Sometimes it goes uber slow for me while others it works just fine. I know earlier when I was uploading a ton of pics it seemed to be going rather slow though...
I've been having this prob with a couplke other sites, lately, but only once or twice with DA (I've been a member on that for a while).
make sure your de-bugged and de-spyed both. if it's still slower than the Milkman in January, then it might be the sight or your connection (if everything else is slow, too)
i dont like that new vb launch 6 thingy, i have to load every single sub-category to get where i want whereas before i can select my specific category THEN load the page
same here; loads slow.. "loading" forever.. and basically I have to refresh to get it to load anything. Including stuff in my own gallery. You know how frustrating that is??
[i am also on firefox 3, and this has been a problem since they 'updated' their system @ dA]