Davis's Cars - I bought a Honda with a stupid wing

  • Thread starter Davis



The engine reseal/partial rebuild is finally done!!! After 5 months of money and hard work, it leaks zero oil, starts every time, idles smoothly, and runs cool. Couldn't be happier with the result. Visually, the car still sucks, the hatch latches are broken, the front valance is beyond salvageable, its missing carpet in places and the dash is cracked to hell. The lower half of the car is covered in dents, the wheels are peeling and oxidized, and every exterior rubber seal has crumbled. But it runs better than any other '84 out there.

In keeping with the theme of making a good driving car before a good looking car, I recently bought Bilstein shocks and Powerflex poly bushings for the front and rear, and picked up a used A'pexi muffler. Forgive the cellphone pictures:





(woo torsion bars)

The rusted out KYBs I replaced these with were all either completely blown out or bent, so the car rode like a Cadillac until it hit a bump, at which point the entire suspension would creak and your spine would shatter. It handles much better now. I finally understand the praise this car got when new for being well so well balanced.

Hopefully in the next update the car won't be so ugly to look at!

New/replaced carpet, or merely just pulled up and thoroughly cleaned?
Did you use special cleaning products to get that carpet looking so tidy? I only ask because the boot carpet in my car looks as if something might have previously died in there :lol:
I used a lot of somewhat diluted citrus-based degreaser. It doesnt have a name, sorry.

Do you get your cleaning products from Autosmart? They sell a multi-purpose cleaner that sounds exactly like that called G101. That's what we use at my work.
I swear we're related dude. Like, everything we do is the same. And we don't even talk to each other about it.
I don't really like S2000s and I think they're really slow.

So I bought one!



I wanted a convertible I could drive really hard for a few months and not care about mileage. It's rained ever since.
+1 Like.

I sold the MINI.

Okay I do like that yellow colour on the Honda, so you can keep the earlier like.
It's faster than the 944, but it doesn't feel like it. It's a good car, really easy to heel-toe compared to my euro stuff. It handles nicely but I'm not 100% confident with it yet. Kind of skittish and I've had it sideways a few times already, definitely not as progressive as the Elise. I do notice the electric steering, but it's a very good system.

It's way too quiet but I'm not going to do anything about that because I might actually make money at the end for once.
I'm sure I'll end up driving an S2K eventually but it's a car I've always been weirdly disinterested in. The Japanese companies do seem to get fairly basic stuff like pedal positions right though so I'm not surprised it's easy to heel/toe.