Did You See Anything Good Today? [Read First Post]

  • Thread starter GilesGuthrie
Great :rolleyes: this thread will get flooded with questions now.
This thread survived for well over a thousand pages without the need for an opinion thread. I'm sure it'll get along just fine without one.

Now, if you're all finished throwing your toys out of the pram, can we get back to posting pictures of good things you saw? You know where to send any future complaints.
1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass Wagon.

I know the originals of these two pictures caused quite a stir, but now that is over with I'd just like to ask a simple question. Even though the quality is still not that good, are these pictures acceptable now that they have been cropped?

De Tamaso Pantera Cropped.jpg
Lamborghini Gallardo Cropped.jpg
I thought they were acceptable the first time, since you said where the car was. Now, they're even better 👍.
This. I could distinguish them before, but the crop makes it better.

Saw a couple cars that sparked my interest. Will have to get a better shot of the second one, if possible. Until then, I saw this trike. Haven't seen anything like it in years.

And an S2000 with full exhaust system. Probably used for track days/auto x.

Seriously. Most Russians wash their cars only when they can't identify the real color of the car. :D
Y'know, when I see the pics of cars from America here, I am sometimes surprised how clean they are, like they're just washed.
But here, a clean car really stand out of the traffic. Want to look different from the others? No need to buy a Maserati, just wash your car already! :D

Hopes for somebody to make a Soviet Russia joke
In Soviet Russia, washing smudges cars.
@playnthru in the E-type pic, is that an old Datsun hiding in the garage?
The Camaro is definitely 1970-1973, but I'm not sure which year. I think 1973.