• Thread starter JKRACING23
Really Cards Really you didn't think no ghosting was a rule.
Im not b i t c hing or anything but i went back to the very first page on here and it never said anything about "ghosting". Plus you never even said anything about it until friday during the acura/lexus/infiniti race
Ok you know what?? Lets put this behind us ok?? I thought this was a league that we could all have fun in but now i think its turning into Team Mopar (SUBpar in Jks case) vs the world. Im not saying it just to be a hypocrite or anything. Im saying because im starting to get tired of jk running his stupid mouth about how team tesla is the best and that everyone hates me kz and barrett. Now that et and duderino have joined your team jk i think they're just going to try and help you and er win most of the rest of the season and kill team mopar
Ok you know what?? Lets put this behind us ok?? I thought this was a league that we could all have fun in but now i think its turning into Team Mopar (SUBpar in Jks case) vs the world. Im not saying it just to be a hypocrite or anything. Im saying because im starting to get tired of jk running his stupid mouth about how team tesla is the best and that everyone hates me kz and barrett. Now that et and duderino have joined your team jk i think they're just going to try and help you and er win most of the rest of the season and kill team mopar
Cool story bro. Don't like it when everyone else has a team now do you?
Cards I think ghosting isn't allowed goes with out saying come on cards be reasonable. Cards the reason why I didn't put it on the home page is because I thought it went with out saying NO GHOSTING, NO GOING THE WRONG WAY, NO STOPPING, ON TRACK NO HITTING LEADER IF YOUR GETTING LAPPED AND NO HAND HOLDING WHEN IN THE LEAD TO RUN AWAY FROM THE PACK. (hand holding in the lead if you are slow is acceptable to an extent) In the case of me and ER at sarthe on the straight we were trying to keep the lead but not run away so I might make exceptions in those cases when your working with some one to hold the lead but not to run away. If you are holding hands and are clearly fastest you must at least race side by side and not help each other you don't need to wreck each other but you can't help each other. I think thats fair.

Guys can we please just get along. We all know that things get bad once we all start hating each other.
And I only race ER like my team mate I battle ET and dude.
I'm gonna guess that next week will be a battlefield on the track?
Yes there will be a battlefield next week
I don't think it will be as bad with JK not being there.

Also, I think it's a bit funny that Tesla (mostly JK) goes on the defensive: overly talking, saying for everyone to get along, acting like someone who drives as dirty with everyone as Aztec did is on the team just so there is an excuse not to discipline him, ect, when they are trying to catch Mopar in points.
I've always been a proponent of getting along, that's why I'm still doing DERL videos and following the "rules", but once Tesla starts driving desperate is when I may not be so nice.
I try my best to treat all of my teammates equal, and when a teammate is getting purposely targeted, then I will try to help whoever it is get away from the targeters.
Im not saying im the victim or anything i just dont understand why you had to say you're going to destroy me
Because you ruined my race at Tsukuba after you had been black flagged. If you were a good sport, you wouldn't have done that
Ok you know what?? Lets put this behind us ok?? I thought this was a league that we could all have fun in but now i think its turning into Team Mopar (SUBpar in Jks case) vs the world. Im not saying it just to be a hypocrite or anything. Im saying because im starting to get tired of jk running his stupid mouth about how team tesla is the best and that everyone hates me kz and barrett. Now that et and duderino have joined your team jk i think they're just going to try and help you and er win most of the rest of the season and kill team mopar
This goes with what I've been saying all along about how teams are garbage and ruin the fun when we all should be going against each other. The hatred basically started with Barrett gloating and saying his teams the best and has 'dominance' and then I've noticed you only say good race for the races you win and remain silent with when you lose. You wonder why everyone wants to see you guys lose is because of the gloating and giant ego.
This goes with what I've been saying all along about how teams are garbage and ruin the fun when we all should be going against each other. The hatred basically started with Barrett gloating and saying his teams the best and has 'dominance' and then I've noticed you only say good race for the races you win and remain silent with when you lose. You wonder why everyone wants to see you guys lose is because of the gloating and giant ego.
I never gloat. Its mostly barrett doing the gloating. I say good race even if i dont win but i dont when someone tries to either intentionally ruin my race or someone gloats about me getting taken out