Daytona Speedweeks 2014Finished 

  • Thread starter Peelster1
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Peelster I didn't sign up for truck.
For some reason I thought you did. I probably confused NinjaMonkey8's post with yours because he was running #20 which you ran for a little bit.

@theHOONIGAN1 The only car left for 2013 was #99. I went ahead and reserved it for you.
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i noticed you put "After Drivers Meet GT6 NASCAR Cup Practice" shouldn't it be "After Drivers Meet, GT6 Sprint Unlimited"?
Peelster, I like to race in drive4COPD 300 in #11. If its to late to sign up for drive4COPD.
Peelster, I like to race in drive4COPD 300 in #11. If its to late to sign up for drive4COPD.

You're all set.

Next event: Daytona 500 Qualifying

The real Daytona Duels are at 7 pm EST on Thursday, February 20th. I'm seeing that T.V. coverage is not ending until 10:30 pm. The schedule has been updated so that the room will open at 5:30 pm for qualifying and Duel #1. Duel #2 will be on Friday. Again, check the schedule post.

All drivers that wish to race in the Daytona 500 MUST attend qualifying.

The Truck 250 has been moved from late Friday night to Saturday afternoon. Looking at the scheduled 10 pm broadcasting end time of the real Truck 250, I figured that if we held it after we would be racing into the early morning. This has moved the Nationwide events later. See the schedule post.

Approximate ending times for the real life events have been added to the schedule. As shown with the abbreviation apx.

An announcement about driver's meetings: The drivers meeting is the time to ask questions to make sure you understand the rules. It is not the time to argue about if we should have it or not, that just makes it take longer. (NJS Drivers, you should replace "argue about whether we should have it or not" with "complain about rules") I give the drivers meeting because I know you guys probably aren't reading the rules (if you are, thank you) and in addition, good questions have been asked that I didn't think to put in the rules. Good questions about clarifications of rules have also been asked.

I could simply not give the drivers meeting, expect you to read the rules (which you should) and if I have to give post-race penalties because you didn't know a rule, then I will. However, I have not held drivers meetings in the past and not holding them makes my already difficult job of managing the race even more difficult because it adds even more post-race penalties then if people just knew the rules. I have had races in the past where while the unofficial winner that crossed the line first, wasn't the official winner simply because of post-race penalties that could have been avoided if they read the rules. For one race (last summer's Daytona 400) I was the only car on the lead lap at the finish for this exact reason. (See the penalty log here.) I don't want that, and neither should you. For those too lazy to click the link, there are a total of 91 adjustments. (Not all are penalties, and not all were due to not knowing the rules, most were.)

Making sure all the driver's know the rules is very important and reduces my post-race workload greatly. I watch the entirety of every race replay and for every penalty I have to skip back a few laps (because GT6 doesn't have plain old rewind) and watch it multiple times, which sometimes takes minutes just to get back to where I was due to GT6 only having skip and not simply having rewind. I've been doing this for over a year now, with 25 races hosted over the course of 3 series and some spot races. Please trust that I have learned from experience and my latest addition of reading through the complete rulebook for the driver's meeting is a result of that experience. As stated above; it's made things much more difficult and led to races like that Daytona 400 by drivers not knowing the rules. As a race host, it is my goal that drivers avoid penalties.

An announcement about race communication: I feel like I need to reiterate that microphones are to be used for communication that has to do with the race. The microphones need to be kept clear under Green Flag conditions for passing information (inside, outside, etc.) and announcements about Cautions. They also need to be kept clear under Yellow Flag for Pit Road, Red Flag, Penalty, field order and field formation announcements. If people cannot hear these announcements due to chatter, this can increase driver confusion.
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Due to having 3 drivers being unable to make qualifying on Thursday and lack of replies to the previous post, the qualifying has been moved to Friday at 5:30. I hope we have enough time before the real truck race starts. We're missing the pre-race show, that's for sure. I would like as many drivers as possible to attend the practice after the actual Daytona Duels tonight. It seems like half the drivers that signed up aren't communicating that much and that's concerning.
I don't know :lol:. I just never get the alerts.

Are you sure you're watching the thread? If so, try unwatching it then watching it again. If it still gives you problems, try to remember to check the thread. Maybe print out the schedule post. You've missed both the ARCA race and the Daytona Shootout so far. I don't want you to miss any more events that you've signed up for. Most important, is being there for Daytona 500 qualifying tomorrow.

I'm not sure if I should just start tagging everyone in every post. I thought just watching the thread would cut it.
Are you sure you're watching the thread? If so, try unwatching it then watching it again. If it still gives you problems, try to remember to check the thread. Maybe print out the schedule post. You've missed both the ARCA race and the Daytona Shootout so far. I don't want you to miss any more events that you've signed up for. Most important, is being there for Daytona 500 qualifying tomorrow.

I'm not sure if I should just start tagging everyone in every post. I thought just watching the thread would cut it.
No its not...
Next event: Final Truck Practice, Truck Qualifying, Truck 250, Nationwide Practice, Nationwide Qualifying, Drive4COPD 300

Starting after the real life Drive4COPD 300 around 4 pm. Truck room to open after the real Nationwide race. See schedule post for approximate times.
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hey peel, my mom just had a hissy fit because she wanted me to go with her and her boyfriend to dinner again, but i told her i had a race tonight, so there IS a possibility i won't make it to the races.
The race won't be tonight. I had a lot to do today. I ended up falling asleep at 9 pm last night and taped the Daytona 500. Woke up at 1 am and went back to sleep until my alarm went off at 8 am. I could have slept longer. I definitely pushed myself too hard last week with Speedweeks and the N24 and life. It's only 8 pm now and I'm already feeling like sleep.

Any update for the start of your 500 race. PST please.
Times given will be in EST as most of our drivers are in EST. We also have a Atlantic Time driver. For PST simply subtract 3 hours from the time given.

I need people to tell me what their week is looking like. @redbullrider20 wants the race to be sometime during the week in the evening. Depending on when people get home after school/work we might be able to do that. Personally, I think a weekend day would be more appropriate as this race will take about 4 hours. In the end what matters is when people can make it.

@trobes29 @jeff46107 @swiftsmith @Alan2134 @rick_frogman @theHOONIGAN1
Just tagging everyone else just as a fail safe in case the alert from watching the thread doesn't work.

I need everyone to tell me what time of day on which days they can race. Please post your full schedule for this week of when you are available. When times overlap for everyone I will schedule the race for that time.

Free Times
redbullrider20: Evenings; Monday-Thursday
carl2448: Any time Wednesday-Friday
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I'm free any time on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Work on Wednesday and Thursday
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