• Thread starter mercgoat
The likelihood of it being an issue with the way the store is set up is very slim. Any product sold in the PlayStation Store gets tested multiple times both dev side and Sony side before they even go anywhere near the public. I'm not saying it's impossible that they made a mistake in their setup, but it's not very likely.

EDIT: I've seen a similar post to this one seemingly pointing out the same issue so I may be wrong!

Well it seems I was very much wrong here! I hope everyone manages to get their purchases sorted out soon
Came here just to see if this was a wide spread issue, and just as I thought it is (Kinda feel less upset now..) Hopefully PD or Sony fixes this asap. Was super excited to drive the 356.. I guess I'll be waiting, lol.
PD may fix it asap. But Sony.. I doubt it.

Maybe because they're still fixing some of the the Collector's Edition bonuses we never received:lol:
Add me to the list of folks stuck in carless limbo.
Bought the GT350 from the PSN store through the game on the 17th and it still hasn't shown up.
PSN store shows purchased, purchased items in brand central shows it with a 0 next to it, clicking it gives no option to use it, only buy with credits or cash from the store. Clicking buy with cash takes me back to the store where it shows purchased.
I waited a few days thinking it was a slow syncing issues and hoped it would clear up but nothing so far.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Hope they fix it soon. Want to try that Porsche.

While they're fixing it, give us some microtransactions for all the cars. Not just the ones under $3 million.
**** I have experienced some other issues. I had over 500 cars and they are all gone. Also, when I try to down load a new paint livery from the searches, they do not show up.
Can someone tell me how to report these issues.
I posted this the other day...
Including my Video of the Issue..

It took me several hours and 3 different techs and a Supervisor, to Finally Get a refund.
I had to threaten to get my Attorney involved.
prior to that, they referred me to the GT Forum to Contact the Game Developer for Support.

Also what I found troubling..
i had a Game Purchase go bad a year ago, and got a refund for that...
So they Tell me, Sorry, you had a previous refund, so we can't refund you for this purchase !
What kind of BS is that...
I don't care if I had 100 previous refunds... If the Store has a Glitch.. then they MUST issue you a refund, no matter how many times it's happend before.

Here is the post in the other thread.

Here is some of my Support Log...

Me:the content is there but it has a quantity of zero. so nothing was added to the game.
Me:its a bug in the store with the just released content. it processed the order but sent a qty of zero instead of a qty of one.
Me: please refund the orders, or resubmit them so the store issues the correct qty to the game.

Benicio:Sadly George the refund can not be processed, due to you have a previous refund, and in this case the only option that we have for you, is contact the community of this game, you can contact them with this link

Me: there is no contact to polyphony digital. they are part of sony and have no direct support.
Me:this is a store issue.
Benicio:I am sorry George, this is the only option that we have for you, due to we have exhausted all the steps to try to find the cars, you will need to contact that community.
Me:i think i need to get my attorney involved. have a supervisor call me now.

Daniel:Hello, I am the supervisor in charge. I'll be more than happy to work with you and review the situation you are experiencing. Would you be so kind to allow me a moment while I review the conversation you just had with one of my agents? Thank you in advance for your time.
Me:ive now wasted the better part of an hour with this poor excuse for support.
Me: Please refund my purchases
Me:the store has a bug. it sent the purchased content with a quantity of zero. so i got nothing for my purchase.
Me:that is an in game video showing the issue.
Me: please take two minutes to view it.
Daniel:Thank you for that, we'll need to review it later on since we cannot access external links from the chat support.
Daniel:I do see you've purchased cars for the game before, is this the first time you've experienced this issue?
Me:yes. this is just released content today. i received the content in game, but it was sent with a quantity of zero.
Me:so the game added nothing. qty of zero is nothing.

