Dirt Rally 2.0 Wheel Settings

  • Thread starter Scaff
Try my settings above, you need to alter the steering saturation that is what will alter the response or the wheel.

Codemasters aint a clue, it should not even come out like that

Your settings are excellent, thank you for posting them. I can actually get a feel for the car now and the grip it has on different surfaces. Right off the start I improved my Trois Rivieres time by 2 seconds without practice.
I’ve put the game on hold for the time being as it looks like there’ll be a FFB fix fairly soon, and I really don’t want to blast through all the content while having a subpar experience.

Most probably they will ruin it, play it while you can haha, my settings seem good so give them a try. I certainly wont hold my breath they will do better

They will alter levels of grip and characteristics rather than feel
Most probably they will ruin it, play it while you can haha, my settings seem good so give them a try. I certainly wont hold my breath they will do better

They will alter levels of grip and characteristics rather than feel
You think your are better then the DEVS from Codemasters really?:lol::lol:
Most probably they will ruin it, play it while you can haha, my settings seem good so give them a try. I certainly wont hold my breath they will do better

They will alter levels of grip and characteristics rather than feel

Why do you think that? Every other game I have by the Codies has excellent detailed FFB and they’ve also acknowledged that there is a problem with the FFB in DR2.

Currently playing, cough ahem, WRC7 is more involving than DR2 in it’s current form, and yes I did try your settings - They’re good but there’s still no real feel of the track.

And anyway, if, as you say, they do screw it up then it’s no biggie for me - i’ve got plenty of other stuff on backlog to do.
I have pretty much always used default setting for every codemasters game I own. I dont think I changed anything at all in DR. But I do wait a few months to a year after release before buying a codemasters game. Hopefully any problems and glitches will be patched out by then.
@305Michael305 I found the settings @HUGHS1E posted to be much superior to the settings on that codec site. I think they might have been using an early release or beta version for their settings. You can try them out of course, but I think you’ll find the @HUGHS1E settings better

I sent a message to the guy you said has good settings. Because When I click his name i don’t see any settings. Do you have a link to his settings. I will use these that you suggest
You think your are better then the DEVS from Codemasters really?:lol::lol:

I've improved the game for me in 10mins, I just used my old dirt rally settings and for me personally there is no excuse for this. It was not even set up for the wheel. Many people will turn on and literally turn off saying it's rubbish because they haven't altered their settings. Am I better than the DEVS?

I've made it better in minutes with no qualifications little understandings and just plain effort. It maybe sensational on a different rig I can only comment on a g29 and it was unplayable which is an absolute joke. It's like buying a car with a few injectors not plugged in. Just lazy. This is what testing is for. I didn't pay my money to test it but I would be happy to give them some direction on a g29

My settings are here to help others and feel free to adapt them how you like, but it's now playable.

The settings are bias to improving feel on tarmac as that is the biggest problem, I have bettersettings for gravel but on tarmac they are not nice so these are a middleground which is why I tried to help
slightly altered settings today but most probably due to different stage etc If its raining etc they all have an effect but this feels plenty good enough with the mk2 escort
You can make the game feel pretty good until a car looses grip with lighter friction settings but this creates a weird effect as the car goes sideways so this is why mine are higher.
So I have found a solution that has made my ffb 100% better. I will try to explain as best I can as I couldn't find a link that explained it all. Unfortunately this is a PC only fix as it includes editing your wheel properties in an xml file.

1. First thing you have to do is go to Steam/Steamapps/Common/Dirt Rally 2.0/input/devices and open a file called define_devices using notepad. Once you do that search for your wheel. for example mine was "t300". You will see a setting of "0.9" they used the exact same setting for al wheels lol.

2. Change that setting to a higher number, for me 6.0 worked best. What you are doing is greatly increasing the overall ffb input, but that means your wheel will be turning like a tank. So, the next thing you do is:

3. Go into your input setting in Dirt Rally 2.0 itself and turn down Self Aligning Torque. For me I had to set it all the way back to 0, also adjust Steering Center Force back accordingly.

4. What you are left with is ffb that reflects the road feel and still has appropriate steering response. This is assuming that you had already turned suspension, and the different frictions up already.

Upon reflection, you could probably just set that value to 5 and adjust your ingame settings accordingly. It's a little bit of work, but my ffb is pretty close to pcars 2 now and that is a good thing.

