Did You See Anything Good Today?

  • Thread starter Shannon
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I saw a really nice 300zx today at this tire place. My friend and I had just pulled into the parking lot and right behind us was this red 300zx tt with a sweet body kit. We eventually found a parking place right next to him and waited for him to come out. When he did I asked him if he had time to show us his car. And when he opened the hood I lost my mind he had every thing you could possibly do to 300zx's engine done. It was insigne! Eventually we got around to the back of the car where we found two 50 shots of nitrous. He said that he wasn’t actually running 50 but it was still crazy to have that much power in your car. But anyway that was the nicest car I saw today.
Sounds nice. I don't ever see to many 300zx's. Most people don't race them due to weight. Although I bet that car can turn some nice numbers at the strip.
Originally posted by streetracer780
Sounds nice. I don't ever see to many 300zx's. Most people don't race them due to weight. Although I bet that car can turn some nice numbers at the strip.

Yeah there alot of them here in connecticut and about 3 in my town. Ive been to a drag way where ive seen 300z's pull high 12's low 13's not that bad but could be better. Id be happy if my car would run a 12 or 13. :D
Originally posted by Powerman
Nice Avatar SR780!


Also a Hummer just went by. I don't see the older one to often. Usally those new H2.
Originally posted by omega
I saw a really nice 300zx today at this tire place. My friend and I had just pulled into the parking lot and right behind us was this red 300zx tt with a sweet body kit. We eventually found a parking place right next to him and waited for him to come out. When he did I asked him if he had time to show us his car. And when he opened the hood I lost my mind he had every thing you could possibly do to 300zx's engine done. It was insigne! Eventually we got around to the back of the car where we found two 50 shots of nitrous. He said that he wasn’t actually running 50 but it was still crazy to have that much power in your car. But anyway that was the nicest car I saw today.
Sounds cool as hell!!!!! :eek::eek:
Originally posted by omega
I saw a really nice 300zx today at this tire place. My friend and I had just pulled into the parking lot and right behind us was this red 300zx tt with a sweet body kit. We eventually found a parking place right next to him and waited for him to come out. When he did I asked him if he had time to show us his car. And when he opened the hood I lost my mind he had every thing you could possibly do to 300zx's engine done. It was insigne! Eventually we got around to the back of the car where we found two 50 shots of nitrous. He said that he wasn’t actually running 50 but it was still crazy to have that much power in your car. But anyway that was the nicest car I saw today.

Those Z's or 350zx's are nice. But at 30,000 its a little to much. The RX-8 is also a nice car.
Yeah the rx-8's are sick i would love to have one of those! come to think about it ive never even seen one in person. Oh well.
I dont really like the 350 z's. and if i was going to get a 300 zx it would be a 1990 or higher (well up to 96) tt and ttops. That would be great.
I think I'd rather own a RX-8 over a Z.

I wouldn't mind having a 300zx. Can't find one around here though. I'm in the hunt for a car so i'm keeping my eyes opened for one. I agree i would like a t top. Do they come in Tagra tops?
The RX-8 has 250hp. Thats from what I've read. Ask MazKid to be sure.

That would be nice if they made the targa. If I can find one for a good price and I buy it I may have to modify it so it is a targa. Also 350 hp sounds nice. The twin turbo is also attractive.
Mmmm.......sexy twin turbos. I wish my girl friend got turned on by twin turbos :lol:
Originally posted by Powerman
not the blue one.I just have a yellow intrega with a muffler on it

A fart can yeah!! LOL jk integras can be nice as long as you put preformance psrts in them and not just rice them out.
That car has potential but I wouldn’t waste all that money I would either buy a new car. Or if you want to stay with Acura go with a type r but that’s allot of money, but it’s worth it pop a turbo, intake, and exhaust on it and it would fly.
I got a Heavy Clutch in it so its kinda hard to shift!And its and '88model!!But im gettin a mini!!!!!And im going to put Hydrailics on it or airbags
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