• Thread starter JKRACING23
So here's the deal. It looks like I have 2 people that gave me an answer that wanna race next week and 2 that wanna race tonight.

I think it'll make less of a scheduling mess if we do it next week and it gives people a chance to get cars that couldn't buy this week cause it is a pretty expensive week for cars. Also ER still likely won't be here, cards said he's going to miss most of the night, Steve says his arm is screwed up, and who knows what other craziness will ensue cause we're on a different night. Im guessing someone like Dude will have other stuff going on cause he barely can find time on our normal day.

So since its 2-2 for people who gave me a response and I think it'll make every ones life easier to just push it to next week I think that'll be the best move. This IS whats happening.

With missing a week if my calendar is correct before missing this week next season would be 9 weeks so I think this season should be 9 and the next 8 or vise versa.
So here's the deal. It looks like I have 2 people that gave me an answer that wanna race next week and 2 that wanna race tonight.

I think it'll make less of a scheduling mess if we do it next week and it gives people a chance to get cars that couldn't buy this week cause it is a pretty expensive week for cars. Also ER still likely won't be here, cards said he's going to miss most of the night, Steve says his arm is screwed up, and who knows what other craziness will ensue cause we're on a different night. Im guessing someone like Dude will have other stuff going on cause he barely can find time on our normal day.

So since its 2-2 for people who gave me a response and I think it'll make every ones life easier to just push it to next week I think that'll be the best move. This IS whats happening.

With missing a week if my calendar is correct before missing this week next season would be 9 weeks so I think this season should be 9 and the next 8 or vise versa.
I told you next friday
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I think he's annoyed that I didn't restart for him at mid field. I didn't because I thought he'd be done and would go do something else, and Cali would have probably killed me for waiting even longer. Did he come back cause if he did he should have spoke up. Im not going to restart if I barely know your there or not at all.
After it happened probably sunday or monday.

I pretty sad about this. Gogo let me know when you hear form him so I can try and talk to him as well. It was just a mistake I honestly thought he wasn't going to come back. I guess I should now assume when people leave cause of PD early in a race they're going to come back. I don't know why he deleted me though fine say your annoyed but give me a chance to explain myself.
After it happened probably sunday or monday.

I pretty sad about this. Gogo let me know when you hear form him so I can try and talk to him as well. It was just a mistake I honestly thought he wasn't going to come back. I guess I should now assume when people leave cause of PD early in a race they're going to come back. I don't know why he deleted me though fine say your annoyed but give me a chance to explain myself.
Ok I will. I dont know how many times I got disconnected from a room and as soon as you get back in the race has already started.
I'm so excited for The Grand Tour to start!!!!!! The trailer looks so good. Every time I watch it it puts a smile on my face.
I think I might have defused the situation between me and ER but we'll see I guess. He asked about a race so he clearly cares enough to ask about a races regs so hopefully he'll keep racing with us.
Scheduling update. Since I'm going away from December 16th to 26th the last week of DERL for 2016 will be December 9th. Which means that we have 9 weeks till then. So either we do 2 8 week seasons from now till then or we do 10 and 6. I think 8 and 8 is best. So this will be the last week of season 6. Since its the last week of the season then 1 race will have nos. But there's only 1 car thats eligible for all 4 that you can run it so I think the first week of next season will be best.
Scheduling update. Since I'm going away from December 16th to 26th the last week of DERL for 2016 will be December 9th. Which means that we have 9 weeks till then. So either we do 2 8 week seasons from now till then or we do 10 and 6. I think 8 and 8 is best. So this will be the last week of season 6. Since its the last week of the season then 1 race will have nos. But there's only 1 car thats eligible for all 4 that you can run it so I think the first week of next season will be best.
Formula GT cars can't take nos
I know that's why we'll do our nos race next week.

There's only 1 car across all 4 races that are street that you can buy nos for.