Do Teenage Girls Grow Up Too Fast?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
Normally, I'm not the Reality TV type. But if there's been something I've been watching a lot nowadays, it's been some of the programming on MTV. Normally before going to school, I watch "Wanna Come In?" to see some cute girls. Then I watch "Room Raiders" for the same reason, granted there's at least one cute lady. But one of the newest shows on MTV's "10 Spot" is called "My Super Sweet 16." Basically, this show is about young ladies who are going to hit 16 years old and have their Sweet 16 in usually wild, unreal parties. One lady had the Red Hot Chili Peppers perform with a fist fight during the party (one of the girls got struck in her right cheek. She was okay). Another lady had a nice, not really over-the-top celebration, but had three streakers come through. One of them wasn't the one invited. The next episode should feature a lady going to Paris, France and having a lot of money used up.

After watching about two episodes of "My Super Sweet 16," that got me asking... do teen girls grow up too fast? Sometimes fast enough to want to talk about sex, boys, pregnancy, and all that.

Just because a lady is 16 is no indication that a lady is "grown." Some parents probably believe that their daughters are already grown with fashion items like mini skirts, ultra-feminine tops, high heels, and not to mention something like pictures of sexy (or cute) men. I'll offer my views later, but for now, if you got something for this, go ahead.
If they are willing and able to put out, then WTF are you complaining for???

It sounds like this TV show only visits the rich 16 year olds. They do some wierd sheite. They do though tend to be the more grown up. They are always thinking. You are never safe around them.

Chicks that I know are driving, working, juggling everyday things, partying and still being able to do well in school. Yeah I'd say they are maturing quicker. Guys are too, but nowhere near as fast as the ladies.
i guess you could say children aren't so innocent anymore.
DRIFT, tell that to girls here. My school is full of immature girls ready to hit 16. They go, "OMG! I'll be able to drive. And we'll have this and that!"

I usually stay away from it due to the fact that most of the "popular" girls act like whores. They love the attention. :yuck:

When I turned 16, I said, "Hey. Cool. 16, driving. Alright."
If they are willing and able to put out, then WTF are you complaining for???

Amen. :sly:

McLaren F1GTR
I usually stay away from it due to the fact that most of the "popular" girls act like whores. They love the attention. :yuck:

Yeah that's one of the worst things. I see girls around town all the time and their look just screams (sorry AUP) "Hey! Want to screw me? Over here!" - it's just that really slutty look.

I 'know' a 15 year old girl who wears these short tops and tight jeans. Ask yourself this. Does she think she's too young? No. But if that same girl were to be two years younger in the same get-up, that's a different story.
McLaren F1GTR
DRIFT, tell that to girls here. My school is full of immature girls ready to hit 16. They go, "OMG! I'll be able to drive. And we'll have this and that!"

I usually stay away from it due to the fact that most of the "popular" girls act like whores. They love the attention. :yuck:

When I turned 16, I said, "Hey. Cool. 16, driving. Alright."
The chicks here are like Las Vegas Casinos hosts. They look appealing. Very appealing. Although they have a tendancy to overdo it sometimes. Sometimes you win with them, but most of time you lose.. You also have to have some sort of membership, to be able to be with them. You have to have been one of their clients for a long time before you really get to be a part of them.

SC - Damn right.
Ok, that just made it sound like those girls are prostitute's and want money in exchange for services.

Luckily, the one I am dating does not do this "whore" deal.
Yes. And so do males evidently. But I guess girls have always been having sex at 15, I mean that was the age most girls would marry 200 years ago. I guess our society just looks upon it slightly differenly now.

But I think most teens now think they're grown up way before they really are.

It's not the teenage girls (or boys for that matter) that scare me. It's the preteens. In Canada (and I can guess a good chunk of the western world also) activities like oral and anal sex is becoming commonplace amongst 10-12 year olds. Many preteen girls are now concerned with looking sexy, being inspired by images of women they see in entertainment and the media. Teenage girls have been horny since the dawn of time, but it's certainly the sexually active 10-12 year olds who frighten me.
This has nothing to do with Gran Turismo, which is why this is being discussed in an opinions forum. This is not the place to discuss Gran Turismo, seeing how we have separate forums for that very purpose.
What the **** has this to do with Gran turismo

Absolutely nothing. Which is why it's being discussed in the Off-Topic Opinions forum and not any of the various Gran Turismo forums. ;)

That's why the administrator stuck the name of the forum in big-ass white letters in the blue space there. So you can look at it, read it, and go "Oh, this is where we come when we want to shoot the ****, and THIS is where we go when we want to talk about Gran Turismo".

It's not the teenage girls (or boys for that matter) that scare me. It's the preteens. In Canada (and I can guess a good chunk of the western world also) activities like oral and anal sex is becoming commonplace amongst 10-12 year olds. Many preteen girls are now concerned with looking sexy, being inspired by images of women they see in entertainment and the media. Teenage girls have been horny since the dawn of time, but it's certainly the sexually active 10-12 year olds who frighten me.

That's mad. I'd stick a chastity belt on those kdis and tell them to go play with Barbie dolls or something. That's just nasty.
That's mad. I'd stick a chastity belt on those kdis and tell them to go play with Barbie dolls or something. That's just nasty.

Barbie is the problem, not the solution.