Daniel:Thank you for confirming. We're sorry you're facing this issue today, and we definitely wouldn’t like this to be a hassle for you. Therefore, we can proceed with a PSN wallet refund for the purchases made considering the items are not showing up for you even after all the troubleshooting steps you've tried thus far.
Daniel:Please take into consideration that this will be done as a one-time gesture of goodwill due to the circumstances.
Daniel:That's correct, we're about to complete the PSN wallet, refund, I appreciate your time and patience.
Daniel:Alright, refund has been completed. Funds were sent to your PSN wallet. Take note of your refund case number for future reference:
Me: ok thank you.
Me: please review both videos.
I posted this the other day...
Including my Video of the Issue..

It took me several hours and 3 different techs and a Supervisor, to Finally Get a refund.
I had to threaten to get my Attorney involved.
prior to that, they referred me to the GT Forum to Contact the Game Developer for Support.

Also what I found troubling..
i had a Game Purchase go bad a year ago, and got a refund for that...
So they Tell me, Sorry, you had a previous refund, so we can't refund you for this purchase !
What kind of BS is that...
I don't care if I had 100 previous refunds... If the Store has a Glitch.. then they MUST issue you a refund, no matter how many times it's happend before.

Here is the post in the other thread.

Here is some of my Support Log...

Me:the content is there but it has a quantity of zero. so nothing was added to the game.
Me:its a bug in the store with the just released content. it processed the order but sent a qty of zero instead of a qty of one.
Me: please refund the orders, or resubmit them so the store issues the correct qty to the game.

Benicio:Sadly George the refund can not be processed, due to you have a previous refund, and in this case the only option that we have for you, is contact the community of this game, you can contact them with this link

Me: there is no contact to polyphony digital. they are part of sony and have no direct support.
Me:this is a store issue.
Benicio:I am sorry George, this is the only option that we have for you, due to we have exhausted all the steps to try to find the cars, you will need to contact that community.
Me:i think i need to get my attorney involved. have a supervisor call me now.

Daniel:Hello, I am the supervisor in charge. I'll be more than happy to work with you and review the situation you are experiencing. Would you be so kind to allow me a moment while I review the conversation you just had with one of my agents? Thank you in advance for your time.
Me:ive now wasted the better part of an hour with this poor excuse for support.
Me: Please refund my purchases
Me:the store has a bug. it sent the purchased content with a quantity of zero. so i got nothing for my purchase.
Me:that is an in game video showing the issue.
Me: please take two minutes to view it.
Daniel:Thank you for that, we'll need to review it later on since we cannot access external links from the chat support.
Daniel:I do see you've purchased cars for the game before, is this the first time you've experienced this issue?
Me:yes. this is just released content today. i received the content in game, but it was sent with a quantity of zero.
Me:so the game added nothing. qty of zero is nothing.

Daniel:Thank you for confirming. We're sorry you're facing this issue today, and we definitely wouldn’t like this to be a hassle for you. Therefore, we can proceed with a PSN wallet refund for the purchases made considering the items are not showing up for you even after all the troubleshooting steps you've tried thus far.
Daniel:Please take into consideration that this will be done as a one-time gesture of goodwill due to the circumstances.
Daniel:That's correct, we're about to complete the PSN wallet, refund, I appreciate your time and patience.
Daniel:Alright, refund has been completed. Funds were sent to your PSN wallet. Take note of your refund case number for future reference:
Me: ok thank you.
Me: please review both videos.

Thank you for such a detailed description of your experience. Microtransactions are a sensitive issue, and any negative experience makes me extremely hesitant to partake.
They gave me a refund so I can try again and it failed. I haven’t asked for a second refund. I’m like... Better fix it but you won’t get more money from me. I’ll grind on Blue Moon again.
They gave me a refund so I can try again and it failed. I haven’t asked for a second refund. I’m like... Better fix it but you won’t get more money from me. I’ll grind on Blue Moon again.
I grinded on Blue Moon and still lost all my cars. I had a USB for backup and that did not return my cars.
So whether you buy or grind you are still out, money or the time it took to amass the cars. How do I get all the hours back???

