:::Dick Steel's Gallery::: Toyota GT-One

  • Thread starter Dick Steel
nice work with the WRX you have made such a nice looking car look that much better and as for the audi there just some amazing pics
Ohhhh them audi pics are nice. Very vibrant. Looks as if the pictures were taken on a crisp early morning. Great job.
WOW. Those Audi´s are excelent. nice reflections and cool rims on both. Very good men...bring more. 5 stars to this update!
awesome update again man. if i had to pick favorites, it would be a three way tie between #2 RS6 and #1 & 2 A3 pics. those are hot. the rims look fantastic in the # 2 RS6. the foreground is sweet in the #1 A3 and the shine is brilliant in the second. 👍 👍

and im STILL lovin the 22b pics!
Wow that 2nd rs6 shot is amazing ds. I love the intensity of the black colour in it. 👍
The a3 looks damn nice as well but maybe watch out not to make them too glowy...
Artistic comp entry

What an artistic shot men. It looks nice. looks like rain....well done once again :)
The car is great, and so are the pics. bring more cool photos men, I like them a lot.
Cool update pics. The last one is my favourite. Nice work with the cameras and reflections. Also a good choice of track...Keep up, bring us more!!