Did You See Anything Good Today? [Read First Post]

  • Thread starter GilesGuthrie
And that was even on a rainy day! Maybe the HK folks could name the bridges they stand on...

Anywhere on Gloucester Road on the Island. Especially Causeway Bay or Wanchai. It's impossible not to see there kinds of cars unless you've just been really unfortunate.
^ "Did You See Anything Good Today? [Read First Post]"

The point of posting a picture is to prove you're not making stuff up. I've been a regular on this website for over ten years and my credibility is well established. I'm not going to refrain from posting something I thought was interesting just because I don't have a picture to prove it - in fact, I don't care if anybody believes me, since I'm posting only because I thought it might have been of interest to people in the thread, not because I give a crap about spotting bragging rights. I'm not going to jeopardize my car, my life, or my license just to snap a pic of somebody's car so I can go gloat about it on GTP. I've posted in these threads with and without pictures many times over the years and it's lead to meaningful discussion instead of attacks by self-appointed thread police.

If rule issues need to be brought up, it's the job of a moderator. Speaking of moderation, it's worth considering that going after every single person who posts without a picture could easily be construed as harassment, a serious violation of the AUP.
Regardless of whether you've been here 1 year or 10 years, the rules are that you must have a picture. I could be posting about the numerous cars I've seen on the road at lunch from work & I doubt anyone would question my credibility, either. But, those are the rules; if you spotted something without taking a picture, don't bother posting it.

Has nothing to do with bragging rights or people "harassing" you. If you think we're just being self-appointed police, then by all means, keep posting without pictures. The moderators do check in here from time to time & will tell you the exact same thing we are.

On topic:
Seeing the 458 makes me wonder how people with eyes find that car ugly.

Yes, I know it's all just personal taste.
Regardless of whether you've been here 1 year or 10 years, the rules are that you must have a picture. I could be posting about the numerous cars I've seen on the road at lunch from work & I doubt anyone would question my credibility, either. But, those are the rules; if you spotted something without taking a picture, don't bother posting it.

Has nothing to do with bragging rights or people "harassing" you. If you think we're just being self-appointed police, then by all means, keep posting without pictures. The moderators do check in here from time to time & will tell you the exact same thing we are.

On topic:

OK, whatever dude. It's never been an issue before, and I was speaking specifically to the guy who did the internet equivalent of screaming at full volume in my face and who seems to have been doing it to people in one way or another on almost every page of the thread. I'm going to leave but not without pointing out the fact that maybe you guys need to rethink your priorities if scolding people in a casual internet discussion forum thread is that important to you.
Well, I though the giant bold thing was too much, but I also know King Josh a little, and I don't think its wrong and I hope he's not offended if I say, he's probably 13-15 years old, and is very enthusiastic about being a member of the DYSAGT thread, but doesn't always apply that enthusiasm elegantly, as might be expected of one of our younger members.

And, as I understand it, it is okay on the rare occasion to post without a photo if you have a really good story, and it also helps if you've posted here before with pics (which I know you have, Mr Initial D.)

To illustrate what I think might be appropriate posting without photos, I post pics fairly regularly and don't often post without pics, but tonight I saw a nice old Chevy Nova parked next door to my workplace. As it's currently nasty snowy weather here, I found it nice to see out, great profile on those era bodies. So, I snapped a pic with my phone. Then discovered since I changed my phone plan, I may not be able to email myself pics from my phone any more, and was sad. Then I thought, Snova, and felt I should share my story anyway, even without a pic, just so others could have the image of a Snova, too.
OK, whatever dude. It's never been an issue before, and I was speaking specifically to the guy who did the internet equivalent of screaming at full volume in my face and who seems to have been doing it to people in one way or another on almost every page of the thread. I'm going to leave but not without pointing out the fact that maybe you guys need to rethink your priorities if scolding people in a casual internet discussion forum thread is that important to you.
1: It's never been an issue for you & with only 4 posts in the last 3 months, it's no wonder. There are quite a few points in this thread though where a mod has reminded people to post a picture.

2: You have not been posting in these threads "over the years" as you claim. You have 4 posts from 2006, the year this thread was created, with no pictures then. You have 1 post from October about a Ford Ka, & then 3 from this month, all with no pictures.

So, please, where is the credibility in this statement you so claim no one questions? In fact, looking back, it didn't lead to any "meaningful" discussion, either.
I've posted in these threads with and without pictures many times over the years and it's lead to meaningful discussion instead of attacks by self-appointed thread police.

3: Sounds more like you're now upset because sometime "over the years" of your last post in this thread, you didn't know that it was agreed upon in a separate thread that pictures were asked to be posted when making a claim & now you don't like that someone has told you of the rule change.

It wasn't scolding you, it was you taking it as an "attack" & that you believed you were exempt because of some lies you conjured up to justify yourself. This wasn't even a "priority" until you made the response to Josh that you had been posting here for years without pictures & that it lead to discussions, which as anyone can see, isn't the truth.
And, as I understand it, it is okay on the rare occasion to post without a photo if you have a really good story, and it also helps if you've posted here before with pics (which I know you have, Mr Initial D.)

To illustrate what I think might be appropriate posting without photos, I post pics fairly regularly and don't often post without pics, but tonight I saw a nice old Chevy Nova parked next door to my workplace. As it's currently nasty snowy weather here, I found it nice to see out, great profile on those era bodies. So, I snapped a pic with my phone. Then discovered since I changed my phone plan, I may not be able to email myself pics from my phone any more, and was sad. Then I thought, Snova, and felt I should share my story anyway, even without a pic, just so others could have the image of a Snova, too.

Well said, Jeff!

Also, BOOM...

Subaru Impreza 22B STi by Rupert Procter, on Flickr
No FADGSHFDFHDHhing way! Actually, it was the first thing I thought, then saw the link, 22B. Epic. Love the leaf caught up in the grille to the right of the plate.
Well, I though the giant bold thing was too much, but I also know King Josh a little, and I don't think its wrong and I hope he's not offended if I say, he's probably 13-15 years old, and is very enthusiastic about being a member of the DYSAGT thread, but doesn't always apply that enthusiasm elegantly, as might be expected of one of our younger members.

And, as I understand it, it is okay on the rare occasion to post without a photo if you have a really good story, and it also helps if you've posted here before with pics (which I know you have, Mr Initial D.)

Yeah, the bold might have been a bit much :lol: but I was just trying to make sure people saw it as there have been a lot of pictureless posts lately and it's just kind of annoying sometimes.

Yes, I guess you could say I'm enthusiastic about posting in the DYSAGT thread. Every time I see a nice/rare/exotic car I've got to get a picture of it. In fact on the way to Tennessee I got a picture of a few old and odd cars. I'll post those when I get home, because I can't here.

Also (this is to everyone) I understand my posts may sometimes come across as immature or childish, or sometimes even angry, but I [usually] try to make it not seem that way. I really do try. I usually just post before I really think about what I've said and just kind of forget about it until the next time I check the threads.

And Takumi Fujiwara, I wasn't scolding/yelling at you. I was pointing out to everyone that the "[Read First Post]" in the title isn't just there for decoration.

Sorry for the long post, but I didn't want to just leave short and seemingly unintelligent or angry posts. :)
Not a very recent picture, but I spotted this Gallardo SE in South Beach

Also this Veyron in Beverly Hills. (Also not very recent)

NSX in Santa Monica

White SLR McLaren also in Beverly Hills
SLR :drool:

The Veyron is a good spot but so ugly!

I'm assuming the dates on the pictures are when the pictures were take?
SLR :drool:

The Veyron is a good spot but so ugly!

I'm assuming the dates on the pictures are when the pictures were take?

Yea lol. I don't have any recent pics of any nice cars but I've seen some really epic ones and wanted to contribute to this thread. I agree the veyron's paint scheme is awful, but it's not every day you see one. That's the only one I've seen aside from the NY auto show.

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