The nice thing about having a huge back log of games still not played on Steam is that I get to play many games a year or two after release. The big advantages of this are that a) I have most likely updated my hardware in the meantime, meaning that performance is excellent and b) all patches have been released and bugs/glitches fixed.
I'm not sure if anyone of you still have this installed, but I was pretty impressed by the state that this game is in now.
The antialiasing here has got to be the best I've seen in any game to date. There is simply no aliasing at all which is brilliant. And the graphics are razor sharp. Textures are amazing too, you can see the threads that make up the cloth fabrics, and leather looks very much as leather. There are also some very nice reflections going on. I know it had a lot of issues at release, but now almost two years later it looks and plays fantastic, at least on my rather high-end graphics card.
The attention to detail is also amazing. I remember when I first stepped into the TF29 headquarters - that's the first time in a long time my jaw has dropped. Not just the amount of things going on; people talking all over the place, checking computers and walking around, and the amount of office clutter – but also the level design; lots of glass windows/doors, a big square room with two stories and buzzing activity in the middle of the room, oh and actually walking seamlessly into that building (and indeed all buildings) with
no interior loading. Really alive and immersive. And the impressive antialiasing and sharp graphics just added to that.
The gameplay though is the most important thing and it's even better (IMO) than Human Revolution, which I loved. The remote hacking is my favorite so far – it adds a lot to the gameplay mechanics. The AI is good too and comparable to Dishonored 2 I think. The customization of weapons is also really fun to play around with. Also, the side-missions – not the main missions – is where I seem to be spending most of my time. Some of them are really deep and offer lots of play time.
There are of course the obvious logical flaws that come with gameplay of this nature. Such as man-sized air ducts leading from maintenance areas straight into "secured" offices inside what is supposed to be one of the most secure banks in the world (Palisade).
. But as a huge Half-Life fan I am most definitely in favour of air ducts in games. We need more games with air ducts!
Im back playing thru it now a little more.
Just got the remote hacking, true it adds lot of tactical gameplay options still.
I love this type of game, one of my fav ever.
Kind of a tactical stealth espionage, plus futuristic, cyberpunk.
Only thing is, it's a little clunky for how fast enemies can be on you, and get you killed, on give me deus ex difficulty at least.
And augs use up energy so fast, you barely can use them it seems. By the time you try figure out your next move when the action gets on, you don't have energy for them, and enemies got you.
You really need use stealth, as soon as you get 1 enemy, if any other one noticed it, you're screwed lol.
It would need either a rtwpause or turnbased mechanic, for a tactical gameplay style, or be more free flowing for action, i dont know.
Im trying, might try lower difficulty, ill get more energy resources probably, and more time to react before getting put down.
Hope for sequels still, and other games like it.
Feels like a deeper splinter cell a little.
Did play all previous games by the way, enjoyed it.
On std ps4 it could run a little smoother.
Edit: too bad cyberpunk 2070 seems to be a disappointment, could have been a modern, immersive stealth, tactical action sim type game, with even more rpg choices.
Forgot to say, i was trying messing around in the city itself, with the security, testing out the gameplay.
Your weapons feel pretty weak lol, and they get to you fast, oh well.
**edit: game is on sale 9$ canadian now on psn for ps4, deluxe ed. Includes dlcs, pretty damn good. If any interested and didn't get it yet.
I've adjusted to the game now more, it had been a while.. pretty cool.