Do Teenage Girls Grow Up Too Fast?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
Rich girls are much different than average ones. They're much more spoiled and they can afford the more slutty clothing. They're generally cuter, since they have access to many more dermatologic products. Plus, they have more money to spend on having a good time. They do grow up too fast.
Event Horizon
Rich girls are much different than average ones. They're much more spoiled and they can afford the more slutty clothing. They're generally cuter, since they have access to many more dermatologic products. Plus, they have more money to spend on having a good time. They do grow up too fast.
+ they have Daddy to fall back on if they're in trouble. They always cave.

Yes I fully agree. S.A. is a different place altogether. Disease makes it harder. Generally stuff like that wouldn't stick on a childs mind. Especially at that age.
I'm surprised no Dutch people have walked in. At aleast I think it is the Dutch I'm thinking of.

There they have Sex Ed really young, 3rd grade or so. The advantages being a big reduction in teen pregnancies. Just look at it in the UK. we have the highest teen pregnancies in Europe (I think) because we get realy little Sex Ed, maybe 4-5 lessons in our entire education.

Would you prefer they grew up quicker and wiser, or slower and dumber?
:yuck: that whole 10-12 yr old thing just disgusts me!!!!

it's definitely a problem. And I think we can blame a lot on MTV. And the rest on parents who just don't care. They don't want the raising of the kids to enterfere with there own social lives. I think danoff said something about America being morally superior in another thread.....I think that could be argued pretty easily. if companies stopped making the clothes, Entertainers started acting respectable, and parents started paying attention, things would be a lot different. But companies are gonna do what makes them money no matter what, and Entertainers are going to appeal to our most basic wants. And parents....well, they'll see their folly in 20 years, or maybe the won't :scared:
It does show that girls aren't actually paying attention to the Artists and bands. Radio is in no way a part of this epidemic. It's all TV. Only the music clips, chicks pay attention too. I mean if you listen to a song from the days of Elvis. The lyrics are really dodgey. Compare that to a song from thesedays (Not rap though). Either we have sort of cleaned up our act or Chicks only watch music vids.

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