However it's not the amount of content advertised at X price they never specify obviously that you are only allowed what they say is allowed, what you get is a disc which you own and I can see the arguments to support that someone owns all of the contents on said disc.
For example, it clearly says on the box 'plus online multiplayer' but that's not true if you buy used and when you buy that Codemasters aren't going to send you an email pre-purchase saying hey you know you only get certain content right? There's no indication of the VIP code on the packaging and only if you deal with the seller direct in store will you find out. I can see people ebaying this later on and consumers being very unhappy when they realise they're missing some of what is advertised to them. In the small print however once you've bought the product you get some content have charges applied which you won't be able to see on a picture on ebay.
It's not so much the act, more the application of these methods which often causes upset. Were they to clearly specify you won't neccessarily get everything available, I think that would be a much better way of doing things but then we all know some people wouldn't buy on that basis.
Put another way, it's not very fair that a consumer should pay for work that has already been done before the game was out anyway, the cost of development has not changed since the products release and therein why should the cost to consumer increase also if they wish to have all available content. I mean you don't see other areas doing this, I've never purchased the bonus track on an album or I've never been asked for a VIP code when I want to open the Big Mac after I've purchased a meal at McDonalds. It's this different approach specific to this sector which causes both confusion and anger, if developers want to apply these methods they are at will to do so but should just put some sort of note on the package which isn't hidden in the small print which is specific as to what you can or can't have when you purchase a product at it's most basic level.