Holy crap! It's been over 2 years already? Wow.
And now we're up to
three years...
Well, good news and bad news on the cabinets. Bad news - a cabinet company did indeed stop over and gave me a price, at which point both my wife and I did spit takes at the estimate. Good news, a coworker just bought a couple thousand dollars worth of wood working tools and agreed to do the work for a fraction of the price!
Now that it's warm enough for him to start working on them, it's up to me to get the layout and dimensions exactly the way I want them so he can start construction. Basically, I going to give him a cut list and different views and he'll do the rest.
The rendering kind of sucks in AutoCAD for large, flat surfaces, but you get the idea:
Doors on...
... doors off, Daniel-san.
Certainly nothing special in and of itself, but considering that it's still going to cover
two full walls, it should look pretty good when we're done. I haven't decided what I'm going to use, but I'd like some kind of light (
ropelight?) on top of the cabinets. It's going to take a lot of cutting and fitting, but we're going to notch the face frames to follow the sides of the fireplace. I might come to regret that decision. Stay tuned for the train wreck.
Provided the dimensions work out, the large opening on the bottom, right hand corner is for a fridge for my sons meds and the smaller space next to it is for his masks and meds that don't need to be kept cold. Above those will probably be a drawer, but I have to measure it all out and see how everything plugs in.
As always, comments, criticism and suggestions are welcomed.