Decals uploading on the website ok, but not displaying in game...

  • Thread starter NJ72
Tons of Features to change, not sure what they all do. Anything I should keep as they are or turn specific things On or Off? I'm one of those people that has the ''Shows up on Website, invisible in game'' issue others here are having.
Tons of Features to change, not sure what they all do. Anything I should keep as they are or turn specific things On or Off? I'm one of those people that has the ''Shows up on Website, invisible in game'' issue others here are having.
Don't change anything and don't turn Compare Gzipped on.

If it still doesn't work you have another problem.
Tons of Features to change, not sure what they all do. Anything I should keep as they are or turn specific things On or Off? I'm one of those people that has the ''Shows up on Website, invisible in game'' issue others here are having.
Don't change anything and don't turn Compare Gzipped on.

If it still doesn't work you have another problem.
And the number one cause is... connectivity issues!

And the number one cause is... connectivity issues!

Have you posted this in the wrong thread because I'm not sure what relevance of in-game connectivity issues have to do with the well known issue of PD being incapable of implementing the SVG spec properly?
Have you posted this in the wrong thread because I'm not sure what relevance of in-game connectivity issues have to do with the well known issue of PD being incapable of implementing the SVG spec properly?
Yep, I deliberately quoted two posts in this thread directly and responded to them by mistake 👍
Yep, I deliberately quoted two posts in this thread directly and responded to them by mistake 👍
Yeah, I don't think thats the burn you quite think it is then. Again, connectivity issues have absolutely zero relevance to the very well known, and discussed at length on this very website, issue of PD being incapable of writing a spec-compliant in-game SVG renderer.

The guy was asking about settings in SVGOMG, not "why can't I connect" (or some variation thereof), so keep digging.
Yeah, I don't think thats the burn you quite think it is then. Again, connectivity issues have absolutely zero relevance to the very well known, and discussed at length on this very website, issue of PD being incapable of writing a spec-compliant in-game SVG renderer.

The guy was asking about settings in SVGOMG, not "why can't I connect" (or some variation thereof), so keep digging.
Cool story, champ 👍
Yeah, I don't think thats the burn you quite think it is then. Again, connectivity issues have absolutely zero relevance to the very well known, and discussed at length on this very website, issue of PD being incapable of writing a spec-compliant in-game SVG renderer.

The guy was asking about settings in SVGOMG, not "why can't I connect" (or some variation thereof), so keep digging.

Tell ya what expert. Post up a model of a car you made (or downloaded), with a UV map that obeys all SVG commands.

I'll be testing it with animation tags.

with a UV map that obeys all SVG commands
Calm down chief, thats not even a thing.

Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF
Calm down chief, that's not even a thing.
I mean, I know really specifically why you might not consider that to be a thing... I'm curious as to why you say it isn't though?

That's beside the point though, I was calling out your inevitable lack of qualification in proclaiming what PD are, or aren't capable of, and you chose to deflect.. so... what should I take from that...?
I mean, I know really specifically why you might not consider that to be a thing... I'm curious as to why you say it isn't though?

That's beside the point though, I was calling out your inevitable lack of qualification in proclaiming what PD are, or aren't capable of, and you chose to deflect.. so... what should I take from that...?
I'm not even going to debate this with you. After reading this...

It's been a problem since GTSport that seems most noticeable with black.

What you need to remember, is that with decals you're pretty much just dealing with colours with RGB/HSB values. The 3D models in the game will have 'materials' assigned to them, these materials utilise a much "deeper" set of values. To give you an idea, Blender's basic material settings are as follows:

View attachment 1205824 View attachment 1205820

When you paint the car using the colour palette, it's probably just changing the 'diffuse' colour value (Red in the image above), but not touching the other settings (special paints no doubt have a predefined set of numbers for these deeper values).

Even if you're applying a decal that has the same colour value as the diffuse, if any of the other settings are different, it will change the way the colour looks. In these images below nothing was changed with the mesh, colour, lighting or camera... they are all 'painted' the identical colour (excuse the crappy lighting on them!), but some of the deeper settings were tweaked.

