playnthru apparently I'm the only one who noticed it-your Gallardo from Friday is from Arkansas

And everyone else whose posts I liked-
Same story as last week-went to grandmas, little internet, etc etc, here's what I saw this weekend.
Same '68 Firebird, but now for sale and better pic.
'67? Crustang and guest
19?? Ford wooden pickup
ROUSH Mustang- I couldn't find any info, I originally thought it was Stage 3 due to raised hood, but all of their kits include that :/
Dodge Viper. I saw it last week at the same church but couldn't get a pic; didn't think I would see it again!
Same Chevy pickup as last week, this time the front. It's actually across my grandmas house but in country terms that's 200+ ft away
Back at home now-
Cobalt SS (is it the SC or T variant?)
Ferrari 360 Convertible, now comes with traffic pole
Oh, edit- we're going back up there in two weeks to finish up the move... I saw something today in a certain place and it may have been a Ford GT40... dead serious. I saw it going up there and coming back, hopefully it's still there.