DiRT Rally 2.0 General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Yes thankfully wheel support is much better in wrc8 after setting up, def no lag with g29, if anything it can feel twitchy initially compared to dr2 but you get used to it.
Also it has fov adjustment, which is of course lacking in dr2.
Oh yes and no need to have controller plugged in with wheel this time round!

The wrx supercars in dr2 have around 600hp but can only be used on the rx tracks, although I believe there’s a hack of sorts on pc to allow any car on any track.
Yes thankfully wheel support is much better in wrc8 after setting up, def no lag with g29, if anything it can feel twitchy initially compared to dr2 but you get used to it.
Also it has fov adjustment, which is of course lacking in dr2.
Oh yes and no need to have controller plugged in with wheel this time round!

The wrx supercars in dr2 have around 600hp but can only be used on the rx tracks, although I believe there’s a hack of sorts on pc to allow any car on any track.
Oh but on the psn store it says you can use the dlc rx cars on any rally stage, maybe i misunderstood it. Just wonder if some of them have less hp.
Edit: and tks for the wheel support confirmation, been months im trying to know more on this.
Hi @John Wells, i noticed you have dr2 but don't seem to have tried much the rallies.
Just thought to say you have to try cars like the older group a, group b, kit cars... on fast tracks like in Finland. Its crazy fun, makes me have big grin while doing these. They're insane and the sounds wow hehe. Cars that don't look or seem so hot are crazy fun when you try them.
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Hi @John Wells, i noticed you have dr2 but don't seem to have tried much the rallies.
Just thought to say you have to try cars like the older group a, group b, kit cars... on fast tracks like in Finland. Its crazy fun, makes me have big grin while doing these. They're insane and the sounds wow hehe. Cars that don't look or seem so hot are crazy fun when you try them.

Yes been doing some RX, with those powerful cars, ripper, had turn the al down. Need to get some money, in game to buy more cars, to put in garage.

It looks a lot better, than Dirt 4, sounds of cars are great to.
Yes been doing some RX, with those powerful cars, ripper, had turn the al down. Need to get some money, in game to buy more cars, to put in garage.

It looks a lot better, than Dirt 4, sounds of cars are great to.
I see, but you can use any rally cars in any rally in the freeplay custom championships right away.

Edit: dr2 really missing a nice car with the celica st185 4wd turbo. Just tried it in AC again, such a nice little car, good sound too in ac.
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Interesting to note how the next DiRT game is being developed by an entirely different team. If I remember correctly the mainline DiRT series and Rally games were developed by the same team, so this should be something quite out of the ordinary....

.... DiRT Showdown 2 confirmed!
Interesting to note how the next DiRT game is being developed by an entirely different team. If I remember correctly the mainline DiRT series and Rally games were developed by the same team, so this should be something quite out of the ordinary....

.... DiRT Showdown 2 confirmed!
If it is showdown, I can't say I won't give it a shot, I really liked the first one
A blend of Dirt Showdown and Dirt 2/3 would be amazing. Slightly more action/arcade orientated, lots of modes and multiplayer/party options would be cool. Count me in.

Please have split screen though.
If it is showdown, I can't say I won't give it a shot, I really liked the first one

Funny thing is that it may have seemed like I said it as a joke, but I'm actually kind of hoping that is the case with Wreckfest showing how much fun a well executed car combat game can be. The original Showdown was quite a fun game let down by its limited replay value. In the age of live service games, I hope that won't be an issue for a second installment of Showdown.

Alternatively, DiRT could go with a Motorstorm-type game. Whatever it is, it's likely to be quite far on the arcade side of the realism spectrum.
Alright CM, you’ve got my attention.

Frankly, I wouldn’t mind a more arcade friendly DiRT game like 2, 3 or even Showdown.
Patch notes for tomorrow:

Version 1.14

May 5, 2020


  • Volkswagen Polo GTI R5 - Made "Petter Solberg - 2019 Wales Rally" livery available to all players.
  • Volkswagen Polo GTI R5 - Made "Oliver Solberg - 2019 Wales Rally" livery available to all players.
  • Mitsubishi Space Star R5 - Made "Festive Livery - Wandering Star" livery available to all players.
  • Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500 - Made "Festive Livery - Merry Cosworth" livery available to all players.


