- 711
- Springfield, Missouri
- brettfavre26
Do any of you read? See post #122.
I'm thinking about making a new thread to help those (get the code) who can't help themselves.
Do any of you read? See post #122.
TO MY KNOWLEDGE- No US DLC works on a EU console, and no EU DLC works on a US console. No one on this side of the pond could get the Chromeline Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
Also, from the fine print-
"2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS is only available to legal U.S. residents with a PlayStation®Network ("PSN") account who are 13 or older."
So no Canada or Europe availability, either. Sorry everyone.
I just had a fellow GTPer PM me because he is a French-Canadian, and he was having trouble reading my post. I hope the mods will not be upset if I repost it in French, since it is one of Canada's official languages. I do not speak French, but I used an online translator, so I hope it's accurate.
J'ai utilisé un traducteur Internet pour traduire mon poste dans le français, j'espère que c'est exact! Si vous avez autres questions, me demandez juste.
Je dois toujours vérifier ces choses peu importe que d'autres me disent. Je ne sais pas, je suppose que je dois juste voir le résultat décevant pour moi. D'habitude c'est une mauvaise chose pour moi, mais dans ce cas-là c'est GRAND! L'homme est heureux je jamais j'ai décidé de l'essayer bien que je SACHE qu'il ne travaillerait pas, 'provoquez la supposition que ? IL A TRAVAILLÉ!
Je suis à Ontario, Canada. J'ai utilisé le code d'UPC donné par BigMackAttack (841058005209) et j'ai pris l'idée de sw_sephiroth et ai utilisé des Cartes de Google pour chercher l'adresse d'un Magasin d'UPS à Los Angeles. Avec ces informations, mon nom réel et mon adresse e-mail réelle, j'ai été en mesure de recevoir un code de téléchargement du site Internet de Bord donné dans le blog relié de l'OP. Pour l'instant si bon, mais je savais déjà tout ce qui travaillerait parce que d'autres l'ont essayé. Le problème j'ai cru que j'arriverais était quand j'ai essayé d'échanger le code sur PSN. Bien, aucun problème, il a téléchargé la voiture ouvrent pour moi. Toujours ne s'attendait pas à ce que le fait de surgir ait apparu quand vous commencez GT5 après le fait de télécharger une voiture DLC. Bien, il a fait. Bien que je l'aie reçu loin, je ne m'attendais pas toujours à ce que la voiture vraiment ait été dans mon garage. Bien, il est.
Je l'ai et je suis au Canada, ainsi à TOUS LES CANADIENS : ESSAYEZ-LE S'IL VOUS PLAÎT PARCE QU'IL TRAVAILLE. Désolé des bonnets, mais je veux m'assurer que les gens le voient, comme j'ai été aussi convaincu de lire le reste de ce fil qu'il ne travaillerait pas pour nous.
I stand corrected. I'm dumbfounded that they would use a code so easily found online when everyone here knows full well the intention was to sell a few cans of shaving cream and some razors. Genius.Can anyone confirm that they are using the UPC as I find that very, very unlikely.
I always have to check these things no matter what others tell me. I don't know, I guess I just have to see the disappointing result for myself. Usually this is a bad thing for me, but in this case it's GREAT! Man am I ever glad I decided to try it even though I KNEW it wouldn't work, 'cause guess what? IT WORKED!
I am in Ontario, Canada. I used the UPC code given by BigMackAttack (841058005209), and I took the idea from sw_sephiroth and used Google Maps to look up the address of a UPS Store in Los Angeles. With this information, my real name and my real e-mail address, I was able to get a download code from the Edge website given in the blog linked from the OP. So far so good, but I already knew all that would work because others have tried it. The problem I thought I would get was when I tried redeeming the code on PSN. Well, no problem, it downloaded the car unlock for me. Still was not expecting the pop-up to appear when you start GT5 after downloading a DLC car. Well, it did. Even though I got that far, I still didn't expect the car to actually be in my garage. Well, it is.
I have it, and I'm in Canada, so TO ALL CANADIANS: PLEASE TRY THIS BECAUSE IT WORKS. Sorry for the caps, but I want to make sure people see it, as I was also convinced from reading the rest of this thread that it wouldn't work for us.
They don't sell Schick products here in Norway where I live. 👎
Can someone please pm me a Shick product code, so I can get this car aswell?
Plleeaaasseee ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
You can't use the same PSN redeem code but you can use few times the edge product code. I did it twice and did it another time for a friend. I should do it on my sub account too.Skitch2310I got it to max out (stock with oil change) at 177 in 5th. It would then shift to 6th and start to lose speed. the gearing is messed up with the stock box.
Can I get 2 if I do the code again? one to tune one to keep stock.
StingrayXThere's one simple concept...
If you want it for free, grab the code
If you want to support the cause, buy the can...
it's not out fault that they screwed up using the same code on every can.
I got it to max out (stock with oil change) at 177 in 5th. It would then shift to 6th and start to lose speed. the gearing is messed up with the stock box.
Can I get 2 if I do the code again? one to tune one to keep stock.
Apparently, you can download only one car per account. Someone can confirm that you cannot download two cars on the same account?