DC: GTP "weekly" drawing contest # 8: get some acids and design something!

  • Thread starter Cano



i can't draw from 3/4 view worth a damn.. so sue me. i've tried - i go to art school for crying out loud- i just can't get it to look right..

And here's mine. I did use photoshop but only to clean the paper up. It had writing on it, because I just used scrap paper. Anyways, it's here.

Those look great Suzq!!
Originally posted by Darin
I guess you get to see it.


Now, if your wondering why the ones on the top and bottom are so messed up. Its cause I can't draw things more than once. Its a curse upon me. I can't draw the same exact car more than once. after that once, it looks quite ugly like the one thats on the top and bottom. But hell, this is my final entry for good. I'm done with the competition.

haha i have that same exact curse

here you go .. widebody goodness mmm
i dont like how the 3/4ths view came out.. ran out of paper space and tried to compress the front end ughh
Originally posted by shima

here you go .. widebody goodness mmm
i dont like how the 3/4ths view came out.. ran out of paper space and tried to compress the front end ughh

Wow, that's pretty good, I like the way you did it, looks like a car i'd own. Except I may want some side mirrors if I get the 3/4 view one.:D

It's a good design, I like the way it looks, kind of like a shark. That being said, maybe you should call it "requin" which is french for shark, you can add some numbers or something to make it sound extreme. requin sd504
created may(5) 2004(04)
haha.. omicron you're right.. does remind me of a shark..

sd504.. mm sounds nice

the soloStudios requin (sd504)

maybe i'll redo the 3/4ths later
Originally posted by Darin
Wheres the poll?

Nice design shima! But too me, it kinda looks like a kit for the Tommy Kaira ZZ-II...

can you show me a pic of the zz-ii? i did this sketch from the mind, btw
Are you serious? You've never seen the ZZII? Have you ever played Gran Turismo? If not, just look through the screenshots on this site...
Damnit if that damn poll don't go up, I'm gonna run around my neighborhood naked.. Screaming," CANO WHERES THE DAMN POLL!!!???"
I'm impatient, and if we continue letting this run he'll have to put up two polls (which I'm sure he doesn't want to do). So yeah, I just PMed him, if in a week he hasn't responded I'm going to post the poll...

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