View attachment 1205825 View attachment 1205826 View attachment 1205827
'plain' > 'increased hardness on the specular value' > 'subsurface scattering enabled'

Now, if you're still following me, I believe that the decals are placed on a mesh that actually sits over the car like a clear shell. This clear shell has its own set of deeper settings (with presets for gloss, matte, powder etc.) If these deeper settings are not identical to those of the car's base mesh, it will appear different even if the relevant colour value is identical.

To expand on this, my theory as to the reason why we're not able to use the special paints as decals, or have a mix of matte and glossy decals, is because you'd need a separate livery mesh (clear shell), for each type of paint or finish. Given each mesh is hundreds of thousands of poly's, giving every car 8 or 9 more meshes could dramatically drain resources.

My theory continues that the mesh the livery sits on (remember there'll be one for each separate area of the car) has a texture map associated with it, and that's where the decals are actually placed, and these will be of a standard resolution. Pre-existing liveries that PD put on the car can be optimised to minimise the texture map file size, and can therefore be much higher resolution, and that's why their small decals look so much sharper than what we can apply.


But that's just like, my opinion, man.
... its absolutely clear you haven't got a clue about 3D game development, how Shaders work or even 3D models, if you did you wouldn't have claimed half the stuff you did there nor would you have said something as utterly nonsensical as a "UV map that obeys all SVG commands".

A UV map is simply a 2D representation of all, or part, of a 3D object. Its basically a coordinate system: U = up/down, V = left/right (because XY, along with Z, is already used for object coordinates). A UV map by itself does not contain any image data; it tells a (pixel/fragment) Shader where to put (map) separate image data (albedo/diffuse, specular, roughness, emission, bump, alpha) on a 3D mesh.

I do this stuff for a living.
I'm not even going to debate this with you. After reading this...

Lol. If you're quote mining don't miss the bits where I mention what I'm explaining is just an opinion, or is prefaced with something like 'I could be wrong', or includes words like 'theory'. I know you prefer to state an opinion as a fact, but I prefer a more humble approach. FWIW, since you're privy to exactly what PD's capabilities are, you could take the time to explain the actual reason for colour differences, that'd be.. y'know, useful.

Its basically a coordinate system: U = up/down, V = left/right (because XY, along with Z, is already used for object coordinates). A UV map by itself does not contain any image data; it tells a (pixel/fragment) Shader where to put (map) separate image data (albedo/diffuse, specular, roughness, emission, bump, alpha) on a 3D mesh.
Yep, I know.
I do this stuff for a living.
Then you probably know the correct actual way of procedurally generating textures, but to me, if I'm using SVG generated by some PHP to make a PNG texture file, it could be handy if that same coordinate based data in the SVG file could be brought back in to Blender as a UV Map - it exports it, but doesn't import it (I mention it because that's the really specific thing I was referring to).

nor would you have said something as utterly nonsensical as a "UV map that obeys all SVG commands".
As it happens, I actually threw the animation comment in to give you something more obviously nonsensical to rant about - I didn't think talking about two systems of coordinates is that nonsensical, personally, but I will happily bow down to your immense ego knowledge on that. For the benefit of anyone bored enough to be reading all of this... this is a UV map exported as SVG..


.. the data highlighted being relevant to the Map, the rest just for display purposes. Drawing a UV map looks very much like it should be very similar to drawing an SVG image.


@DJShadesUK Answer me this, as someone that does this stuff for a living... is everything you don't do, something you're incapable of doing? Or, do you sometimes not do things for other reasons? This really was the crux of my original post, I already knew you've got knowledge on this subject, I kinda assumed you'd understand what I was getting at... apologies for that assumption.

edit: Oh wait, I remember now, you're not going to debate this with me...
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Ignoring the nonsense about Blender which has absolutely zero relevance regarding the issue of PD's non-spec compliant SVG renderer.
is everything you don't do, something you're incapable of doing? Or, do you sometimes not do things for other reasons? This really was the crux of my original post, I already knew you've got knowledge on this subject, I kinda assumed you'd understand what I was getting at... apologies for that assumption.
My mistake was assuming I wouldn't need to define hyperbole.


apologies for that.
Ahh, someone else pushing the GT compatible version of SVGOMG. The current official version of SVGOMG pushes out files compatible with the SVG 1.2 specification which often catches out GTS/GT7.

I even made my own backup too, just in case...
Although I've just realised I need to change the name! :lol:
Thanks for this! SVGOMG4GT7
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