Couple of quick questions for those of you who still Daily Race in GT Sport.
I have an account which does not have the three 'Sport' mode trophies so I am now trying to work on this before the end of life date.
322 Race Participation trophy is easy enough (though many races await as I only have 33 done).
91 Wins - Trophy is easy enough if the race falls your way but suspect this will be the hardest one.
The main one i have a question on is how to ensure I get the Pole Postion to count for match Ayrton Senna record as matchmaking is always putting me with A tier times that are better.
Now I know I'll need to set race times but I am not sure which of the current crop is best/quickest to do this on.
I have a 2:29 time on Race A (NSX), 2:01 on Race B (Veryon Gr 4 Used) and 1:25 on Race C (Beetle Gr 3) of these I get last place on Race A, usually about 7th Race B and Race C can be starting 3rd.
For info I can't do manual trasmission so I have to stick with auto (complicated so I'd rather not bore you all)
Does anyone have any cars that they think I might improve with for the qualifying to ensure when it loads the race I get the pole slot?
Also how often do the races refresh now, I'm guessing these ones will be until end of October or does it change at all now?
Thanks for any answers/help!
Good luck with your pursuit!! My biggest challenge was getting the wins but those came with getting more consistent lap times. If you're struggling with times you're options really come down to:
- Finding more speed on the track: I know 'get faster' is a tired response, if not an irritating one. That said, your goal is to be the fastest person in the room (pole) so, well, gotta go faster
- Finding that time-of-day where you're most competitive: This sounds ridiculous but it's true. When I was farming for wins I was hitting early morning lobbies with fewer, typically slower drivers. The smaller your cross-section of competitors, the better your chances for both the win and pole
If you're getting stuck in mostly A lobbies you definitely need to trim down your time at Monza. That's pretty much the only one I'm running right now. Easily one of my fastest combos and the racing has been amazing. That said, I'm currently at a 1:55.297 and am not guaranteed pole.
The AT in the Bugatti might be hurting you. What I found when trying to pilot that pig with the AT is that I really, REALLY count on hitting first at the apex of the first chicane entry as a way to move the weight around. With the auto, it still has me in third at the first apex and second at the next. You have to all but stop to get it to hit first. None of this works out for me. Maybe with a great deal of practice I could get into the 55's but not what I'm running now.
When the Bug' isn't the answer, I'll usually try the Mustang or the Viper. Mustang turns on a dime and has great brakes but struggles to put power down out of low-speed turns. Viper is way more planted out of the tight stuff but tends to understeer more. Pick your poison. If you can drive the FF cars, the Megane is the go-to. I cannot drive FF cars...well, I can, I just don't like to.😁
Whatever poison you do choose, make sure it's NOT the Megane TROPHY flavor. One of my most favorite cars of all-time and an absolute track weapon...that they've COMPLETELY neutered in GTSport through the BoP setttings. You will see nothing but taillights down the straight because it has no top-end and Monza is way too fast to make it up in the corners.
Track cycle is monthly now so you got time to find your groove on any of the courses. For me, sticking to B was the way to go. Racing was cleaner (marginally) than A and doesn't carry the time commitment of C.
Also, be sure to mention that you're looking for trophies in the pre-race chat. If you're lucky you'll find someone like me who'll gladly get outta your way, maybe even help. I'm here for the fun now and it's made the racing soooooooooo much more enjoyable. I simply do not care where I finish, I'm just in it for the adrenaline. If I wanna get stressed out about my rating, I can go back to '7.