Dirty driver list?

  • Thread starter TexHill
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Horsepower sells cars, torque wins races.
United States
Celina, Texas
I drove in daily races B & C last night, and during the C race I was grouped with some dirty drivers. One in particular tried to run me off the track several times when I attempted to pass him. I was able to get away from him only after he incurred a five second penalty.

The dirty drivers take a lot of the fun out of playing, and I know PD won't do anything about them, so why don't we publish a dirty driver list? Video proof would be required before the driver's name would appear on the list. Thoughts?
Never going to happen. On top of that about 80% of replies would be shaming the poster instead for not taking into account that of course the other player was going to divebomb without even trying to brake, they should have realized that and not even try to turn in while being ahead and having every right to the corner. At least that's how it usually goes.
Honest, in my final race, I drove two dirty laps. Some dudes in an R92 and in a Sauber Mercedes C9 got together at the start, they went at each other throughout all six laps, frequently catching me in the middle in my 787B. The first time the C9 swerved across the Dunlop Chicane right in front of me, I couldn't stop so I clipped him and he went into the grass. I blazed on to the Mulsanne, then, feeling it was my fault, pulled over to the right and slowed until he passed.
The bashing continued, I got sick of it, and on lap 6, slammed the C9 into a wall on the Mulsanne at over 200 MPH. He caught up and kept it up til I held the racing line at Indianapolis, pushing him into the gravel where he smashed headlong into a wall. The R92 was slightly ahead but misjudged entry into the Porsche curves and went deep into the gravel pit.
That was my last race. If I get to the point of driving dirty, I need to stop ruining other peoples' races. I still have a DS rating, but if you push me around enough, you'll finish the race in last place with major dents in both of our cars. Then I'm done.
I drive the same way in single player, giving the AI room to race, slowing down for them, going off the road to avoud hitting them, backing off if I don't think they can see, letting them keep the racing line as I try to lap them, etc. It's carried over into my IRL driving, too, especially the part about staying back if I'm not going to make it to their A pillar before they might need to change lanes or something.
Firstly, you've posted this in the Leagues & Online Racing subforum and it's neither a league nor an online race series you're intending to run for other people. Please read the pinned threads in any subforum before you post in it.

Secondly, no. We will not be hosting any kind of naming and shaming or a blacklist.
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