Deleting programs, COMPLETELY

  • Thread starter milefile
My parents asked me to get rid of all the crap my brother had put on their computer. Now when it boots it looks for maybe four of them. I'd like them to not have to click cancel four times every time they boot. Where, besides start>programs>startup can I find and completely delete these programs? If it's in the registry, how do I know where to look? It's 98se.

i dont know if this will completely solve your problem but

go to run
type in msconfig
go to the startup tab and uncheck the programs you dont want windows to try and load on startup
I'm somewhat unsure on this but... I had a problem like that once. I had a set of old zip drivers installed on my system. Everytime I started up I got an error like what you seem to be having. I eventually went into my registry and ran a search for the offending program. It came up with a line with the name of the program. Delete that and it may solve your problem. Remember to back up your registry though. I got lucky and it got rid of my error.
Originally posted by spock
i dont know if this will completely solve your problem but

go to run
type in msconfig
go to the startup tab and uncheck the programs you dont want windows to try and load on startup
Yeah, just watch what you disable though. You could disable something important and Windows won't work properly.
Once you uninstall the program using their uninstall utility, I wouldn't worry too much about the registery. It will slow down the computer eachtime the registery is scanned, but it's generally not a critical problem unless it conflicts with another program, in which case, they probably had problems there to start with.

You can try those "Registry Cleaner" programs to clean out unnecessary entries, however, I've never used them and honestly don't trust them.

The only for sure way, and if the computers more than three years old is to do what Klos suggested. Format the Drive and install everything new and freash. Backup necessary files and go for it. Your parents will think that you are a computer tech genius, but they'll be grateful at the increase performance.
Originally posted by Shannon
Yeah, just watch what you disable though. You could disable something important and Windows won't work properly.

there are only like 2 things u need running for SE its like explorer and systray or sumthin like that
Originally posted by milefile
My parents asked me to get rid of all the crap my brother had put on their computer. Now when it boots it looks for maybe four of them. I'd like them to not have to click cancel four times every time they boot. Where, besides start>programs>startup can I find and completely delete these programs? If it's in the registry, how do I know where to look? It's 98se.


Programs that are started by Windows are in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run

You say you're getting errors on startup: If these errors are giving you filenames, you should search the Registry for those filenames.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
Programs that are started by Windows are in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run

You say you're getting errors on startup: If these errors are giving you filenames, you should search the Registry for those filenames.
I hate going into the Registry. It's so easy to stuff your computer in there. I always make a system restore point before editing the registry.
Well it's not one of those error messages in the middle of the screen, it's a box down by the start button with the scanning flashlight and you can browse or cancel. My brother downloaded everything he ever saw and had so much crap on there, most of which I've never heard of. I'm pretty sure they were all background running programs.

Honestly I'd suggest they replace the computer before I'd go to too much trouble over it. It's old and not worth it, and they can afford it.

Next time I'm over there I'll do what you all have suggested and see what happens. I'm tempted to mess it up on purpose so they'll have to get a new one ;)
Originally posted by milefile

Next time I'm over there I'll do what you all have suggested and see what happens. I'm tempted to mess it up on purpose so they'll have to get a new one ;)

Which would probably make a nice little Apache/Linux box for ya..., eh? :fdevil: