Decent yet free image editing program

Does anyone know of a decent image editing program that I can use to crop,resize, etc images? I'm sick of trying to using paint to edit images. I have PS on another computer but its a hassle to carry files back and forth on disk to it. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
You don't have the installation disc for PS?

Forget about free programs, just download PS off of your favorite P2P program.
Its not really "ripping off" since you own it, just for a different OS. I think you can legally download it then...not sure, though.
Originally posted by Matrixhasu77
I don't believe in ripping off a 600 dollar piece of software either.

I don't believe in paying 600 dollars for a piece of software.
Um, are you talking about something for a Windows based computer, Linux based, or Mac based? For Linux, they have something(forget the name of it, I could prob. check some time) that's the equivalent of PhotoShop, but it's free(legally.) For Windows, you could always try a 30-day Paint Shop Pro trial.
How Windows comes without decent image-editing solftware is certainly the crime of the century. Granted, Photoshop doesn't need to be on every computer, but it pains me to no end when MS Paint is the only image- editing stuff available.

Geez, at least Photo Editor ought to come free with Windows.
Originally posted by pupik
How Windows comes without decent image-editing solftware is certainly the crime of the century. Granted, Photoshop doesn't need to be on every computer, but it pains me to no end when MS Paint is the only image- editing stuff available.

Geez, at least Photo Editor ought to come free with Windows.
It doesn't?
Originally posted by rjensen11
Linux, they have something(forget the name of it, I could prob. check some time)

The name could be GIMP :rolleyes: - GRAPHICAL IMAGE MANIPULATION PROGRAM - I think it sucks because I know Linux is better than windows except theres a guy in my class at school who I dislike and he runs linux and I don't want to sink to his level.