I'm not sure quite where Chamberlain enters into the whole freedom of speech/hate speech discussion, but since you bring it up:
Europeans spent centuries fighting among themselves, culminating in the greatest bloodbath in human history in the Great War - a war in which millions of combatants died, wiping out almost an entire generation of young men. The French - those infamous "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" - lost 1.7 million soldiers, approximately 4.29% of the total population. Compare that with the losses suffered by the US in Vietnam of approximately 59,000, or 0.0324% of the US population at the time.
What do you think the the US public's feelings about the Vietnam war would have been if over 7.7 million US soldiers had died in the conflict? It is possible that might have made a somewhat different & stronger impression on the national pysche?
The events leading up to the Second World War are complex, but I would suggest that Chamberlain thinking "we should be nice to Germany" wasn't the primary factor. Appeasement was rather a desperate attempt to avert another monumental bloodbath in a continent still traumatized by the suffering of the First World War. What the "right thing to do" is not necessarily so clear at the time. I would just like to remind you that the US only entered the Second World War more than two years after the outbreak of war. Was that because the US had "learned to cave into fear and hide from hard questions and words due to the threat of violence?"
The lessons of the Second World War have little to do with "political correctness", but a lot to do with the ability of "hate-speech" to create a climate of fear, hatred & violence in which one sector of society (the Nazis & their enablers) feels empowered to persecute others (Jews, Communists, homosexuals, Gypsies, Poles, Slavs etc. etc.)
Shouting fire in a crowded theatre? How quaint.
Yes some of us remember the Great War and how Fathers Brothers and Sons didn't come back from that one either.
Granted it was only a mere 100,000 KIAs so once again due to Europe's greater suffering you hold a tighter reign on truth.
Maybe because we didn't want to be involved in anymore of your moronic conflict of the decade
due to our previous losses is what took us so long to get over there in WWII.
Seems I recall a great deal of our sailors were packing goods off to Europe in ships during both in any case.
JFTR, the reason we jumped in was due to a little attack on our Navy and people.
Interesting story you might want to look at sometime that happened in a place called Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii.
Plenty of us were fighting in Asia and Europe already though because they felt compelled to and the money and excitement was fair.
Yeah, we know nothing of loss or destruction over here eccept for a brief time back in the 1860's.
Seems we got a jump on Europe in practicing Total War or at least Sherman did.
We did lose some 620,000 soldiers and untold cilivians but it was only 10% of the Northern males and 30% of the Southern males.
Had little or no effect on how we see things us being so insulated and thick as well; over here in the land of milk an honey.
Yeah, so the French have us beat out in dead people but I always saw the Foreign Legion as a bunch of tough customers
and the Resistance did a fair job as well I understood the SAS to report?
Did cheese keep well out there in those desert forts?
I can't keep this up as my stomach is turning since I'm not used to playing smarmy pompus ass but I'll conclued here soon.
Once again by virtue of greater suffering Europe has a better grasp of truth.
What Hitler was spewing was not Free speech that stupid Germans bought into.
A few for certain sure but the rest were scared crapless of their neighbors and/or kids turning them in as traitors.
The same crap was put out over here at about the same time and while some bought into it
the vast majority did not and thankfully the governement had not been infiltrated by socialists to make that crap manditory.
Did all that have an effect on what was allowed as free speech over there?
Because a bunch of thugs were standing on the corner barking BS?
We have those over here to this day and they are great fun to see, point and laugh at.
Probably get jailed in Europe for laughing and pointing at others in public?
Let them try to act on the supposed hate and then see what happens.
That is the crux of our law here and what keeps us free.
You can't punish people before a crime has been commited and you cannot stop or prevent all crime.
I was certain most of the British people and Europeans were smarter than to believe mere words could hurt them...
...sure I can see how you could draw the conclusion but it doesn't ring as true to me.
I guess it's out of the people's hands there anyway since others are the ones to make the rules for you.
Me personally? I only act on words when they are a direct personal threat otherwise I laugh at most of the things people say.