  • Ford Escort RS Cosworth - Updated engine audio based on new recordings of real car.
  • DS Automobiles DS 21 - Resolved issue where rear-view mirror view was inverted.
  • SUBARU Legacy RS - Improved lighting of instrument cluster.
  • SUBARU WRX STI NR4 - Changed transmission type in menus to Manual (Previously Manual Sequential).
  • SUBARU Impreza 1995 - Resolved issue where exhaust would clip through bodywork after sustaining damage.
  • SUBARU Impreza S4 Rally - Adjusted gear change animation.
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X - Adjusted gear change animation.
  • Resolved issue where multiple rallycross cars were missing a texture on front left window.


  • Perth & Kinross, Scotland - Adjusted co-driver volume levels.
  • Perth & Kinross, Scotland - Made some adjustments to co-driver calls in French language.
  • Hawkes Bay, New Zealand - Made some adjustments to co-driver calls.

Colin McRae Scenarios (difficulty):

The following Scenarios have had their difficulty adjusted based on player data to provide a smoother difficulty curve:

  • Scotland 1988 - Slightly easier.
  • Wales 1988 - Slightly easier.
  • Sweden 1989 - Slightly easier.
  • New Zealand 1989 - Slightly easier.
  • Scotland 1991 - Slightly easier.
  • Scotland 1992 - Slightly easier.
  • Greece 1994 - Eased damage criteria for passing Scenario.
  • New Zealand 1994 - Slightly harder.
  • Australia 1995 - Slightly harder.
  • Wales 1995 - Slightly harder.
  • Argentina 1998 - Slightly harder.
  • Germany 2002 - Slightly harder.
  • Scotland 2004 - Slightly easier.
  • Australia 2005 - Slightly harder.
  • Scotland 2006 - Eased damage criteria for passing Scenario.

Colin McRae Scenarios (miscellaneous):

  • Refined grammar on several Scenario descriptions and objectives.
  • Resolved issue where some retired AI times were appearing incorrectly in Scenarios.
  • Added missing Rival icon to specific AI drivers in some specific Scenarios.
  • Adjusted mechanical damage criteria so that bodywork damage doesn't affect pass/failure of relevant Scenarios.


  • If in doubt... - Improved unlocking logic.
  • ...Flat out - Improved unlocking logic.


  • Resolved issue where race wouldn't restart if AI driver jumped the start of a race.
  • Adjusted AI driver allocations so that they would now appear in the correct FIA World Rallycross Championship year.


  • Added post-Stage notes for drivers who retired from a Rally.

My Team:

  • Resolved issue where some players could not access DLC cars they had purchased/owned in-game.


  • Corrected several team colours in Service Areas to match livery colour on player's car.
  • Resolved issue where menu music would play for a split-second when a player Restarted a Stage.
  • Resolved issue where some players would lose access to cars in their Garage after resetting their profile.
  • Adjusted PlayStation Store link in Japanese versions of the game to go to the correct page.
  • Made minor bug-fixes throughout title.
  • Made minor stability improvements throughout title.

Version 1.15 is in development, with only minor and essential changes planned, and is expected to release in mid to late 2020.

Source: https://forums.codemasters.com/topic/42848-dirt-rally-20-patch-notes/?do=findComment&comment=510401
I have now started my, rally career, in the Lancia, same class Mini, feeling a little heavy. RX Cars seem a lot lighter, know their modern. Do need to calibrate wheel, every time, use it, or just in the menu? Great sense of speed, when going down little lanes, sounds of exhaust when off throttle. How can I improve my speed, to win stage?:)
I have now started my, rally career, in the Lancia, same class Mini, feeling a little heavy. RX Cars seem a lot lighter, know their modern. Do need to calibrate wheel, every time, use it, or just in the menu? Great sense of speed, when going down little lanes, sounds of exhaust when off throttle. How can I improve my speed, to win stage?:)
Well normal too in the career at 1st the cars feel sluggish and slow, also the stages and surface if i remember make it feel even more sluggish and slow.
Even more if the stage degradation is high from starting last.