Oh and the fact that I lost all my tunes and the time and testing that went into doing that.
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I had a USB for backup and that did not return my cars.

The REAL game save is stored on Sony / PDI servers.
I believe this was done to prevent possible Game Save Edits.
So a Separate Progress that ONLY SONY / PDI save is made on their server.

Your Local Progress data, the one you can save on PS Plus or USB, is ONLY for OFF LINE play.
But when you Connect On Line, you get a Copy of your Progress that is saved on the SONY / PDI server.
When you Start GTS and it Connects, you Get the Circle Progress Screen that goes to 100%
That's your Game Getting the ON-LINE progress from the PDI Server, NOT from the PS Plus save.

If that Copy gets corrupted, it Doesn't Matter what your LOCAL, or PS Plus, or USB progress is...
When you Connect on-LINE, you GET the COPY from the SONY / PDI server, and there is NO WAY, to Sync that Back with your Local Copy.

You can Only Make your Local Copy MATCH what the Server has.
you can't make the Server match What your Local Copy has.

I have a 2nd PS4 with a 2nd PSN account.
I lost All of my Purchased Cars on that Account...
Only Cars from Daily mileage are in my Garage when I'm ON-LINE.

If I Keep my Network cable Unplugged,
Load my Last saved GTS Progress from my USB to System Storage.
Start GTS..
Then I have My FULL Garage of Cars again, but Only because I'm Off Line..
GTS is Using my OFF LINE progress file.
Quit GTS..
Plug in my Network Cable
Upload my GTS Progress to PS Plus ( so Now my PS Plus copy is the Same as what is in System Storage and as I had on my USB drive. )

now when I Start GTS
It Gets the On-Line Progress from the Server
and Now All my cars are Gone..
The System Storage Progress files was Over written by the Copy From Sony / PDI

The Local Progress file in System Storage , is no Longer the same as the One on PS PLUS, and same as on my USB drive

There are TWO different Progress files...
One that YOU can Save to USB, and to PS Plus...
and ONE that ONLY SONY / PDI keep.
You Can't UpLoad your Local Progress to change what Sony/PDI has.
But SONY/PDI can change what is in your Local System Storage copy.

Simple way to show this issue...

While On-Line go Buy 4 copies of a Cheap car...
In your Garage, sorted by Purchase date, you will see all 4 cars in a row...

Quit GTS
Save a copy of your Progress file to a USB stick..
It is the Current Garage with All 4 cars you Just Bought...

Start GTS
Sell 3 of the cars you just bought.
Your Garage Now Only has 1 of the cars left in it,

Quit GTS
Load the Progress file from USB to System Storage
Copy System Storage progress to PS PLUS

So the Saved Progress from your USB with all 4 cars
Is now in System Storage and in PS PLUS

UnPlug you Network Cable

Start GTS, you will be in Off Line Mode..
Check your Garage..
All 4 cars are in the Garage...

Quit GTS
Plug in your Network Cable

Start GTS
go Check your Garage.

Only 1 car is left..

Even though you Loaded the Saved Progress fro the USB stick, and Made the PS Plus copy the same...
When you re-Connect to the Sony / PDI server
You get the Copy they have. Not the Copy you restored.

Hope this makes clear what the Issue is...
Once the Copy that Sony / PDI has gets Corrupted..
you have no way to Recover it..
you Can't roll back to a Previous Save you have on USB.. ( Only for Off Line )

There is NO DIRECT PDI Support. no One to Contact for help.
No way to Recover from an accidental loss.
Last edited by a moderator:
The REAL game save is stored on Sony / PDI servers.
I believe this was done to prevent possible Game Save Edits.
So a Separate Progress that ONLY SONY / PDI save is made on their server.

Your Local Progress data, the one you can save on PS Plus or USB, is ONLY for OFF LINE play.
But when you Connect On Line, you get a Copy of your Progress that is saved on the SONY / PDI server.
When you Start GTS and it Connects, you Get the Circle Progress Screen that goes to 100%
That's your Game Getting the ON-LINE progress from the PDI Server, NOT from the PS Plus save.

If that Copy gets corrupted, it Doesn't Matter what your LOCAL, or PS Plus, or USB progress is...
When you Connect on-LINE, you GET the COPY from the SONY / PDI server, and there is NO WAY, to Sync that Back with your Local Copy.

You can Only Make your Local Copy MATCH what the Server has.
you can't make the Server match What your Local Copy has.

I have a 2nd PS4 with a 2nd PSN account.
I lost All of my Purchased Cars on that Account...
Only Cars from Daily mileage are in my Garage when I'm ON-LINE.

If I Keep my Network cable Unplugged,
Load my Last saved GTS Progress from my USB to System Storage.
Start GTS..
Then I have My FULL Garage of Cars again, but Only because I'm Off Line..
GTS is Using my OFF LINE progress file.
Quit GTS..
Plug in my Network Cable
Upload my GTS Progress to PS Plus ( so Now my PS Plus copy is the Same as what is in System Storage and as I had on my USB drive. )

now when I Start GTS
It Gets the On-Line Progress from the Server
and Now All my cars are Gone..
The System Storage Progress files was Over written by the Copy From Sony / PDI

The Local Progress file in System Storage , is no Longer the same as the One on PS PLUS, and same as on my USB drive

There are TWO different Progress files...
One that YOU can Save to USB, and to PS Plus...
and ONE that ONLY SONY / PDI keep.
You Can't UpLoad your Local Progress to change what Sony/PDI has.
But SONY/PDI can change what is in your Local System Storage copy.

Simple way to show this issue...

While On-Line go Buy 4 copies of a Cheap car...
In your Garage, sorted by Purchase date, you will see all 4 cars in a row...

Quit GTS
Save a copy of your Progress file to a USB stick..
It is the Current Garage with All 4 cars you Just Bought...

Start GTS
Sell 3 of the cars you just bought.
Your Garage Now Only has 1 of the cars left in it,

Quit GTS
Load the Progress file from USB to System Storage
Copy System Storage progress to PS PLUS

So the Saved Progress from your USB with all 4 cars
Is now in System Storage and in PS PLUS

UnPlug you Network Cable

Start GTS, you will be in Off Line Mode..
Check your Garage..
All 4 cars are in the Garage...

Quit GTS
Plug in your Network Cable

Start GTS
go Check your Garage.

Only 1 car is left..

Even though you Loaded the Saved Progress fro the USB stick, and Made the PS Plus copy the same...
When you re-Connect to the Sony / PDI server
You get the Copy they have. Not the Copy you restored.

Hope this makes clear what the Issue is...
Once the Copy that Sony / PDI has gets Corrupted..
you have no way to Recover it..
you Can't roll back to a Previous Save you have on USB.. ( Only for Off Line )

There is NO DIRECT PDI Support. no One to Contact for help.
No way to Recover from an accidental loss.
Thanks for your information, but Sony should make it possible to recover data. I find their customer services not reliable.
The fact that PD doesn't have its own direct support contact is beyond ridiculous. If the owner of GTPlanet has contacts with Kaz or PD, they should ask about it. As we've been able to attest to, the "official" Playstation support folks are 0 help.
Of course zero help. The PS Support is not supposed to represent another company and talk for them.. They most likely have no idea about GT Sport and that's obvious.

If they don't have a support email address atleast they should be active in their social media.
Yes, I have mentioned that before and I believe they have seen it!
They were fully inactive in Instagram and Twitter.
Never responding to any DMs.

At first they started posting some community scapes. Then became more active in Twitter with likes, retweets, replies etc.

The fact that they never reply to their DMs, let's the community understand that PD doesn't care about people's thoughts, ideas, questions and feedback.
Which is totally false. They listen to everything.
Not to mention that they never post anything on Instagram or Twitter. They only make post when an update is about to come and when is out.