Edit, tldr. Simply put, turn your overall ffb setting up in that file then adjust down as needed within the game itself.

Edit edit. No offense to @HUGHS1E , your settings helped with everything above the ground so to speak, but I still could not feel the track very well. This fixed that.
I've seen this reported lots and to be honest I think it's a red herring. As far as I can tell you are just adjusting the same setting in two different ways.
I've seen this reported lots and to be honest I think it's a red herring. As far as I can tell you are just adjusting the same setting in two different ways.

It works. The difference is the increases of response you get from editing the file are much higher than you can get from within the game itself. My ffb as of an hour ago is light years better than it was. Ultimately I guess, try it or not? I'm just providing information on what worked for me.
It works. The difference is the increases of response you get from editing the file are much higher than you can get from within the game itself. My ffb as of an hour ago is light years better than it was. Ultimately I guess, try it or not? I'm just providing information on what worked for me.
I've already tried it days ago.
T300 & PS4: softlock on, calibrate wheel.

SAT 25
WF 12
TF 12
S 12
C 12
SCF 100

Light steering as in rally I want/need, enough information to drive without surface details as nobody gets them on this form of FFB. Hopefully CM tryes to improve and patches this soon. If not, half of fun is gone.

There got to be some bug or something because before launch all mentioned FFB great which it's not now.
Hi it's me and my whining about the wheel synchronization.

I set Soft lock to OFF and Saturation to 60. Now the wheels of all the cars I tested tonight resembled the physical rotation for my G29.

Happy puppy!

Codemasters could have added some helptext in the UI though.
Glad people like my settings I think its massively improved, if people want to make a youtube video etc that's totally fine just tag my instagram @HUGHS1E

Feel free to spread the word, it has made the game 100% better for me
Would these settings work on the controller? (DS4)
I tried again the game and the t300 is working ok on PS4. Deafult, not even opened the menu tab.

Have you updated the wheel firmware up to v29 from t.master site?

Can't undergo further tests cause i do not own the game.
Steering wheel incompatible or bad game?
I'm using a basic steering wheel called a Microsoft sidewinder
it has a lock to lock steering of almost 360 deg.
here's my problem:
I'm driving into an L3 corner, pretty tight... slowly im turning the wheel 15 deg
i make the corner and i move on
I go super slow something like 60 kph to see what the car is doing and open track i reach some L5 and R6 longs and I turn 15 deg and make the corner. same steering input and very different course curvatures... strange.
now i try the same course over again but i go fast as i can.
this time i'm going 60 in the L3 and i turn the wheel 60 deg
now i build up tons of speed and go 140 kph on the L5 and 160 on the R6 and i have to turn the wheel 90 deg...........
Now i figure there is something in the game design to prevent oversteer at high speed so i change the linearity to the maximum aggressiveness.
Changes nothing, just lest of an insane .5 to 1 sec delay between my input and the car rotating.
I looked up this forum and tried to change my saturation instead.
I tried 50 percent saturation.
So now i can make the corners at highest speed with about 50 deg steering wheel input.
But now my lock to lock is less than 180 deg total making the game seem completely unrealistic.... like anyone will use full steering lock on a 6 long corner gosh... and not hit a pole ad die or just flip the car in real life.
I would very much like to use the full 360 deg of steering on hairpins and tight corners and not on the straightaways please for the love of god. I'd also like for the car to have less of a delay like maybe instant??? the car should turn immediately when the wheels are turned, this isn't 35 inch snow after all.
Before I consider upping my game by buying a wheel with 600 to 900 deg of steering, i'd like to know if anyone has had this issue and if they have a fix for it and if they had to sacrifice many or all degrees of that steering wheel to get the car to turn at high speeds... Yea i know its completely upside down; a low lock to lock steering angle is more suited for tight corners and should be extremely hard to drive at high speed but in this game the steering feels extra sluggish and unpredictable.
On a footnote, the very first time i played the game with factory settings I tried a slightly cambered corner slowly and the drag of the slope was more significant than my steering input and i ended up in the ditch with full steering not being enough to counter even slight gravity.
Seems like the game counters my every effort to make it realistic. I'm praying its just a compatibility issue. Please advise.
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