Its front wheel drive cars too i guess you are using, use trail braking while still throttling but without overdoing it to prevent front skid understeer, to turn into curves and keep some speed. Set brake bias a little less to the front, on default it's really set forward for easy stablility i guess.

I love the citroen at the beginning, nice feel on wet tarmac, heavy a little but predictable.

For the wheel, me a g29, i never needed to set or calibrate it again since when i got the game unless i did small adjustment to my liking.
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Funny thing is that it may have seemed like I said it as a joke, but I'm actually kind of hoping that is the case with Wreckfest showing how much fun a well executed car combat game can be. The original Showdown was quite a fun game let down by its limited replay value. In the age of live service games, I hope that won't be an issue for a second installment of Showdown.

Alternatively, DiRT could go with a Motorstorm-type game. Whatever it is, it's likely to be quite far on the arcade side of the realism spectrum.
That would be kinda interesting, in a sense they already attempted that with onrush, although that's not racing
Lately I have been playing Dirt Rally 2.0 a bit more again and I also saw on the forums there were some past events to win some new liveries. Will these events repeat in the future? I'm a pre-order / Season Pass Owner (S1-S2-S3-S4) and I'd hate to miss out on past content which I wasn't aware off at the time.
In case you missed it, the two Solberg liveries (AND the two Christmas liveries) are made available to everyone in today's v1.14 patch.
This is going to be very random, but has anyone seen a moose on the Sweden stages? I know the game has super random occurances with animal spottings but while racing at Sweden I saw a moose clearly standing on the side of the road and thought it was neat. However, it did not appear in the replay when I went to take a screenshot!

This is driving me more crazy than I'd care to admit. I most definitely saw a moose. Or a sasquatch moose :lol:
Now that DiRT 2.0 has reached its final chapter, and D5 is well on its way, what I’d really like to see in the next DiRT ‘Rally’ installment is the dynamic surface expanded upon similar to WRC8 and SMS’s LiveTrack.

All surface types would benefit, but especially at Monte Carlo where the tarmac to ice to snow transitions IRL are very dependent on time of day, temperatures, and whether the sun has had time to warm up the surface. As of now, it’s static and you can pretty much memorize where the slick spots start and stop.

To me, this is where the divide between ‘sim’ and ‘arcade’ begins.
I downloaded this free from the PS store c.10 days ago... if I'd paid for it I would probably have taken it back after the 1st day. But I stuck at it and it started to make a bit more sense.

It can be utterly fabulous... some car/stage combos just feel so good. The final stage of the 2nd group of McRae events (Impreza in New Zealand)... wow, just feels lovely. There are other combos that feel similarly brilliant.

But at the same time, it's probably the single most frustrating game I've ever played... yes, it's a challenge, but I don't mind that. What frustrates me is the game doesn't really try to help you enjoy it 'out of the box'.

The force feedback implementation - I've tried various recommended settings, and whilst better, it still has no feel just of center, and no real sensation of driving on different surfaces, other than shaking on rough stages... even in the original Colin McRae rally, you could feel the cars digging in to the softer gravel events (like Australia)... here the cars just seem to sit on top of the surface, whatever it is.

WTF is up with the low speed grip (particularly in the wet)... as the speed drops, the front end grip falls off massively, like the car has huge amounts of downforce at anything above c.60mph, but zero below... resulting in terminal understeer in anything below a 3 corner. I'm currently doing the 5 stage Welsh event in the 3rd section of the McRae content - the car understeers at 30kmh in the 1/2 corners like it has no steering, but you can just turn the steering wheel, flat in 5th gear, in a 5 and the car turns in. Handbrake is a PITA on a G29 as it's impossible to consistently find the button when you have lock applied.

The standard tunes are often borderline un-driveable. Fortunately i found a load of settings on line that significantly improve the way the cars handle, but without these I would have given up long ago.

Also, why are so many stages in the dark? There are virtually no night stages anymore, and even back in the day, you might get one or 2 in a 5 day rally.

