Dell Windows 7 Factory Reset - Now Crashes on Startup

United States
Divided States of America
Hi. I have an old old Dell Inspiron. I had many viruses and other issues on the pc, and since its been about a few years since i used it as a primary, I figured I would factory reset it, to delete everything and clear the viruses, allowing me to use it as storage. Well something went wrong. I followed the process, factory reset the system, and upon starting Windows, it crashed. It has done this every time now, and I have attempted to start from safe mode, aswell as trying different boot processes. I'm not too sure but it is possible that one of the Sys32 files somehow got deleted in the reset. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.
It could have a dying HDD, courrpted recovery partition, or you could even have bad memory.
Try using the F8 advanced start up screen and pick Windows Diagnostic or what ever it is called.

You can run tests for memory and HDD in their and sometimes you cans start the recovery from there as well