Daily races kick out problem,

  • Thread starter 300Horses
United States
United States
I do daily races. Recently there has been an issue where after I sign up, do the qualifying and wait to to join the session. However just as the countdown end I get kicked. It often happens at the 3rd race. Has anyone encountered this. Really frustrating.
I do daily races. Recently there has been an issue where after I sign up, do the qualifying and wait to to join the session. However just as the countdown end I get kicked. It often happens at the 3rd race. Has anyone encountered this. Really frustrating.

Just happened to me, trying to do the A and B races in the daily races.
Restarting the game after every race works for me.

By the way, this glitch going on for 2+ months represents everything PD is doing wrong.
Happened to me 2 times already. Interesting that this issue only started happening when I changed my Internet provider and got NAT type 3 connection.
Happened to me 2 times already. Interesting that this issue only started happening when I changed my Internet provider and got NAT type 3 connection.
I think it became common after last update.

There is always, *always*, at least on race C 2 persons get booted. Like a first roulette? :)
I think it became common after last update.

There is always, *always*, at least on race C 2 persons get booted. Like a first roulette? :)
Hopefully it will be fixed when update comes. Not a huge problem being booted in daily races but if that would happen during manufacturer's Cup race... :banghead:
Happened to me today for first time, but it has been going on for a while.

Needs a fix as this the type of bug that puts people off a game.
Same here. After 3-4 races just getting kicked. Seems like a memory issue. Restarting GTS helps for a while.
It happens to me mostly on weekends, Friday or Saturday nights. I didn't try restarting the game or PS4. I will try that next time it happens. I thought it was because of the weekend, servers may be overloaded.
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I see people with great connections get booted but then:


Connections like this aren't booted??? Yamaguchi plz :crazy:
The above is ridiculous, over 100 ms would be bad, over 400/nearly 500 is just having a laugh and should be kicked out 100% of the time. People with these sort of connections cause no end of trouble.
You guys are aware that sub-100 pings are impossible for most people on the planet, right?

You guys are aware that ping alone does not say much about connection quality, right?

If over 100ms is bad (and I agree than ANY ping is less than ideal) then you could say goodbye to at least 50% of the playerbase. Geographic distances make sub-100ms pings impossible for pretty much anything over a couple thousand miles. My ping from Patagonia to the US server fluctuates between 180 and 250ms but the connection is very stable. I have only had three disconnects in 600 races and only suffered the boot to the Sports Mode screen once. I am a web developer and networking expert so believe me it is as optimized as it can get.

Then on the other hand you have people with 30 ping but improper setup or equipment that gives them massive lag spikes at times and/or unstable connections. Some ISPs are better than others, too.

500 ping I agree is atrocious. It's most likely being caused by someone playing from a region he does not belong. In the US servers a 500 ping would likely be caused by an Asian or Middle Easterner playing with a US account.

I am sure there are also people playing with rural satellite internet which is not suitable for online gaming due to the time it takes for their signals to go round-trip to the satellite.

Everyone wants low ping but sub-100ms for everyone is a physical impossibility with current copper and fibre-optic wire technology.

By forcing max pings you will basically just reduce the userbase to near nil. That's why the most serious racing leagues vet people by geography and force ping tests on them. Of course, if GTS implemented something like that it would be the end of Sport Mode.

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