• Thread starter JKRACING23
Oh Steve first you tell me to shut up then you think my idea is good.:boggled:

Steve by any chance did you tell anyone else about this such as contender? Who by the way has a pretty good selection of cars from what I can see. And I'm guessing NO for the first question.
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Oh Steve first you tell me to shut up then you think my idea is good.:boggled:

Steve by any chance did you tell anyone else about this such as contender? Who by the way has a pretty good selection of cars from what I can see. And I'm guessing NO for the first question.
Nope I forgot i was doing school work all week and got distracted.
So that means that no one knows what's going on so they probably won't show up. Nice going. And kz is so screwed he's only got 2 cars to use.:lol:
So that means that no one knows what's going on so they probably won't show up. Nice going. And kz is so screwed he's only got 2 cars to use.:lol:
The race will just be the model of the car not the maker so c for corvette, r for rx7 and etc.
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I think Steve it'll add more choice if you go with make or model.

Oh Steve first you tell me to shut up then you think my idea is good.:boggled:

Steve by any chance did you tell anyone else about this such as contender? Who by the way has a pretty good selection of cars from what I can see. And I'm guessing NO for the first question.

So that means that no one knows what's going on so they probably won't show up. Nice going. And kz is so screwed he's only got 2 cars to use.:lol:

Beat it. You're not racing this week so no one cares what you think. Do us all a favor. Quit bashing Mega, go play w/ a dolphin, and don't post again till you have something constructive to say. :D
Relax Cali that's just how me and Steve communicate most of the time and the first one wasn't 'bashing' Steve I was just helping. And Steve told me to shut up basically when I was just helping.
Relax Cali that's just how me and Steve communicate most of the time and the first one wasn't 'bashing' Steve I was just helping. And Steve told me to shut up basically when I was just helping.
I didn't say shut up I said shhhhh
We will have amazing races tonight. :)
It felt like you meant that though.

I've actually not said that much since I left and again I'm just trying to help. And it wasn't like I said Steve was an idiot for forgetting to tell everyone I just assumed he forgot and I was right. If I hadn't said that he probably would have forgotten entirely.

These races do interest me if it goes well I might consider it for DERL in the future but I would make it make and model just to add some choice.

For the record I'm not saying that cause I would basically be screwed at this point. And for that matter kz as well. One thing I think you guys should consider is if kz shows up and releases that he can only use a couple of cars and none can get to the limit I think let me use Z as well. Which is why I would have also made the pp a little lower cause it's easier to find and have a chance with lower pp cars then higher if you have a small selection. I hope you guys give people a chance in this case if they're struggling. I looks like J and K interesting enough have some of the smallest selections but if I were there and you guys insisted on model only I guess I'd have to see how fast the jazz went ( ER said that's the only car I could use)

Have fun to night with all the stupidity that comes with online GT6 and I'm interested in how many people there are. I'm going to be at the Kennedy space center most of the day so I don't know when I'll get wifi again so I might not talk till you guys are racing.
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Oh ya guys your going to the ring!:lol:

I wish they would upgrade their emojis on here. There are so many good ones that they're missing that apple has:confused:.
What I got for Christmas. :)