A few months ago there was this thing about thongs for pre-teens :yuck:
lol that is gross. kids make mistakes and learn from them. lol sounds stupid but did you guys ever read that book "house on mango street" by cisenieros or something (that was her last name). the way i see it is if they want to look like "whores" then let them. its not like guys are going to stop them (are you)? its pretty bad though now because even my cousin who is like 12 is getting all of these model search offers and people are offering her to be a model on the streets. that thing about pre-teen children is just (shivers)gross(shivers) thats a bad sign for todays standards.
There's a girl in my school, 7th garde that goes around bragging to all her friends that she's "done it". I KNOW she's full of **** but for gods sake. She supposedly did this last year. At 12! All the popular girls in my school have at least one thong. When they bend over to get a paper and you can see the thong, that's just wrong. I mean, i can't complain but they just aren't all "there" yet. Mind or body. Oh well.
This doesn't surprise me at all. I know a girl who is only 14 and already had sex.
I know loads...

The scary thing is my form teacher claims that some teachers can tell when a pupil has had sex due to a significant change in their behaviour.
lol i don't even want to think about that. its almost impossible to "find a clean one" these days. the bar has officially lowered for guys to aim for <8- P
It's not the teenage girls (or boys for that matter) that scare me. It's the preteens. In Canada (and I can guess a good chunk of the western world also) activities like oral and anal sex is becoming commonplace amongst 10-12 year olds. Many preteen girls are now concerned with looking sexy, being inspired by images of women they see in entertainment and the media. Teenage girls have been horny since the dawn of time, but it's certainly the sexually active 10-12 year olds who frighten me.

holy crap, no kidding. My friend peter ( know who I'm talkin about :sly:) has this siter whos like 12-13...and holy crap she either watches way too much TV, or has some sick mind of what is and isn't attractive. I mean, in like grade 6 or 7 she was wearing belly tops, super tight lowcut pants, and tons of makeup and everything. Quite sickening almost. And they're quite possibly the most immature people I've ever seen. The guys (for maturity) though are the worst. For some reason the grade 9's at my school just drive me nuts. It's like they try to be funny, but really end up making me want to strangle them. No idea why.
Yeah, I went over to one of the local middle-schools to teach 6th and 7th graders basic Italian, and half the girls looked more slutty than some 16, 17, and 18-year olds at my school.

I think most of it comes from the whole attention ordeal, which mainly starts in middle-school. I find that the number of sluts decrease around the age of 17 when most girls' natural beauty kicks in anyways.
Actually, most of this slutty behaviour is likely due to the whores in modern pop music. When young girls see their idols like Christina and Britney dressing like cheap hookers, they will likely follow suit (although thankfully the slutty pop star fad is neary dead at least for now). And it isn't any better for boys. Mistreating women is a common thing in hip hop music that is popular with young boys.

But I'm not one of these idiots who is going to blame the moral corruption of today's children entirely on music. Much of it is down to the lazy and/or imcompetent parents. They should be around to tell their children to treat women with respect, or to tell their daughters that dressing like a slut is wrong (especially with all the pedophiles today).
This doesn't surprise me at all. I know a girl who is only 14 and already had sex.
I know a few too. One of them is slut through and through. She'd screw anything with a wang.


I know of one girl. One girl who was waiting until marriage. I say was because she fell into the hole not long ago. She is 17 and 17 when it happened. Just a shame.
By the time your in Grade 8, it's normal to know everything you shouldn't know.

Atleast in today's schools.
I remeber my first year of school. I was 5-6 years old. I was still living in South Africa and I was attending a really good school. During my first year (Remember I'm only 5 years old at this time) my class starts getting taught Sex Ed. Diagrams and all. And they wonder why people are maturing too fast.
But then again, South Africa is a different story, due to the aids epidemic there, so I think teaching kids at a young age about that sort of stuff is a good idea, if done in an appropriate manner of course.
Physically? Yes, thanks to all the growth hormones in our food supply.

Emotionally, mentally etc. ? No. I think they're just the opposite; getting worse.
yeah parents really need to step up and take care of this stuff. i can't even imagine mistreating a female. one of my aunts was abused by her husband and the guys in my family won't stand for that bs so they told her to stab him with an icepick while he was sleeping. lol sounds messed up but she stabbed him in the "bum" many times. haha my family is messed up <8- P i guess he could not sit properly for a while and learned his lesson.
I know a girl and she was "Going out" with a 45 year old married guy, of course he was probably just having sex with her whenever he pleased but she genuinly thought they were in a "real" relationship. She was 15 at the time. It's really sad to see this sort of thing.

I would have been surprised to not see a comment similar to "most teen girls THINK they're grown." A contributing factor to this would be culture. Like in Mexico, most girls have their quinceanera when they turn 15. I found a nice website about this here:

As recording artist Pink once sang, "I'm coming out, so you better get this party started." I agree with most of you that we have what some call "tweens," which are more like pre-teens with the kinds of fashion savvy and attitude like a teen. A similar topic to this one was what I titled "Life After Age 21," or something like that. I focused on what it's like being older than 21 or reaching that. I guess when it comes to this issue, you kind of have to consider culture as well.

I have corrections to make. I said "Red Hot Chili Peppers" on one of those Sweet 16 episodes, I meant to say that Pauly Shore, along with Unwritten Law was in the house at a Hard Rock Cafe where the episode was shot. One message board REALLY jumped on MTV's latest 10 Spot show. Take a look at this message board for a lot of rants about "My Super Sweet 16":

While the repliers took some shots at the ladies who were "coming out," some of them are more like "they're not THAT old or THAT special. It's just a birthday party." But even then, do you think some ladies get to be just a wee bit out of control with knowing what it's REALLY like to be a mature lady?