Dead Island

  • Thread starter Neal
Thanks for the diamond explanation guys, guess I'll hang on to them for a while.
I know that I found one of them in the sewers, not sure which it was. I do know that one of them goes inside a house on the stove and I think there may also be another one inside the same house. From what I've read you can only go inside this house once while on a mission so if you don't have the one skull already don't go in there.

My buddy and I are trying to play together and it says "unable to join. wrong game version" ????????

I'm on chapter 4 and he just bought the ps3 and game.

Does anybody know what is going on???
Is he trying to join your game? You can only join games of people of lower levels than you.

If that's not the problem then...well that's why I use my 360 for online gaming. :P
Is he trying to join your game? You can only join games of people of lower levels than you.

If that's not the problem then...well that's why I use my 360 for online gaming. :P

Man, I wish my 360 would be an option for online gaming. I have a NAT3 type connection and have no idea how to change it. My PS3 doesn't have a problem finding games, but on my 360 I've sat for over 10 minutes while it searches for games. This is on both Halo and CoD. I'd buy more multiplatform games on my 360 if I could figure this out.

Also, does Dead Island have an online pass? My local RedBox has some copies but I want to play with others and if it has an online pass that won't be possible.

It doesn't use an online pass, it's completely open as long as you've got a Gold subscription. I'm not sure about the NAT issue though, mine is Open as standard with my router. My old one needed some ports opening but this one has been brilliant with it.

EDIT: Me and my friends have just had the weirdest bug we've ever experienced on this game. We were killing a group of about 6 zombies when suddenly the frame rate dropped to about 1 frame every 2 seconds, then a loud 'electric' noise played, similar to the noise you hear when you kill zombies with an electrically charged weapon. The screen then started to turn blue gradually and my character's health started to drop. The screen then went into 'widescreen' cinematic mode and black bars appeared top and bottom. I then died and the game froze. :lol: We all experienced similar too.

I managed to film the last few seconds, I'll upload it if anyone wants to see.
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Has anyone gone to the prison island yet? I'm reluctant to as it says you cannot return. Is that the last mission or something?
TIP: Before you go to the prison island make sure to stock up on items, especially crafting materials. I ended up short bleach and floater meat for deathstalker mod which was pretty frustrating as epic weapons were dropped/became available!
So when buying this game I thought about playing this solo first, after finishing I'd start co-op.

But dear god this is hard :crazy: can't even get to my first mission in town.
I tried, but got cornered a few times. Once I thought about helping a few people but they shot me.
If they're shooting at you shoot back. There are many gangs/looters that will try and take you out.

You're pretty much going to have to run everywhere. Pace your stamina usage and kick the piss out of anything that comes close. Eventually you'll have access to random cars sometimes if you can find them but they don't spawn everywhere.
I was on a mission to get my first gun :)
First I thought the white skulls on the map were people in need of rescue, guess not.
My buddy and I figured out what was wrong. He had version 1.0.0 and I had version 1.01.0, so I deleted dead island in my data utility folder and that did it, now we are playing.
My friend and I got to ACT III in the jungle the other night. Its a really neat area, and being able to use guns a bit more freely has been a lot of fun so far.
I have pretty much given up on my first act 3 save for now. I'm nearly on act 3 on my other save already. Maybe someone on PS3 who actually has some ammo could help me out somehow?
So...I spent ages hunting for materials and spent a lot of money modifying my main pistol. I do it, then it vanishes into thin air. Awesome stuff.
So...I spent ages hunting for materials and spent a lot of money modifying my main pistol. I do it, then it vanishes into thin air. Awesome stuff.

I've had that happen to a machette or something before. It also happened to the friend I play co-op with. Not sure what thats all about but it does suck.

I have pretty much given up on my first act 3 save for now. I'm nearly on act 3 on my other save already. Maybe someone on PS3 who actually has some ammo could help me out somehow?

You should be able to make at least pistol ammo when you get to ACT III, and should have the other blueprints shortly thereafter. Then you just need to check the different vendors for deoderant and metal scraps. You'll also start to pick up a lot of ammo from fighting the humans around the jungle.
About halway through the quests at the research lab I wasn't able to see the NPC questgivers anymore. Had to use the map to aim at them and then spam the "use" button in their direction while moving around to turn in my quests haha.

Overall playing on the PC my friend and I have only experienced a few small glitches. Almost 30 hours put into it so far and I think the other night we had gotten to 86% completion.

I love having shock mods on all of my weapons muahahaha.