Never has a game tested my patience so much.
Ok, so I’m on Fanatec csl. Lc brake.
I’m setup as per the Fanatec reccomendations.
My ability to drive the faster stuff (gr b)is highly questionable.
I’ve never changed a single car setting, I’ve driven the alpine and escort the most. Run the recommended med tire.
Have pretty good amount of time in the Stratos and Audi gr b (even though I’m good at wrapping it around trees more than anything)
I find the cars ffb and driving characteristics to be excellent, stock.
I enjoy the Porsche gt quite a bit and also one of the Subaru’s.
The cover car VW also.
I find the stock bb and car balance works tremendous for rotating the cars.
I see above someone wanting to tune understeer into the Alpine? Huh?
I’m one who loves the tarmac too.
I run all assists off in this title except auto wipers, and to me it’s a fantastic experience. I just think the devs knocked it outta the park.
Re the cars, each car in its stock form that I drive, needs and likes diff things.
I’m not a handbrake user very much...
I really do think though when I got load cell after playing dr1 with pot brake...LC really opened things up for me and imo the handling is very very good in stock form. Jmo.
For me I race a lot of GTS, so this title is not my primary title, but literally every single time I play I’m amazed again.
I have the call slider slid a bit left for earlier and my only gripe if any is an occasional questionable call here and there...
I hated Germany at first but yesterday I was using the escort in career and found it quite sublime.
Again I think tuning is a great thing for people and maybe you folks that talk about it are regular top 100, but for me I believe the cars respond brilliantly.
I’m not sure since I haven’t played in a few weeks but did Wales on the Mccrae dlc yesterday and it just looked sharper and better than I remember...One attempt I crashed through a fence on a left hand corner went down the hill, turned left had speed jumped the fence back onto the road. Gotta admit that was pretty cool even though I ended up with a puncture...
Every time I do some runs, just love it.
I find the handling great. Ffb is excellent.
Appearance great, sound is epic.
What’s not to love?
Ok, so I’m on Fanatec csl. Lc brake.
I’m setup as per the Fanatec reccomendations.
My ability to drive the faster stuff (gr b)is highly questionable.
I’ve never changed a single car setting, I’ve driven the alpine and escort the most. Run the recommended med tire.
Have pretty good amount of time in the Stratos and Audi gr b (even though I’m good at wrapping it around trees more than anything)
I find the cars ffb and driving characteristics to be excellent, stock.
I enjoy the Porsche gt quite a bit and also one of the Subaru’s.
The cover car VW also.
I find the stock bb and car balance works tremendous for rotating the cars.
I see above someone wanting to tune understeer into the Alpine? Huh?
I’m one who loves the tarmac too.
I run all assists off in this title except auto wipers, and to me it’s a fantastic experience. I just think the devs knocked it outta the park.
Re the cars, each car in its stock form that I drive, needs and likes diff things.
I’m not a handbrake user very much...
I really do think though when I got load cell after playing dr1 with pot brake...LC really opened things up for me and imo the handling is very very good in stock form. Jmo.
For me I race a lot of GTS, so this title is not my primary title, but literally every single time I play I’m amazed again.
I have the call slider slid a bit left for earlier and my only gripe if any is an occasional questionable call here and there...
I hated Germany at first but yesterday I was using the escort in career and found it quite sublime.
Again I think tuning is a great thing for people and maybe you folks that talk about it are regular top 100, but for me I believe the cars respond brilliantly.
I’m not sure since I haven’t played in a few weeks but did Wales on the Mccrae dlc yesterday and it just looked sharper and better than I remember...One attempt I crashed through a fence on a left hand corner went down the hill, turned left had speed jumped the fence back onto the road. Gotta admit that was pretty cool even though I ended up with a puncture...
Every time I do some runs, just love it.
I find the handling great. Ffb is excellent.
Appearance great, sound is epic.
What’s not to love?
It's an incredibly well made game to me.
Hello @FrankieStail , can i ask what year is your avatar pic from? Looks like 1980s maybe?

Edit: just tried again the older citroen ds21 in australia, the fwd feels incredibly good on the red soil, as it does in wet or dry tarmac or any surface, looks and sounds great too.
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