Do you know how many DMs I receive daily and how many people I have helped out?
And I'm only one admin on my Instagram page.

So, they better make an email address for fans to contact them or atleast become a lot more active and post news, info, updates and more things about the game like Mileage store updates, common bugs and new fixes.
Or give me access to @thegranturismo Instagram account to manage social media communications and DMs..
Of course zero help. The PS Support is not supposed to represent another company and talk for them.. They most likely have no idea about GT Sport and that's obvious.

If they don't have a support email address atleast they should be active in their social media.
Yes, I have mentioned that before and I believe they have seen it!
They were fully inactive in Instagram and Twitter.
Never responding to any DMs.

At first they started posting some community scapes. Then became more active in Twitter with likes, retweets, replies etc.

The fact that they never reply to their DMs, let's the community understand that PD doesn't care about people's thoughts, ideas, questions and feedback.
Which is totally false. They listen to everything.
Not to mention that they never post anything on Instagram or Twitter. They only make post when an update is about to come and when is out.

Do you know how many DMs I receive daily and how many people I have helped out?
And I'm only one admin on my Instagram page.

So, they better make an email address for fans to contact them or atleast become a lot more active and post news, info, updates and more things about the game like Mileage store updates, common bugs and new fixes.
Or give me access to @thegranturismo Instagram account to manage social media communications and DMs..

Errr SONY wholly own PD.

Errr SONY wholly own PD.

Yeah of course. But it's not their job to help people about GT.
I mean, it's more of their job to help people with any console issue or VR, than helping with the game. That's my point
The fact that PD doesn't have its own direct support contact is beyond ridiculous. If the owner of GTPlanet has contacts with Kaz or PD, they should ask about it. As we've been able to attest to, the "official" Playstation support folks are 0 help.

What game developer DOES have its own customer support number? I've never heard of any of them having it so while it's ridiculous to you that they don't have one, it's even more ridiculous to me that they expect them to as if it's the norm instead of being extremely rare, which it 100% is.
What game developer DOES have its own customer support number? I've never heard of any of them having it so while it's ridiculous to you that they don't have one, it's even more ridiculous to me that they expect them to as if it's the norm instead of being extremely rare, which it 100% is.

Number? I'm talking about a support contact/forum/email/something. Turn10/PG (Forza), as an example, have an official technical support forum (much like most game developers) and recently introduced a support ticket system. MS/Forza figureheads are also on social media interacting with users.

That's what I'm talking about and its quite ridiculous to not have something in place in 2019.

Why can't Kaz/PD implement this? Hire some folks and open it up rather than skirting responsibility to "Playstation support" who can't assist at all with specific game issues like PD's servers, data corruption, etc.
Yeah. This is why I get in-game credits for my cars.
Number? I'm talking about a support contact/forum/email/something. Turn10/PG (Forza), as an example, have an official technical support forum (much like most game developers) and recently introduced a support ticket system. MS/Forza figureheads are also on social media interacting with users.

That's what I'm talking about and its quite ridiculous to not have something in place in 2019.

Why can't Kaz/PD implement this? Hire some folks and open it up rather than skirting responsibility to "Playstation support" who can't assist at all with specific game issues like PD's servers, data corruption, etc.

A forum is something VERY different to a support contact. Again, what developer has a support contact and not just a forum or ticket system??? Because I could name thousands of games that don't if I had the time.

That being said, GT Sport should have a support forum but frankly I'm not surprised it doesn't. That's just kind of the way most japanese developers do things. They rarely have support forums.

Not to mention, THIS is kind of their support forum. PD pays attention to GT Planet. Just because they don't do everything we ask for doesn't mean they're not here all the time.

