DFGT Problems.

United States
Alright guys got iracing about 3 weeks ago and im having multiple problems with my driving force gt wheel.I love this game and i've had sucess in the oval series but after I had to reset the wheel once its been horrible. What should i do? thanks.
What does that mean when you say you "reset" the wheel? You might want to check on the iRacing member forum under Hardware section as well perhaps? I'd search for DFGT problems
I went to spectate a friend race without the wheel plugged in and it made me reset it. Ever since it juts...i dont know it feels different to me.
Maybe you didn't calibrate it correctly? Go into a test session, options, and click on the steering to go through all of the setup again.
Yes if you try and join a session without your wheel plugged in it general throws off the calibration when you try and race again. Go and re calibrate the wheel and it should be fine.
Yeah always avoid clicking the Options button if you dont have a wheel plugged in. Also it may help to backup your config file.

What you should do is setup the wheel for 900 degrees and make sure when you do the config it says 900 when you're done.

You can try asking someone for a basic DFGT config too.
Alright guys sounds good, if anything im just going to buy a new wheel something that suits iracing better. The driving force gt was mainly for gt5 when I bought it, then I found iracing....lol:)
Why? Some of the top racers in iRacing use a DFGT... unless you just want to spend your money, in which case go ahead.
just has somethings that I wish were different, no clutch and just a slap shiffter things like that, dont get me wrong like I said i've won with it I've just heard theres better wheels out there.