think that would be the end point because they will shut the servers down Jan. 31st 2024. But that's my prediction. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Welcome back!

Races have been running on a monthly scheduled, and at last check. That means you have a whole month to hammer on QT's as they do not reset. Problem is, so does everyone else. 🤣

I think we might get one more change to the races before they close the doors for good. Then again, maybe they'll just leave what's there until the end. Not sure...would love for them to end on the 'Ring 24H or something ridiculous like that.😁

Thank you! I wish there will be at least one refresh from now on, since there is also a trophy for pole position, and you really have to have a good time (or find yourself in an appropriate lobby) to get a pole. But I will try, of course)
Thank you! I wish there will be at least one refresh from now on, since there is also a trophy for pole position, and you really have to have a good time (or find yourself in an appropriate lobby) to get a pole. But I will try, of course)
Wb, I'm Chris, when the servers die here in GTS, will you join gt7?
Wb, I'm Chris, when the servers die here in GTS, will you join gt7?
Nice to meet you Chris. I probably will, but I’m not sure about time frame. TBH, didn’t have a lot of time for playing for quite a while, and that's the main reason I still haven't buy PS5. Nevertheless, recently I have acquired Drive Hub so I can connect my old trusty Logitech G27 to PS4/5, so it raises the chances of me getting GT7 in the foreseeable future.
So, how are you all coming along, lol I haven't even touched GTS in 9 days almost, been sidetracked with GT7. I believe the races are supposed to change tomorrow, i'll check on kudosprime. Hey, I think I see the next set on Kudosprime.

Race A- Kyoto-Miyabi (8 laps)
Race B- Autodrome Lago Maggiore (3 laps)
Race C- Nurburgring 24th (2 laps)

I'm excited, I'm jumping on at 2am and I'm gonna try to steal at least 20-30 wins today, that's the goal.
Well are any of you aware that in a little over 3 weeks this will be the end of a long-running racing game that was mostly popular between 2017-2021. Things started to slack off into 2022. I have got to get some victories going and I mean now. My DR has dropped significantly again, I will show you the proof of it using my Kudosprime status. Idk how accurate this is though as it looks like it's a very old site. See, on Day 154 that was my lowest amount of points. On Day 151, I must have ran into someone or I got a bunch of penalties, my manner points were 86 for that certain day. So, idk what happened. Can someone explain?

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Wow, a new wide array of races again!? This is the last set until the online server shuts down. Kyoto Yamagiwa, Autodrome Lago Maggoire- GP 2, and Suzuka Circuit. I'm interested to see how things will go this last final round. So we better enjoy these last 2 weeks, this is it! It's crunch time now.