Personally, I don't think have a support forum or contact would get the problem fixed any faster than how it is now. They know about the problem, and they're gonna fix it at their usual slow pace. It's BS, but having a support contact wouldn't help. It's not like PD hasn't got the message and isn't working with Sony America to fix it. Frankly, I think it's on Sony's end. Sony America has always been TRASH.
Number? I'm talking about a support contact/forum/email/something. Turn10/PG (Forza), as an example, have an official technical support forum (much like most game developers) and recently introduced a support ticket system. MS/Forza figureheads are also on social media interacting with users.

That's what I'm talking about and its quite ridiculous to not have something in place in 2019.

Why can't Kaz/PD implement this? Hire some folks and open it up rather than skirting responsibility to "Playstation support" who can't assist at all with specific game issues like PD's servers, data corruption, etc.
Apologies, this may be a long post.

I've never owned an XBox, so I have not taken any interest in how things are done on the other side.
But this piqued my interest so I had a look.

Let me begin by saying this.
PD literally started off as part of SONY.
PD are owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment.
PD make the games.....but after that it's all SIE.

I'm talking about a support contact/forum/email/something....and its quite ridiculous to not have something in place in 2019.
At the top of's front page there are links to the official Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube accounts.
There's also a link to PD's site, which every link there revolving contacting them(including applying for a job) is via SIE.
At the bottom of the front page there is another set of those links.
Plus also links for official Support and game Forums.
And it would be a fairly safe bet to suggest that all of those things, including (but perhaps excluding PD's own site), are handled by a SONY representative.

You may not think they are very useful, but you cannot claim they have nothing "in place".

Why can't Kaz/PD implement this? Hire some folks and open it up rather than skirting responsibility to "Playstation support" who can't assist at all with specific game issues like PD's servers, data corruption, etc.
You're probably getting the idea now that it really isn't up to Kaz/PD to "implement this".
Also, PlayStation Support has assisted with specific game issues, for example - lost save data, amongst other things.

And speaking of servers, I had a look for something similar on the Forza site.
I chose the "Multiplayer Connection Troubleshooting" for XBox One as that seemed quite relevant.
Guess where I ended up?

Now, as I said I had a look at the "Turn10/PG (Forza) official technical support forum".
No question, it's a great resource.

The thing to remember though is that PD have 1 game on the current console. That's it.
It's pushing 12 months since the GT6 servers were closed, so there is very little discussion regarding that game on an already fairly quiet forum.
And SONY don't have separate forums for individual games anyway, even their highest selling ones.

Forza, on the other hand, has Horizon 2/3/4 and Motorsport 5/6/7 all on the current console, plus PC.
So it makes some sense to have a dedicated site for such a popular franchise.

Well, yeah.
Turn10/PG or Microsoft run though?

I note the "Read first" post on the Forza 7 Support forum, posted by someone ranked "Forza staff" starts by saying:
"Although we have helpful members and mods who can help with technical support questions, this forum is NOT an official Technical Support forum for Xbox or Windows."

and ends by saying:
"As this is not an official support forum, please note that mods/employees may not respond or be able to provide you with help, but we will certainly do our best and are grateful for the many helpful forum members."

Similarly with the "Read first" post for Horizon 4.

Anyway, that's getting picky, and as I say I don't know exactly who handles the queries as I've no experience with the Forza forums.
But whether it's Turn10/PG or a Microsoft rep. on the forum doesn't matter.
And whether the ticket emails go to Turn10/PG or a Microsoft rep. doesn't matter.
It's an official avenue for Forza players, and the new ticket submission process looks good.

It's certainly better than what SONY/PD has.
Any news of a patch or fix or anything? I see y’all griping about support, which cool what Eva..... but any news regarding a patch fix? Personally, I’m not gonna waste any amount of time trying to recoup my 2$ and change. I accidentally purchased a game once and Sony was very helpful but said it would be a 2 month wait for my refund. So I just pinched pennies else where to make up for my blunder (don’t be sleepy in the ps store.) Frustrating, yes. End of world, Far far from it.

Maybe it’s the US government shutdown..... that’s probably it.